Portia Simpson Miller Prime Minister and Richard Azan Jnr.Minister Works.

It’s rather dif­fi­cult to be nice when it comes to Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller. It’s not just that she is igno­rant, she is also very arro­gant. That witch­es brew is a com­bustible and dan­ger­ous mix in the wrong hands. Miller has main­tained that she is await­ing the result of inves­ti­ga­tions in the mat­ter of alleged cor­rup­tion involv­ing Richard Azan, Junior Minister in the Ministry of Works. Allegations are that Azan in his capac­i­ty as mem­ber of Parliament for North West Clarendon abused his author­i­ty, con­trary to what he is legal­ly empow­ered, to give per­mis­sion for a private­ con­trac­tor to build shops on lands inside the refur­bished Spalding’s Market, with­out the approval of the local author­i­ty that owned the prop­er­ty. That’s not all, accord­ing to pub­lished reports , despite say­ing that he did noth­ing wrong the monies col­lect­ed from the stalls were being paid to Azan’s con­stituen­cy office. This is not hearsay, Azan and the Administration has now con­tend­ed that the monies have been hand­ed over to the Parish Council, once the sto­ry broke.

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Part of the new Spaldings Market in the Parish of Clarendon.

So by infer­ence irre­spec­tive of the crime one com­mits, resti­tu­tion absolves one of crim­i­nal cul­pa­bil­i­ty. The cor­rupt moral­ly bank­rupt Administration of Miller is a stain on the his­to­ry of Jamaica, yet she is con­vinced that despite the thiev­ery and destruc­tion of our coun­try she has made a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to Jamaica. Recently she was approached by jour­nal­ists who were not afraid to ask her ques­tions, she took umbrage and lied that a micro­phone actu­al­ly hit her in the mouth, this was lat­er proven to be a bald-faced lie. In her address at that event lat­er Miller pon­tif­i­cates about her decades of pub­lic ser­vice, as if some­how it insu­lates her from what­ev­er harm her and the admin­is­tra­tion inflicts on the coun­try. Maybe a micro­phone should in fact have struck her in the mouth, we would prob­a­bly have got­ten some truth from her lying lips. I would rather dis­agree with miller on the val­ue of her pub­lic service.

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The Coronation Market in Kingston, Jamaica“s cap­i­tal. Digicel image.

The truth is that oth­er than her per­son­al enrich­ment and grandiosity,the only thing her ser­vice has wrought is to make the entire coun­try like her con­stituen­cy of South West St. Andrew. That is pub­lic ser­vice Jamaica could cer­tain­ly do with­out. I would humbly sug­gest to the esteemed Prime Minister that she does not have to bear the frus­tra­tion of hav­ing to answer to pesky jour­nal­ists and tax-pay­ers, sim­ply refuse to give any­more of her­self to the nation and leave. 

Surely Miller feels she is above being ques­tioned on any issue, irre­spec­tive of the nature or mag­ni­tude of the con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing her and her par­ty, read­ers famil­iar with Jamaica and it’s prob­lems are aware of the long litany of cor­rup­tion and graft which are assigned to this par­ty and admin­is­tra­tion. Yet Miller is stuck in a Monarchistic time warp, seem­ing­ly believ­ing that she rules by decree. Or does she. I have always mar­veled that so many edu­cat­ed peo­ple could be fooled by one half baked idiot!
