Almost One Year Later Scum Who Killed Two Cops Still At Large.…

On December 22nd 2015 at about 8: 00 Pm Corporal Kenneth Davis attached to Protective Services Division and Constable Craig Palmer, attached to the Kingston Western Division were killed in a hail of gunfire. The two were off duty and among a group of men enjoying a friendly game of dominoes at Poor Mans corner in the Parish of Saint Thomas when they were savagely slaughtered in cold blood ‚another person present was also injured in the incident.

At the time of the killings then Minister of National Security Peter Bunting issued the fol­low­ing statement.
This demon­strates the risk that the police are con­stant­ly exposed to by virtue of their occu­pa­tion and inci­dents of this nature remind us of the extreme­ly dif­fi­cult chal­lenges fac­ing the secu­ri­ty forces, and the great sac­ri­fices they con­tin­ue to make in the fight to rid Jamaica of the scourge of crime and vio­lence.”
Bunting not­ed that one of the offi­cers killed was from the Kingston West Division, which had already lost two mem­bers of their team that year in vio­lent attacks.
Bunting plead­ed with mem­bers of the pub­lic to help the police in their inves­ti­ga­tions by pro­vid­ing them with infor­ma­tion that may lead to the appre­hen­sion of the per­pe­tra­tors. “I express deep­est con­do­lences to the fam­i­lies, col­leagues, and com­mu­ni­ties that have trag­i­cal­ly lost these police­men and call upon all law abid­ing cit­i­zens to sup­port the police in appre­hend­ing the cul­prits of this heinous crime, ” he said.

Police Commissioner Carl Williams meets with Winston and Beverley Palmer, par­ents of con­sta­ble Craig Palmer, one of two police­men mur­dered by gun­men in St Thomas.

The Commissioner of Police said “no stone will be left un-turned in the quest to bring the killers to justice”.
Immediately after the killings the police high com­mand named Marlon (dup­py film) Perry as the shooter.

The speed with which the police released this infor­ma­tion at the time sug­gest­ed to this writer that the police had been sit­ting on infor­ma­tion that Perry was an immi­nent threat to offi­cers and had done noth­ing about it.
To cor­rob­o­rate my hunch local media report­ed that The West St Thomas MP James Robertson said he had received infor­ma­tion that one of the cops mur­dered in the parish had been receiv­ing threats over an inci­dent years ago. 

Robertson did not give details of the alleged inci­dent, but called for the police High Command to release all the infor­ma­tion they had and to seek help. According to him, oth­er police per­son­nel in the parish have also been receiv­ing threats. Robertson who is a Jamaica Labour Party MP mem­ber says he will meet with the High Command to pro­vide the infor­ma­tion he has received.


We are unsure whether Robertson ever met with the police lead­er­ship in the Parish or any oth­er police offi­cers to pro­vide the infor­ma­tion he sup­pos­ed­ly had.
We do not know whether he met with the Island’s crime Chief ACP Élan Powell and if so why not ?
Who did Robertson meet with to tell what he knew?
We are also skep­ti­cal as to the rea­son­ing as well. If Robertson had infor­ma­tion which clear­ly was impor­tant, (two police offi­cers are dead) ‚why did he not sim­ply pick up the phone and make that infor­ma­tion known to the Police ?
If Robertson pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion after the fact to the Police, what is the nature of that information?
Why has the police lit­er­al­ly not done any­thing about this case?
Powell is the Assistant Commissioner of Police with respon­si­bil­i­ty for crime .

Mister Commish My Sources Can’t Recall Seeing The Police Looking Under Any Rock.….…..

I want to know from Powell why noth­ing has been done regard­ing the death of these two inno­cent police officers?

Marlon ‘Duppy Film’ Perry Where is (mar­lon dup­py film perry) ?

Where is this filthy cop killer ?
If he is not on the small Island of 4411 square miles and 2.8 mil­lion cit­i­zens , where is he?
Who in posi­tion of pow­er and influ­ence helped him to evade justice ?
Don’t tell me that the police includ­ing Carl Williams and Élan Powell who has respon­si­bil­i­ty to bring killers to jus­tice do not know where this piece of scum is, and if so what is pre­vent­ing them from bring­ing him to jus­tice, or more appro­pri­ate­ly bring­ing jus­tice to him?

How pathet­ic is the police depart­ment that it allows a com­mon piece of garbage to snuff out the lives of two hon­est police offi­cers with­out bring­ing him to justice.
Where is the con­stab­u­lary force’s oblig­a­tion to the fam­i­lies of these two slain officers?
Where else on this plan­et could a com­mon low-life kill two police offi­cers and not be exterminated?
As crit­i­cal as it is for this scum to be brought to jus­tice or have jus­tice gift wrapped and deliv­ered to him , it is even more crit­i­cal that whomev­er is asso­ci­at­ed with, assist­ed his flight, or is sup­port­ing him in any way, that the very same stan­dards be applied to them.
Which means that the same plight those offi­cers suf­fered must be the rem­e­dy applied to whomev­er sup­ports , and enabled/​s him.
Whomever they hell they are.

