Republican Convention Floor Erupts Into Chaos Amid Push For Roll Call Vote

The floor of the Republican National Convention erupt­ed into chaos Monday amid an attempt by the Never Trump forces to change the rules of the event. With del­e­gates erupt­ing into duel­ing chants of “roll call vote” and “USA” on the floor, the chair has just forced a voice vote on the rules and they passed. Each group shout­ed “aye” or “nay” and the chair select­ed what he thought was the loud­est group. This is despite anti-Trump efforts say­ing they had sig­na­tures to have a state-by-state roll call vote on the rules. Delegates Unbound, which was hop­ing to let GOP del­e­gates vote for whomev­er they choose, said today they have the sup­port nec­es­sary to force a roll call vote on the rules pack­age. This would have been a minor, incre­men­tal step towards unbind­ing pledged del­e­gates who are com­mit­ted to vot­ing for Donald Trump but would like to vote for anoth­er can­di­date. If this had step suc­ceed­ed, del­e­gates on the floor would have need­ed to reject the entire rules pack­age passed by a rules com­mit­tee ear­li­er today, send­ing it back to the com­mit­tee for reconsideration.

The up-or-down vote on the rules pack­age com­ing late this after­noon is tra­di­tion­al­ly han­dled by voice only. “Despite every obsta­cle thrown in our way, the move­ment of all the stake­hold­ers involved in this effort have gained a major­i­ty of the del­e­gates in 10 states,” Delegates Unbound co-founder M. Dane Waters said in a state­ment today. “Now we take this fight to the floor.” According to Rule 39, a roll call vote may be called if a major­i­ty of at least sev­en states demands a vote on the floor.
