A Prime Minister Better Suited For Cheer-leading…

Simpson Miller
Simpson Miller

Am I the only one offend­ed by Portia Simpson Miller’s propen­si­ty to jump at every oppor­tu­ni­ty to offer words of con­grat­u­la­tions and plat­i­tudes to sports stars, beau­ty pageants con­tes­tants, but nev­er have time to speak on burn­ing issues of the day.

The Jamaican Prime Minister in clas­sic dumb mute char­ac­ter has no word of sup­port for the fam­i­lies of police offi­cers when their loved ones are mur­dered in ser­vice to their country.
She is silent about the dai­ly blood­shed in our coun­try. As she is about the fact that the Jamaican dol­lar is for all intents and pur­pos­es a worth­less currency.
She is silent on the ram­pant cor­rup­tion which has plagued not just for­mer PNP Administrations but which seem to be the defin­ing theme of both her Administrations.

Most impor­tant­ly she had noth­ing to say about Dwayne Vaz’s nin­com­poop com­ments on a plat­form in St James urg­ing PNP sup­port­ers to pick up their guns against Jamaica Labor Party supporters.
I find it extra offen­sive that Miller who has done every­thing to secure and hold onto state pow­er has noth­ing for the peo­ple except Spanish Town Road ghet­to rhetoric and a kind of old style pol­i­tics the coun­try had already turned it’s back on.

Portia Simpson Miller can cheer-lead for sports stars, beau­ty con­tes­tants and what­ev­er else tick­les her fan­cy but it’s time she step aside if she loves Jamaica and in the name of God leave some­thing of the Island we know and love for the next generation.

One thought on “A Prime Minister Better Suited For Cheer-leading…

  1. What Vaz said on the polit­i­cal plat­form, is his true feel­ings and not a flip of his tongue! Look at the artist who he admired, revered, and has in his music col­lec­tion? Of all our Jamaican artists, he choos­es the worst of the worst, Vybz Kartel.

    Jamaican peo­ple are super illit­er­ate, inept, and lack­ing intel­li­gence. Everything is about feel­ings, and noth­ing real­is­tic or prac­ti­cal, that would enhance their way of living! 

    Some of the Jamaican peo­ple I have spo­ken to, rather to let the PNP dis­man­tling the peo­ple’s lives and they still love sis­ter P and the PNP party. 

    How do we as a peo­ple reach this zenith? That we have become so numb to what’s hap­pen­ing to us and rather to vote for the bet­ter­ment of the coun­try. Is to vote for the par­ty that’s dear­ly to our hearts! 

    Most Jamaican police offi­cers do not know, is that the PNP par­ty on a whole are filled with anti-police mem­bers. So, when a police offi­cer is mur­dered in the line of duty or oth­er­wise. The peo­ple in St. Andrew South divi­sion of the prime min­is­ter would rejoice! 

    Personally, I know the prime min­is­ter and at one point in time, she wants me to be one of her body guards. But, because I don’t like politi­cians, I refuse the offer! 

    I’m going to write about per­son­al expe­ri­ence with her when I was at Hunts Bay Police sta­tion and I can tell you that she is bet­ter than St. Andrew Holiness when it comes onto the police. Not that she does­n’t have her sup­port for crim­i­nals known, but she is not one of those politi­cians who would encour­age the peo­ple to demon­strate against the police. She was the oppo­site. St. Andrew Holiness, is known for his dis­dain, arro­gant, and anti-police sen­ti­ment towards the police when I was there. 

    I’m not sup­port­ing her silence or her non-cha­lant behav­ior when it comes onto her defi­ance of ignor­ing the police offi­cers sur­vivors. The best way to judge her behav­ior, is her edu­ca­tion­al back­ground. Remember, that she did­n’t went to school in her day, so she is not even that learned on how to artic­u­late her­self pub­licly with­out cre­at­ing laugh­ter, ridicules, and dis­re­spect to the office of the Prime min­is­ter. The alter­na­tive for her, is to shut up her mouth.

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