Black Man, 22, Shot Dead By Police In Texas

Joshua Feast, a res­i­dent of La Marque, Texas, was shot and killed by police on Wednesday. ABC 13 reports that La Marque Police had tar­get­ed feast as a per­son who may have been con­nect­ed to a pre­vi­ous shoot­ing in the area.

The shoot­ing took place in front of Feast’s uncle’s home, where he had been stay­ing. According to a neigh­bor, a police car drove up, then made a U‑turn back towards the house after pass­ing it and called out to Feast. At the time, the neigh­bor stat­ed that Feast, 22, was mov­ing a car after speak­ing with his child’s moth­er when the cop called his name out. The neigh­bor told ABC 13 that the offi­cer offered no help to Feast after he was shot. “I came out­side and over­heard the offi­cer say­ing, ‘Talk to me, Josh. Talk to me, talk to me.’ As if he sees him fad­ing away with­out try­ing to ren­der aid or at least help him.”

According to Click 2 Houston News, the offi­cer, iden­ti­fied as Jose Santos, shot Feast after he exit­ed his vehi­cle and start­ed to run. Feast’s uncle says he was hit in the back. The Galveston County Daily News says that offi­cer Santos has been put on admin­is­tra­tive leave. The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office is now inves­ti­gat­ing the shoot­ing. Chief Deputy Darrell Isaacks report­ed that Feast might have had a weapon on him when he was shot. La Marque Police Chief Kirk Jackson says that offi­cer Santos was inves­ti­gat­ing gun­shots heard in that area pre­vi­ous­ly and that Feast had been seen in the area and was a per­son of inter­est in the on-going inves­ti­ga­tion. La Marque Mayor Pro Tem Keith Bell, also made a state­ment regard­ing the shooting:

It is def­i­nite­ly a sad day in our com­mu­ni­ty. I also want­ed to say that this is a tragedy to our com­mu­ni­ty as well. I do not believe that there is any mem­ber of our com­mu­ni­ty that would not call this a tragedy sim­ply because a young per­son in our com­mu­ni­ty, in our city, has lost their life unexpectedly.”
This sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed at Grio​.com.
