Brooklyn Cops Allegedly Arrest Mailman After He Criticizes Their Driving


Police arrest­ed an on-duty mail­man last week in Crown Heights after he object­ed to their dri­ving, accord­ing to Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. Adams held a press con­fer­ence on Tuesday after­noon to decry the arrest of Glenn Grays, which took place on the after­noon of March 17th.
Adams recount­ed that Grays, 27, stepped out of his mail truck on President Street at around 4 p.m. as offi­cers in an unmarked car drove by and near­ly clipped him. The plain­clothes offi­cers lat­er recount­ed Grays being “loud and bois­ter­ous” and curs­ing at them. A video of the inci­dent pur­port­ed­ly picks up at this point.

The cell­phone footage shows the four under­cov­er cops, one of whom Adams says is a lieu­tenant, sur­round Grays and demand to see his iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. When he does­n’t imme­di­ate­ly run back to the mail truck to retrieve it, two offi­cers close in on him, over the objec­tions of gath­ered bystanders.“Stop resist­ing!” one offi­cer repeats as Grays appears to hold his arms stiff while the cop tries to cuff him. “You’re going to get hurt if you don’t give me your fuck­ing hands,” the oth­er offi­cer says.

After a tense moment, the four offi­cers get Grays in cuffs and march him to their car. Adams said that from there, they drove him to the 71st Precinct sta­tion house, leav­ing his truck unse­cured. Grays has no crim­i­nal his­to­ry, and was released with a tick­et for resist­ing arrest. Adams called that a way of the NYPD “sweep­ing the inci­dent under the rug.” He is demand­ing that the offi­cers be rep­ri­mand­ed for what he said is a bogus arrest emblem­at­ic of how they deal with pre­dom­i­nate­ly African-American and Caribbean res­i­dents of Crown Heights. “It is not against the law to voice out­rage after almost being struck by a vehi­cle,” Adams told reporters. “This could have been anoth­er Eric Garner sit­u­a­tion if Glenn had­n’t respond­ed as calm­ly as he did. And if they would do that to Glenn in his uni­form, they would do that to any per­son of col­or in that neigh­bor­hood.” Adams was joined at the podi­um by Grays’s moth­er, Sonya Sapp, and Michael Thomas, Grays’s long­time friend.

I have six boys. Glenn is my old­est,” Sapp said. “As soon as I saw the video, I imme­di­ate­ly start­ed cry­ing, because I wor­ry about all my boys. Every minute, every day, every sec­ond.” “Glenn told me, ‘I thought if I got a job they would leave me alone,’ ” Thomas said. Grays attend­ed the press con­fer­ence, but did not speak because of the pend­ing charge. Adams, a retired NYPD offi­cer and co-founder of the group 100 Blacks In Law Enforcement Who Care, is sched­uled to meet with police Commissioner Bill Bratton on Wednesday to dis­cuss the case. “We must send a strong mes­sage that inno­cent peo­ple should not be put in hand­cuffs, tak­en to a precinct, and then attempt­ed to cov­er it up,” he said. “That is unac­cept­able. This is one step away from Staten Island.” Story orig­i­nat­ed here: Brooklyn Cops Allegedly Arrest Mailman After He Criticizes Their Driving
