(indecom Act) A Crime Enhancement Law, Police Must Protect Their Own Lives.….

This writer have written several articles regaling the police department and more specifically the Commissioner of Police since news broke that a well known criminal had snuffed out the life of two police officers at poor-man’s corner in the parish of St Thomas just before Christmas of 2015.

Before I go any fur­ther let me pre­empt the inevitable asser­tion that “no life is more impor­tant that anoth­er so the police should go after all killers whether they be cop killers or not” . We have heard that argu­ment too many times ‚I no longer want to respond to it. No one is say­ing police lives are more impor­tant , what we are say­ing is that the police stand between they who would kill us and us .
If the police are all killed there is no buffer, so we have to care about those who risk life and limb for us.

See also: https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​t​h​r​e​e​-​m​o​n​t​h​s​-​l​a​t​e​r​-​n​o​-​w​o​r​d​-​d​u​p​p​y​-​f​i​l​m​-​a​l​l​e​g​e​d​-​c​o​p​-​k​i​l​l​e​r​-​s​t​i​l​l​-​l​o​se/

I doubt seri­ous­ly whether my low­ly yelp­ing had any­thing to do with the police’ push to find this alleged cop-killer Marlon Perry o/​c (dup­py film), but it is a wel­come sight to see that the police are active­ly search­ing for him that’s what matters.
I would imag­ine there is cred­i­ble intel­li­gence which would sup­port the police’s the­o­ry that this alleged mur­der­er is, or was in the parish of Manchester.
As a mat­ter of fact the cap­ture of Kevon Eldermire, oth­er­wise called ‘(Harry Patta) in the parish may be a good indi­ca­tor that even if Perry isn’t/​wasn’t in the parish at least the intel­li­gence had credibility.
Perry’s sup­posed escape from a drag­net is rea­son for the police to reeval­u­ate how they go about these oper­a­tions. For decades our police oper­a­tions have been inside out events which gives sus­pects the abil­i­ty to escape once they elude the ini­tial push.
Many for­mer offi­cers still sub­scribe to this way of doing things, I don’t.
Operations should be an out­side in event, tight­en­ing the cir­cle until the subject/​s is encir­cled with no place to go.
This can­not be some­thing decid­ed at the sta­tion lev­el or at the time the oper­a­tions offi­cer decides to lead sev­er­al dozen or sev­er­al hun­dred offi­cers on an operation.
These tac­tics must be taught at the train­ing acad­e­my and rehearsed at the sta­tion and divi­sion­al lev­els con­tin­u­al­ly so that when the need aris­es every offi­cer fits into the plan like pieces of a jig-saw puz­zle. Every offi­cer must know exact­ly what to do in the event of every giv­en poten­tial scenario.

The soon­er jus­tice is brought to this per­son the bet­ter it is for the police depart­ment, which at this time must first and fore­most look after offi­cer safe­ty before con­sid­er­ing any­one else.
let’s face it, bring­ing Perry in will not mean that the fam­i­lies of the two slain police offi­cers are guar­an­teed jus­tice. The reverse is true, the case will sim­ply drag on while the courts release him back onto the streets to kill again. In the end there will be a ver­dict but not one which works for the fam­i­lies of the dead cops.
The ver­dict will be that the case is thrown out for want of prosecution .
For those inter­est­ed in the truth, that is a tac­tic used to sub­vert the process of jus­tice it is a tri­ad of col­lu­sion which includes the accused crim­i­nal and their inter­est, their defense attorney/​s and the bench.
If the case drags on long enough pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness­es are either killed , have emi­grat­ed, for­got­ten the sequence of events to which they gave depo­si­tions, or have lost inter­est in the case. Case closed .….

Ironically there are high­ly placed peo­ple in Government who are unwit­ting­ly or com­plic­it­ly call­ing for cas­es over 5 years old to be purged from the court dock­ets, exact­ly what crim­i­nals and their bene­fac­tors want. Exactly what is not need­ed , it would be fuel to the fire of cor­rup­tion and incom­pe­tence in the crim­i­nal court system.
Officers may chose to be wary of going the extra mile when it comes to how they approach oth­er mur­ders as it relates to the (inde­com act).
When it comes to the killing of their col­leagues they should throw out any wari­ness and send a clear mes­sage it won’t be tolerated.
The peo­ple can clam­or for what they want, it’s up to them to deter­mine how much of their loved ones inno­cent blood is shed before they real­ize the (inde­com act) is caus­ing the esca­la­tion of crime on the Island.
Until they do offi­cers can run out the clock with­out expos­ing them­selves to undue harm.
The (inde­com act) has embold­ened crim­i­nal­i­ty on the Island , it is an un-belled cat that no rea­son­able per­son or enti­ty there wants to acknowl­edge was a bad idea whose time has come.

In the mean­time an empow­ered crim­i­nal under­world has unleashed it’s new found pow­er on police, killing offi­cers and defy­ing their abil­i­ty to enforce the nations laws.
Police offi­cers must deter­mine whether they will cow­er in fear or go out and exter­mi­nate the ver­mins (inde­com) be damned .
