As Threats To National Security Intensifies Govt Policies Walk Us Backwards Into The 20th Century

Back in the day polic­ing was aid­ed and enhanced by two crit­i­cal com­po­nents which worked rel­a­tive­ly well .
These two com­po­nents have out­lived their use­ful­ness and should be dis­card­ed as the coun­try strive for a more sci­en­tif­ic and intel­li­gence based form of polic­ing and dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice com­men­su­rate with the 21st century.


District con­sta­bles are an aux­il­iary of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) they are appoint­ed by the Commissioner of Police and are assigned to the com­mu­ni­ties in which they live.
District Constables once offered valu­able ser­vice to the police depart­ment and the nation.
Traditionally, reg­u­lar­ly police offi­cers relied on District Constables to act as a kind of walk­ing warrant.

It was gen­er­al­ly accept­ed that as long as a dis­trict con­sta­ble was present police could enter a dwelling with­out a war­rant and search for want­ed crim­i­nals and or contraband.
Today as the job of law enforce­ment becomes a lot more chal­leng­ing it may be time to dis­pense with the DC as we affec­tion­ate­ly ref­er­eed to those loy­al men and women who have risked much and may not have got­ten the recog­ni­tion they deserve for their ser­vice and sacrifice.

Once upon a time District Constables were mere­ly appoint­ed but received no train­ing, they learned on the job.
Today they receive four to six weeks train­ing at the Jamaica Police Academy and are now assigned uniforms.
Their train­ing includes Laws and Police Duties. Community Policing. Use and Care of Firearms. Defense Tactics and Drills.
As the nation move to mod­ern­ize the force into a twen­ty first cen­tu­ry depart­ment it may be time for the DC’s to go and the fund­ing allo­cat­ed them be used toward mod­ern­iz­ing the force. .


A group of lay magistrates

Justices of the peace have giv­en invalu­able ser­vice to our nation , effec­tive­ly oper­at­ing as qua­si mag­is­trates in the absence of real magistrates.
In oth­er cas­es Magistrates have not made them­selves avail­able so that the wheels of jus­tice can turn effec­tive­ly and efficiently.
Despite the qual­i­ty ser­vices lay mag­is­trates (JP’s) have giv­en over the years politi­cians have effec­tive­ly cor­rupt­ed and cor­rod­ed the lay mag­is­trates process.
Political plants and oper­a­tives have made a mock­ery of the func­tions they per­formed in the process of the dis­pen­sa­tion of justice.
For decades the two polit­i­cal par­ties have so cor­rupt­ed this process that many who are lay mag­is­trates are active criminals.

It is because of this con­t­a­m­i­na­tion that the push by jus­tice Minister Delroy Chuck to broad­en the scope of this pro­gram should be of grave con­cern to all Jamaicans.
For exam­ple under the new [Zones Of Special Operations Act] (ZOSO), It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the JP’s to be present when the secu­ri­ty forces are con­duct­ing searches.

In addi­tion, peo­ple detained or arrest­ed must imme­di­ate­ly be brought before a JP, who will deter­mine whether there are rea­son­able grounds for the arrest or detention.
If the JP is sat­is­fied that the arrest or deten­tion is jus­ti­fied, the per­son shall be remand­ed in cus­tody for not more than 24 hours, after which he must be brought before the judge of a parish court.
If the JP is not sat­is­fied that the arrest or deten­tion is jus­ti­fied, “he shall order that the per­son be released forthwith.”
So many fac­tors with­in this are wrong, fear ‚col­lu­sion are just two of the com­po­nents which could ren­der this process a dud, yet it is what has been foist­ed on the police and the nation by the Holness administration.

In oth­er words the fun­da­men­tal author­i­ty of the Police is abro­gat­ed and abridged ‚sup­plant­ed by and with the author­i­ty of poten­tial untrained polit­i­cal hacks.
At a time when the nation is under threat from well orga­nized and heav­i­ly armed gangs and mili­tias the Government’s push is to walk the coun­try back into the ves­tiges of our colo­nial past.
This is what is being cod­i­fied into law even as the coun­try grap­ple with exis­ten­tial threats to human life and nation­al secu­ri­ty on a broad­er scale.
