Appeals Court Predictably Granted Stay Of Isat Buchanan’s Suspension

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If you know the name Isat Buchanan, you also know what he is. Writing about the twice-con­vict­ed drug couri­er turned lawyer/​lecturer in Jamaica high­lights the cor­rup­tion in the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem more so than the despi­ca­ble imbe­cil­ic traits in this individual.
Built in the Isat Buchanan sto­ry are the per­ti­nent ques­tions that the Jamaican author­i­ties must answer.
https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​3​5​2​873 – 2/

(1) How could a drug con­vict have his crim­i­nal record purged/​expunged, allow­ing him to trav­el to the United States? Who san­i­tized Isat Buchanan’s crim­i­nal record and why?
(2) After com­mit­ting the same felony in the United States and spend­ing almost a decade in prison, then deport­ed to the Island, how could the GLC allow Isat Buchanan to prac­tice law?

(3)His dis­hon­or­able behav­ior shamed the GLC to hand down a two-year sus­pen­sion and a mon­e­tary fine to Buchanan for con­duct the body char­ac­ter­ized as“offensive, pro­fane, vul­gar, foul, and obscene.”
Buchanan, on a pod­cast, quot­ed from a record­ing done by Vybz Kartel in which he instructs the DPP to com­mit a sex­u­al act. He described the jus­tice min­is­ter as “a con­sti­tu­tion­al pedophile” who “fin­ger fucks the con­sti­tu­tion.” Buchanan who was chair­man of the People’s National Party’s Human Rights Commission resigned after his out­ra­geous comments.

Buchanan’s dis­parag­ing com­ments about the Director Of Public Prosecution (DPP) and Justice Minister are beneath the dig­ni­ty of an offi­cer of the court. Isat Buchanan is the lead lawyer rep­re­sent­ing con­vict­ed mur­der­er Adija Palmer, pop­u­lar­ly known as Vybz Kartel, on appeal before the British Privy Council. How appro­pri­ate. This shamed the GLC into action as it wiped the shit of shame from its col­lec­tive face.
This writer thought that even though the GLC bent the rules for its own rea­sons to allow Isat Buchanan to the bar, its lat­est action in sanc­tion­ing him removes some of the stench of com­plic­i­ty, cor­rup­tion, and ignominy from the body.
I fool­ish­ly for­got that the entire sys­tem is a shit­stem, a cesspool of back-rub­bing and nepotism.
I for­got the court sys­tem, and that was stu­pid of me.
Even though Buchanan’s attor­ney, Valerie Neita Robertson, argued her client was gen­uine­ly con­trite and had learned his les­son, she appealed the deci­sion of the GLC, and why not? The court sys­tem is a back-scratch­ing club for the wealthy and well-connected.
The Appeals court grant­ed the stay.
This writer wish­es to reg­is­ter again why I oppose Jamaica becom­ing a Caribbean Court of Justice member.
There is not enough char­ac­ter with­in the Caribbean legal sys­tem for us to trust that deci­sions com­ing from that body will con­form strict­ly to our con­sti­tu­tion and laws.

Those of you who fol­low my work also know that Buchanan broad-brushed the police depart­ment as dunces who did not under­stand the Constitution. Of course, like any con­vict­ed crim­i­nal inca­pable of tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty, he tried to back­track, argu­ing that his com­ments were tak­en out of con­text. But the head of the Police Officer’s Association was not about to allow him to get away with it.
Any police offi­cer can become a lawyer if he so choos­es, but Isat Buchanan can­not become a police offi­cer with his crim­i­nal record,” said the head of the POA, SSP Wayne Cameron.
But if you thought Buchanan’s back­track­ing was pathet­ic, it paled to his excuse for despi­ca­ble behav­ior toward the DPP.
In his response sum­ma­ry to the GLC, Buchanan argued that the show he was on caters to a cer­tain class of Jamaicans, the major­i­ty of whom are une­d­u­cat­ed peo­ple, and if he is not ani­mat­ed and not using pro­fan­i­ty, he can­not bring the point home to these persons.
These are the state­ments of a sub­ject who believes he is the smartest per­son in what­ev­er room he is in. He is a nar­cis­sist, a liar, and a very dan­ger­ous per­son. Buchanan’s com­ments against police offi­cers being not smart or edu­cat­ed enough dis­par­aged the thou­sands of Jamaicans who are risk­ing their lives against the vicious killers he loves and represents.
His com­ments against lis­ten­ers of the pod­cast he was on dis­par­age the entire Jamaica.
Unfortunately, like the legions sup­port­ing him and his client, the Norman Manley Law School-edu­cat­ed Buchanan can­not under­stand this.
This guy rep­re­sents the worst of our coun­ty. No one should be delu­sion­al about the fact that he may have earned an under­grad­u­ate degree and lat­er a law degree. The true test of a man is his char­ac­ter. Isat Buchanan was nowhere around when those virtues were being hand­ed out. A dish rag can nev­er be a table­cloth; this may be a les­son lost to the GLC.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
