Bronx Teen Smashed Into Hookah Bar Window By NYPD Sergeant Wants Cop Tossed From Force

On the eve of tes­ti­fy­ing at a police tri­bunal, the teen who near­ly died after he was smashed into the win­dow of a Bronx hookah bar by an NYPD sergeant said his assailant should be boot­ed from the force. Javier Payne, 15, is sched­uled to appear Wednesday in the NYPD tri­al room at One Police Plaza where Sgt. Eliezer Pabon is charged with using “unjus­ti­fied force” against the hand­cuffed boy on May 17, 2014. “What he did to me was­n’t right and he could do it again,” Payne told The Daily News. “I feel he should lose his job.” The Bronx dis­trict attor­ney declined to press crim­i­nal charges against the sergeant because a glazier claimed the win­dow was defec­tive, but the Civilian Complaint Review Board found that the sergeant used exces­sive force. The inci­dent occurred after Payne and a 13-year-old pal were arrest­ed for punch­ing a man in the face after ask­ing him for a cigarette.

Javier Payne, was critical condition after his head was shoved through a plate glass window of a hookah bar by an NYPD cop.
Javier Payne, was crit­i­cal con­di­tion after his head was shoved through a plate glass win­dow of a hookah bar by an NYPD cop.


A sur­veil­lance cam­era at Hookah Spot on Arthur Ave. cap­tured the action as Pabon rushed at the hand­cuffed youth fac­ing the win­dow, and in a clear­ly unpro­voked action, struck the teen with his left arm. Payne slammed up against the win­dow which explod­ed on impact. “This depart­ment tri­al will deter­mine how the NYPD polices itself,” said lawyer Sanford Rubenstein, who has filed a $25 mil­lion law­suit against the sergeant and the city.

Sgt. Eliezer Pabon used excessive force, the Civilian Complaint Review Board found, when he pushed then-14-year-old Javier Payne through a window.
Sgt. Eliezer Pabon used exces­sive force, the Civilian Complaint Review Board found, when he pushed then-14-year-old Javier Payne through a window.

Payne, now a 9th grad­er at Health Opportunity High School in Manhattan, under­went emer­gency surgery to remove pieces of glass from his heart. The teen said he is self-con­scious and embar­rassed by the scar on his chest. “I get sharp pains in my chest some­times because of the way I move my arm,” he said. Pabon’s lawyer declined to comment.

One thought on “Bronx Teen Smashed Into Hookah Bar Window By NYPD Sergeant Wants Cop Tossed From Force

  1. Wow! Unprovoked, and the police offi­cer did that to a young man who is not resist­ing arrest. To add insult to injury, the dis­trict attor­ney refused to pros­e­cute the police officer. 

    What is hap­pen­ing to black peo­ple in America, is a sys­tem fund­ed, imple­ment­ed, and orches­trat­ed by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Let’s not for­get, which flag that set­up, and designed dif­fer­ent types of Justice for black people! 

    Systemic racism, insti­tu­tion­al racism is a part of the American cul­ture and do not be that white Americans have any conscience.

    The blacks make sure that this coun­try become the great­est coun­try on earth. So, that the whites from Europe could migrate and real­ized the American dream and the blacks are still expe­ri­enc­ing the American nightmare!

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