42-Year Old Mother Of Four Dies From Coronavirus Complications

Detroit, MI — Laneeka Barksdale, a 42-year old moth­er from Michigan with four chil­dren, has report­ed­ly died from the coro­n­avirus after being sick for two weeks and fight­ing for her life in the hospital.

Barksdale, who is lov­ing­ly known as Nikki to her fam­i­ly, was tak­en to the hos­pi­tal when she had symp­toms of COVID-19. With her under­ly­ing asth­ma, Barksdale expe­ri­enced more severe conditions.

They induced a coma maybe her sec­ond day in the hos­pi­tal to see if they could give her lungs a bit of a break from over­work­ing,” her broth­er Omari Barksdale told Fox News Detroit. “They brought her out of the coma, when she came out, she still wasn’t able to process enough oxygen.”

The doc­tors still tried to keep her oxy­gen lev­el by heav­i­ly sedat­ing her, but her tem­per­a­ture remained at 102 degrees. She sad­ly died on March 23 due to the com­pli­ca­tions of the coronavirus.

Michigan is one of the states with the high­est num­ber of cas­es in the US. Currently, the num­ber of con­firmed cas­es are more than 9,300, at least 337 peo­ple have died, and the num­bers are still increasing.

Omari remem­bered his sis­ter as his “pro­tec­tor” and he was bro­ken­heart­ed that he couldn’t do enough to pro­tect his sis­ter now. He is appeal­ing to all peo­ple to adhere to the author­i­ties’ guide­lines to help pre­vent the fur­ther spread of the coronavirus.

This is the most seri­ous thing we’ve faced as a world in anybody’s life­time that’s alive right now,” he said. “The impli­ca­tions of it are too vast to take lightly.”
