About This So Called Blue Collar Anger…


Truth be told as the two political conventions came to a close last night the difference in tone and optics were as stark as night and day.
If you are a middle American steel worker, or factor worker who cannot find a job, the message coming out of the Republican gloom-fest is just what you want to hear.
If you believe Immigrants are boogeymen, that President Obama is a Manchurian president, (who isn’t a real president) planted to destroy America. If you believe Obama is doing nothing about defeating ISIL. And if you believe the millions of jobs created under Obama’s Presidency did not happen, then I can see how Donald J Trump is an attractive candidate to you.

It’s quite easy to sus­pend real­i­ty if one is pre­dis­posed to believ­ing the likes of ser­i­al phi­lan­der­er Newt Gingrich and Race-bait­ing Rudolph Giuliani, a for­mer Presidential can­di­date who failed to win a sin­gle del­e­gate are cred­i­ble voic­es on where America should go.

Look-we can con­tin­ue to beat this drum of insan­i­ty, sus­pend­ing com­mon sense when we con­tin­ue to say the same stu­pid old things cycle after cycle expect­ing that repeat­ing a lie enough changes it to truth.
John McCain said it best in 2008, speak­ing to those so-called rust belt vot­ers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio: The jobs aren’t com­ing back.


No one was born a steel-work­er, no one was born a fac­tor work­er. As I have said repeat­ed­ly- cows do not eat and wait for the grass to regrow so they may eat again; they keep mov­ing. No one was born a steel-worker.
Lets be real, under Barack Obama 12.8 mil­lion jobs were cre­at­ed; that is not only fan­tas­tic, it must be viewed in spe­cif­ic contexts.
This hap­pened after the worst reces­sion since the great Depression . It hap­pened against Republican blan­ket obstruc­tion­ism. It hap­pened while many jobs which peo­ple took for grant­ed tra­di­tion­al­ly dis­s­a­peared from the econ­o­my; not only because of glob­al­iza­tion but because of advances in technology.

Millions of jobs gone, ♦Toll col­lec­tors ♦Bank tellers♦ Librarians ♦ Supermarket check-out clerks♦ Lithographers♦ Store Clerks♦ We could go on and on about the mil­lions of jobs which have dis­s­a­peared because of tech­nol­o­gy. When you add the jobs out­sourced based on labor costs , you begin to get a bet­ter pic­ture why Wall street is doing just fine while Main Street isn’t.
This is the oth­er side of open­ing up to the glob­al mar­ket­place. Yes we may be able to sell more goods per-se , but there are far more work­ers com­pet­ing for less jobs, that dri­ves down labor costs.
Making America great again is an unat­tain­able mirage; much like Reagan’s shin­ing city on a hill was.

If peo­ple want to believe in a metaphor­ic unreach­able Utopia, they are enti­tled to do so. That how­ev­er will not place food on the table, keep a roof over their heads or send their chil­dren to school.
Understanding the chang­ing dynam­ics of the 21st cen­tu­ry glob­al econ­o­my will. That means rec­og­niz­ing as Senator McCain said years ago “those jobs are not com­ing back.
Seeking retrain­ing and reori­ent­ing one­self in a chang­ing world will.


Being angry, hate­ful and mad is a not a strat­e­gy for sur­vival. Demagoguery, stereo­typ­ing , fin­ger point­ing, and hatred is nev­er a strat­e­gy for sur­vival. Adaptability is.
When peo­ple can­not find jobs they can­not feed their fam­i­lies and that is heart break­ing . It can rea­son­ably be said that in Silicone Valley there is hard­ly a short­age of opportunities.
According to indeed​.com The Silicon Valley, CA job mar­ket is strong com­pared to the rest of the US. Over the last year, job post­ings in Silicon Valley, CA have increased by 10% rel­a­tive to a nation­al decline of 32%.
Those facts speaks exact­ly to the need for retrain­ing and a dif­fer­ent mind­set about employment.

Before the American West was won pio­neer­ing prospec­tors set out in cov­ered wag­ons push­ing ever more west­ward . Many had high hopes of strik­ing it rich as prospec­tors of Gold and oth­er pre­cious metals.
Some did find gold and oth­er pre­cious met­als, the vast major­i­ty did not.
Travelling with those enter­pris­ing prospec­tors were peo­ple who sold shov­els and pick-axes. People who shined shoes and oth­ers who repaired the hooves of horses.
All across the heart­land and fur­ther west small one hoss towns emerged .
The Barber, the Blacksmith, The motel own­er. The Saloon own­er, and yes the undertaker.

That was the spir­it of America-an under­stand­ing that peo­ple can shrug off what they held dear, set aside old com­fort lev­els and set out on new paths, in new places, with new possibilities.
What Donald Trump offers is fear instead of strength, anger instead of focus, despair instead of enthusiasm.
Voters can decide which way they want to go and they will.….
