Blacks Are Not More Prone To Be Criminals; The Community Has Been Set Up To Appear That Way.

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The sub­jec­tive stan­dard of ‘rea­son­able sus­pi­cion,’ when left up to immoral, racist actors, is anoth­er weapon of oppres­sion against mar­gin­al­ized peo­ple in America.
American police, from its incep­tion at best, were always the foot sol­diers of white suprema­cy. It is incon­ceiv­able to imag­ine some­thing designed with mal­ice and hatred to grad­u­ate into a force for good. For those rea­sons, the very con­struct of American polic­ing is so fun­da­men­tal­ly flawed that it can­not be remediated.
For starters, it is not as if America is becom­ing a bet­ter nation, one free from its igno­ble racist past; racial hatred is so deeply entrenched into the American body politic that the two can scarce­ly be separated.
In September 2015, a year after a white cop, Darren Wilson, mur­dered Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, 58 per­cent of Americans said that race rela­tions were wors­en­ing and not improving…
More than 150 years after the 13th Amendment abol­ished slav­ery in the United States, most U.S. adults say the lega­cy of slav­ery con­tin­ues to impact the posi­tion of black peo­ple in American soci­ety today. More than four in ten say the coun­try [hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equal­i­ty], and there is some skep­ti­cism, par­tic­u­lar­ly among blacks, that black peo­ple will ever have equal rights with whites, accord­ing to a new (Pew Research Center survey).
In 2021 the right-lean­ing (Brookings Institution) stat­ed in an arti­cle that sys­temic racism is not sim­ply a thing of the past but is deeply embed­ded with­in American society.

It is not just that the enforcers of the laws are, in many cas­es, racist jack-boot­ed mur­der­ous thugs who glee­ful­ly live out their most base fan­tasies against Blacks; it is that in many cas­es, the leg­is­la­tures pass unjust­ly writ­ten laws to ensure nefar­i­ous desired outcomes.
The Judges who admin­is­ter the sen­tences apply stiffer sen­tences to Black defen­dants than to whites for the same crimes. According to data, penal­ties are over 40% harsh­er than whites receive.
From minor traf­fic infrac­tions in which police tar­get Black com­mu­ni­ties, which are the poor­est in the nation, for traf­fic enforce­ment, not nec­es­sar­i­ly for real mov­ing vio­la­tions but for ones they dredge up to jus­ti­fy the stops. And, of course, unless there is video evi­dence to con­tra­dict the allow­able pre­tex­tu­al stops, pros­e­cu­tors and judges duti­ful­ly exact fines that the defen­dants can bare­ly afford.
Worse yet, many traf­fic infrac­tions direct­ly result from the dri­ver’s finan­cial vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, bro­ken tail­lights, burnt-out bulbs around tags, etc. So the pover­ty that caused the vio­la­tion in the first place becomes a crime for which the defen­dant is pun­ished with a fine and forced to pay monies to the munic­i­pal­i­ty they could not afford to fix the prob­lem in the first place.
Failure to pay results in an arrest war­rant being issued for the defen­dant. This igno­ble racist type of polic­ing unleash­es the state’s pow­er on the poor­est peo­ple, result­ing in police engag­ing in even more pre­tex­tu­al stops to check dri­vers’ licens­es for war­rants. It is the vicious cycle of state tyran­ny in which peo­ple in the Black com­mu­ni­ty exist daily.

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The priv­i­leged sit on the side­lines and opine, why not just obey the laws? The finan­cial pover­ty of the under­class is sur­passed only by the pover­ty of human­i­ty in this priv­i­leged class. Targeting one com­mu­ni­ty for enforce­ment will sure­ly skew the data, cre­at­ing the false impres­sion that the tar­get­ed group has a greater propen­si­ty for law-breaking.
It also incen­tivizes those not tar­get­ed to sit on the side­lines and offer opin­ions bereft of intel­lec­tu­al matu­ri­ty or crit­i­cal think­ing. This class of sheep is use­ful idiots. They recite what they are told verbatim.
To under­stand the duplic­i­ty of the sys­tem, one must have a lived expe­ri­ence. It is not just a vicious sys­tem that unleash­es well-trained killer cops, many of them for­mer mil­i­tary mem­bers, into the black com­mu­ni­ty. It is a skill­ful­ly woven sys­tem from bot­tom to top that is designed to crim­i­nal­ize, ensnare, incar­cer­ate, or worse- as many mem­bers of the Black com­mu­ni­ty as possible.
Blacks are not more inclined to be crim­i­nals; it is that the Black com­mu­ni­ty has been set up to appear that way.
In the video above, you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see evi­dence of what I speak. This is what obtains for policing.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
