
Illiteracy responsible for several St Ann crashes — Supt. Wayne Cameron

CAMERON... they (taxi drivers) only conform when they see the police present at a checkpoint or observe a police unit in traffic...
CAMERON… they (taxi dri­vers) only con­form when they see the police present at a check­point or observe a police unit in traffic…

St Ann has been under the micro­scope in recent times fol­low­ing sev­er­al road fatal­i­ties in the parish. The most recent inci­dent, which occurred in Llandovery, claimed the lives of five peo­ple, includ­ing a basic school prin­ci­pal, when the dri­ving shaft of the pub­lic pas­sen­ger bus they were trav­el­ling in broke, caus­ing the dri­ver to lose con­trol of the vehi­cle, which then col­lid­ed with the Toyota Rav4. It was then dis­cov­ered that the dri­ver of the bus was actu­al­ly the conductor.

The worst set of dri­vers I have seen in my many years as a police are the bus dri­vers who ply the route from Brown’s Town to Ocho Rios. They have absolute­ly no regard for the road traf­fic laws. They do not obey the stop­lights, they over­take on the con­tin­u­ous white lines, they over­take on the unel­e­vat­ed medi­ans, they over­take on inter­sec­tions, and they under­take on both soft and hard shoul­ders. “They only con­form when they see the police present at a check­point or observe a police unit in traf­fic,” Cameron told Jamaica Observer North East. Cameron said these oper­a­tors not only show dis­re­gard for the road traf­fic laws, “but that it is also a human fac­tor in that they have no dis­ci­pline at all”. “I’ve also recog­nised that many of the dri­vers can­not read or write and those who can are not so good at it. And I believe that this is a neces­si­ty in order to oper­ate vehi­cles. The dri­vers behave the same way they do on wet roads as they do on dry roads. There is no obser­vance or con­sid­er­a­tion on their part,” he lamented.

As a result, Cameron is urg­ing vehi­cle own­ers to “employ peo­ple who can at least read and write”. “Employ peo­ple who have devel­oped some amount of lit­er­a­cy, who not only use judge­ment, because it is not suf­fi­cient, espe­cial­ly as a pub­lic pas­sen­ger vehi­cle dri­ver,” he insist­ed. At the same time, Cameron said to mit­i­gate the prob­lem, focus will also be placed on own­ers. “I think the tar­get­ing will not just be about bus dri­vers, but also about own­ers. The own­ers are to use due dili­gence when hir­ing peo­ple to dri­ve and con­duct for them. “We have learnt that many times the con­duc­tors are the ones dri­ving the bus with­out the prop­er train­ing or licens­ing, and this is evi­dent in the last ill-fat­ed crash. We will have to start sanc­tion­ing the own­ers of buses.
Read more here: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​r​e​g​i​o​n​a​l​/​I​l​l​i​t​e​r​a​c​y​-​r​e​s​p​o​n​s​i​b​l​e​-​f​o​r​-​s​e​v​e​r​a​l​-​S​t​-​A​n​n​-​c​r​a​s​hes — Supt – Wayne-Cameron_64415

Three shot dead in Westmoreland, 8‑y-o injured

WESTMORELAND, Jamaica — Three men were yes­ter­day shot dead in sep­a­rate inci­dents in Whithorn, Westmoreland, mere min­utes apart. An eight-year-old boy was also shot and injured in one of the inci­dents. The first inci­dent occurred about 8:30 pm, while 22-year-old Gawayne Morris, 31-year-old Jason Wedderburn and the boy were at a shop in Lindos Hill. Reports from the police are that a motor car drove up and assailants dis­em­barked the vehi­cle then opened gun­fire at them. They all received gun­shot wounds. Morris and Wedderburn were pro­nounced dead at hos­pi­tal while the eight-year-old boy, whose injury is con­sid­ered minor, was treat­ed. Then at 9:00 pm, res­i­dents heard explo­sions in the Maxfield area and alert­ed the police. Stanford Anderson, a 59-year-old fruit ven­dor, was lat­er found dead close to his stall on the Maxfield main road. The police say inves­ti­ga­tions into both inci­dents are ongoing.

Gunmen videoed running through community, cops investigate

KINGSTON, Jamaica – OBSERVER ONLINE has obtained a video which shows five gun­men run­ning through a com­mu­ni­ty in broad day­light. Explosions can be heard as the men, dressed in pullovers and bran­dish­ing guns, make their way through a com­mu­ni­ty which sources say is Norwood, St James. Police in Montego Bay told OBSERVER ONLINE that they are aware of the video, but could not con­firm where or when the inci­dent occurred. Head of the St James Police Divison, Senior Superintendent Marlon Nesbeth, told OBSERVER ONLINE on Sunday that checks are being made and infor­ma­tion is being gath­ered as they con­tin­ue to look into the mat­ter. Reaad more @ http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​G​u​n​m​e​n​-​v​i​d​e​o​e​d​-​r​u​n​n​i​n​g​-​t​h​r​o​u​g​h​-​c​o​m​m​u​n​ity – cops-investigate
