A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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An arraigned criminal…

An arraigned Donald Trump…(screen grab)

Many of you who both­er to pay atten­tion or are old enough will remem­ber the so-called cen­tral park five. It was a case on April 19, 1989, in which a white woman Trisha Meili was sex­u­al­ly assault­ed as she jogged in New York’s Central Park. The New York Police Department arrest­ed five young black and Latino teenagers.
Donald Trump took out ads in local papers demand­ing the death penal­ty for teenagers. They were con­vict­ed for a crime they did not com­mit and were released years lat­er after the real assailant was arrest­ed and convicted.

Donald Trump called for lock­ing up Hillary Clinton, his Democratic oppo­nent in the 2016 pres­i­den­tial cycle. Even though there have since been sev­er­al fish­ing expe­di­tions in the Republican-con­trolled House, most notably the so-called Benghazi hear­ings spear­head­ed by fas­cist pit bulls Trey Goudy and Gym Jordon[sic], there has emerged not one scin­til­la of evi­dence to charge for­mer Secretary Clinton with any crimes.
Whether one believes in God or a high­er pow­er or not, it does­n’t change the fact that our world is set up on prin­ci­ples that keep things even keel.
Whatever you sow, that shall you also reap. Whether Donald Trump will be con­vict­ed on any of these 34 felony charges is a long way off, and whether The Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury will indict him is yet to be determined.
And final­ly, whether the United States Attorney General will indict Donald Trump in the myr­i­ad inves­ti­ga­tions into his con­duct in Classified Documents, Espionage, Seditious con­spir­a­cy, or any oth­er is up in the air.
One thing is cer­tain; the twice-impeached sin­gle-term los­er will go down in infamy as the first to be indict­ed for any offense, much less 34 felonies.

I have heard some ludi­crous rea­sons com­ing from the polit­i­cal right as to why this Teflon slith­er­er should not have been indict­ed, includ­ing one froth­ing-mouth mon­grel who asked, ‘How dare DA Alvin Bragg indict a for­mer pres­i­dent, how dare he indict some­one who sat in the chair occu­pied by Lincoln, Reagan and others”?
My response to the froth­ing-mouth idi­ot­ic big­ot is this; it always takes a black man or woman to do what’s right. None of the pres­i­dents of the past you named were men of hon­or or char­ac­ter, so suck it.
The fact that you find it more impor­tant to demo­nize the uphold­er of the law than the vile crea­ture who breaks them tells us all we need to know about you.
Finally, the coun­try is becom­ing a bet­ter ver­sion of itself with this indict­ment. Oh, did I say suck it?



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
