Anti Police Delroy Chuck Talks Down To Judge Who Isn’t Backing Down

Jamaica’s Justice Minister Delroy Chuck refus­es to pay Lawyers to defend Police offi­cers charged with mur­der over four years ago. The accused offi­cers are still in jail even though they too are enti­tled to the pre­sump­tion of inno­cence under the law.
Despite com­mit­ments from the Government that offi­cers charged with seri­ous crimes dur­ing the exe­cu­tion of their duties would be assist­ed with the legal fees for their defense.

Delroy Chuck min­is­ter of Justice

Listen to com­men­tary above.

According to local report­ing, Justice Glen Brown deliv­ered the warn­ing after the mur­der tri­al of police Corporal Kevin Adams, who has been in cus­tody for four years, was again stalled in the Home Circuit Court because of the stale­mate over the legal fees.

Chuck sought to make it clear that the Government only offered to make a “con­tri­bu­tion” to the cops’ legal defense.

For the judge to say that the case will be stopped because the Government has not paid is quite out of order and inju­di­cious. A judge is speak­ing out of turn and out of order for mak­ing such com­ments,” Chuck said.

Justice Brown shot back after instruct­ing that the three cas­es — involv­ing six police­men be placed in his court­room on Monday. “So they have the whole week­end to do what they have to do”. “Justice Brown said.
Now there we have it.
A mem­ber of an inde­pen­dent co-equal branch of gov­ern­ment doing his job as Chuck said it should be done, the only dif­fer­ence is that the defen­dants are police offi­cers and Delroy Chuck can­not have police offi­cers ben­e­fit­ting from the very pol­i­cy he has put in place.
