Carl Williams Must Inform Officers They Must Stand Down When Subjects Of Arrest Decide To Resist…

The Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) in Kingston has report­ed­ly ruled that there will be no crim­i­nal charges prof­fered against Police offi­cers who tus­sled with a Woman as they tried to arrest her.
The inci­dent occurred in the Gordon Town area of rur­al St Andrew in late July.

Regardless of what neces­si­tat­ed the arrest, regard­less of what pre­cip­i­tat­ed the tus­sle, what was evi­dent in the video is a woman vio­lent­ly attack­ing and fight­ing with police offi­cers who law­ful­ly told her she was under arrest,.
That is what’s important.

The police have a duty to present to a court of law , evi­dence beyond a rea­son­able to sub­stan­ti­ate an arrests.
If the per­son arrest­ed is exon­er­at­ed by a court of law, that per­son has reme­dies under the law to sue for damages.
Citizens who are told by the police they are under arrest must com­ply with offi­cers com­mands with­out fight­ing or oth­er­wise imped­ing that arrest.
The crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica is so crim­i­nal friend­ly that a police offi­cer was recent­ly con­vict­ed for shoot­ing a taxi oper­a­tor who attacked him in uni­form , knocked him to the ground and strug­gled with him.
Faced with the like­li­hood of los­ing his weapon and his life he shot the assailant.
The police offi­cer was con­vict­ed in the Jamaican courts.

Jamaica’s Crime Not Rooted In The Ghettos.…

The media not to be out­done con­tin­ued to run with the brain-dead idio­cy that the police were caught tus­sling with a woman they want­ed to arrest.
What do these idiots mean caught? When was sub­du­ing a vio­lent sub­ject become unlawful?
The lap-dog police senior offi­cers includ­ing the pathet­ic com­mis­sion­er did not stand up for the offi­cers who were doing what they were trained to do.

If the offi­cers are to be chas­tised, it should be for not tak­ing com­mand of the woman more decid­ed­ly, and arrest­ing those on the side­lines who were inter­fer­ing in the process.
The high com­mand through the Inspectorate branch instead, betrayed the offi­cers by sub­mit­ting a file to the DPP upon which that office ruled that there were no breach­es in law on the part of the officers.
This despite the fact that INDECOM the police per­se­cu­tion Agency shock­ing­ly stat­ed through it’s deputy Commissioner Hamish Campbell that the offi­cers did their best to restrain her and were extreme­ly patient .

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Notwithstanding the Inspectorate is not done , it has con­tin­ued it’s witch-hunt of these officers.
I am par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in under­stand­ing from the do noth­ing Inspectorate Branch what exact­ly are offi­cers sup­posed to do when a sub­ject refus­es to sub­mit to arrest?

I call on the lack­ey Commissioner of Police to issue a stand­ing order to offi­cers who are con­front­ed with bel­liger­ent , vio­lent offend­ers that they should stand down.
The law gives police offi­cers across the globe, Jamaica being no excep­tion, the pow­er and the right to use all nec­es­sary force to effect an arrest.
By God , what kind of mes­sage are they send­ing when police offi­cers are not even allowed to effect sim­ple arrests?
Since the inter­na­tion­al pro­to­col of using force to law­ful­ly effect arrests no longer apply in Jamaica, it is impor­tant that the chief con­sta­ble Carl Williams inform the offi­cers under his com­mand to stand down when those they want to arrest decide they do not wish to be arrested.

One vil­lage lawyer actu­al­ly sought to crit­i­cize me in a lengthy social media post at the time I came out in sup­port of the offi­cers. His stu­pid con­tention was that she had a right to resist arrest because of dif­fi­cul­ties in secur­ing bail and a raft of oth­er issues which has noth­ing to do with police.
This is the lev­el of luna­cy and idio­cy which informs debates in the Jamaican space.
If you are afraid you won’t be get­ting bail stay out of trouble.
Ironically Jamaica has one of the most lax bail law, and a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem dom­i­nat­ed by crim­i­nal lov­ing judges who sum­mar­i­ly release vis­cous mur­der­ers back onto the streets as soon as they are arrest­ed. These vis­cous killers prompt­ly kill again and again and again with­out consequence.
In some case up to five known times and are grant­ed bail regardless.

Commissioner Carl Williams has become a dis­grace. Staying on as com­mis­sion­er does a hor­ri­ble dis­hon­or to polic­ing and a dis­ser­vice to offi­cers under his command.
Commissioner Williams, if you can­not stand up and defend your offi­cers when they go over and above to do the right thing of what use are you?
Why would these offi­cers actions even be ques­tioned in the first place?


Jamaica is a place with an extreme­ly high crime rate . No amount of spin­ning or bull­shit­ting will change that fact.
When for­eign coun­tries have to send their own offi­cers to observe court pro­ceed­ings in cas­es where extra­di­tion requests are in order, it is a sear­ing indict­ment on the state of the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem on the Island.
It means they have no con­fi­dence in the sys­tem to deliv­er jus­tice to crim­i­nals. Lets stop with the patri­ot­ic bull­shit and the ratio­nal­iza­tion , they know and believe, that the sys­tem is one which sup­ports criminality.
As I have said this jus­tice sys­tem is a sham. It sup­ports crim­i­nals and demo­nizes police. Lets cut to the chase, Jamaica’s crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem means exact­ly that.
It is a jus­tice sys­tem which favors cod­dles and encour­ages crime.
I stand with the offi­cers in this case . For the record I would not be as char­i­ta­ble as they were .
That’s the bot­tom line.
Step aside Commissioner Williams you are not a leader…
