Africa Must Unite Under The Threat Of Recolonization…

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The ques­tion of cor­rupt African lead­ers is a well-talked-about phe­nom­e­non. In fair­ness to the cor­rupt pub­lic offi­cials in African Nations, cor­rup­tion is not a Black prob­lem but a prob­lem where peo­ple are left to han­dle mon­ey and pow­er with­out prop­er checks and balances.
Even in the places that brag about checks and bal­ances, cor­rup­tion in gov­ern­ment is wide­spread. Though noth­ing to be proud of, Africans can take small com­fort in the fact that pub­lic offi­cials across the globe have engaged in cor­rup­tion of some kind.
Corruption is crim­i­nal and must be pun­ished wher­ev­er it rears its ugly head. Having gone through European col­o­niza­tion, many nations across all con­ti­nents have seen mas­sive cor­rup­tion in their gov­ern­ments, many of which have waged exis­ten­tial strug­gles for inde­pen­dence. To many free­dom fight­ers who went on to become elect­ed lead­ers in their coun­tries, the trap­pings of pow­er become too much to relin­quish. They see them­selves deserv­ing of their titles based on their sac­ri­fices in the strug­gle.…. Not all free­dom fight­ers became despots; how­ev­er, Nelson Mandela, for exam­ple, chose to lead and then leave.
Having out­lined the fore­gone, it is essen­tial to note that cor­rup­tion takes var­i­ous forms. 

Erik Prince

As one expert puts it, cor­rup­tion can be a cop on the beat accept­ing a cup of cof­fee or a judge allow­ing his per­son­al feel­ings to influ­ence the judg­ment he hands down.
Even advanced nations like the United States have had their share of cor­rup­tion in gov­ern­ment; many peo­ple in Congress have been indict­ed, con­vict­ed, and even impris­oned. So, too, have Governors been indict­ed and imprisoned.
Richard Millhouse Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, left office pre­ma­ture­ly in the face of cer­tain impeach­ment and poten­tial crim­i­nal indict­ments. Before depart­ing, Nixon cut a deal with his Vice President Gerald Ford that saw Ford ascend to the pres­i­den­cy, then par­don­ing the crook Nixon so that he could not be crim­i­nal­ly indict­ed for his alleged crimes.
Ford argued his par­don of Nixon was to heal the Nation. More informed observers saw Ford’s actions as anoth­er iter­a­tion of Governmental corruption.
Geral Ford became the 38th President of the United States, the only per­son to attain the office of Vice President and President with­out being elect­ed by the American vot­ers. Ford was appoint­ed vice pres­i­dent to Richard Nixon when Nixon’s vice pres­i­dent, Spiro Agnew, was indict­ed for corruption.
Fast for­ward to the present day, and the sin­gle-term, twice-impeached 45th pres­i­dent, Donald Trump, is run­ning to become the 47th President should he be elect­ed in November.
Trump is all but set to romp through his par­ty’s nom­i­nat­ing process even though he is fac­ing 91 felony counts in sev­er­al juris­dic­tions and has been con­vict­ed in sev­er­al civ­il cases.

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Realistically, no nation can claim the high ground on this issue; they can claim to put checks and bal­ances in place, but they have no con­trol over peo­ple’s actions, even with those checks and bal­ances in place.
So, African lead­ers should wake the hell up after hear­ing American mer­ce­nary for­mer navy seal and leader of the mer­ce­nary firm Blackwater Erik Prince argue for the re-col­o­niza­tion of the African con­ti­nent. Erik Prince is the broth­er of Betsy Devos, the for­mer Trump Education secretary.
If ever there was a time for African uni­ty, at least mil­i­tar­i­ly, it is now. There are rea­sons that Western nations do not want a unit­ed Africa out­side the obvi­ous rapa­cious desire to con­trol the con­ti­nen­t’s pre­cious resources. A unit­ed Africa, eco­nom­i­cal­ly and mil­i­tar­i­ly, would be a force to be reck­oned with. It is time that African lead­ers force the nations with bases on the con­ti­nent to leave and ensure pri­vate armies like the one Erik Prince led nev­er set foot on the continent.
Joe Biden may not be think­ing of attack­ing African nations, but if Trump is reelect­ed, there is no telling what that crim­i­nal enter­prise will do.
Africa must unite or perish.….…




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
