American ‘kops’ Training In Israel, Part Of The Problem…

As part of this pub­li­ca­tion’s focus on American polic­ing, we have tried to fair­ly bring to read­ers’ atten­tion the the fail­ings of police and some of the rea­sons behind such failures.
This medi­um has report­ed sev­er­al rea­sons, includ­ing one that many Americans are unaware of: the train­ing exchange between Israeli and United States police officers.
The fol­low­ing Article from the Intercept delves deep­er into this program.

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Among the objec­tions to polic­ing that are being revived are crit­i­cisms of a con­tro­ver­sial series of train­ings and exchange pro­grams for U.S. police in Israel. Scores of American law enforce­ment lead­ers have attend­ed the pro­grams, where they learned from Israeli police and secu­ri­ty forces known for sys­tem­i­cal­ly abus­ing the human rights of Palestinians. 

Cerelyn CJ Davis

Some of the Memphis Police Department’s top brass, includ­ing cur­rent Chief Cerelyn Davis, par­tic­i­pat­ed in the pro­grams. Davis, who pre­vi­ous­ly helmed the police depart­ment in Durham, North Carolina, com­plet­ed a lead­er­ship train­ing with the Israel National Police in 2013. While an offi­cer with the Atlanta Police Department, Davis also estab­lished an inter­na­tion­al exchange pro­gram with Israeli police and coör­di­nat­ed depart­ment lead­ers del­e­ga­tions to Israel, accord­ing to an old résumé.
Read the entire sto­ry here.….https://​thein​ter​cept​.com/​2​0​2​3​/​0​2​/​0​2​/​m​e​m​p​h​i​s​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​i​s​r​a​el/
