Ted Cruz Fair Weather Constitutionalist


President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

Every President has a Constitutional duty and a respon­si­bil­i­ty to appoint jus­tices to the Supreme Court as well as oth­er courts in the Federal sys­tem when­ev­er vacan­cies occur.
Elections have con­se­quences, becom­ing President of the United States is a big deal . As Vice President Joe Biden would say it ” this is a big f*****g deal”.
Every President has the right to his/​her agen­da, that includes appoint­ing suit­able jus­tices to fill vacan­cies in the fed­er­al court system.
No jurist is ever big­ger that the process. No President has more pow­er than another .
In fact President Obama who has replaced two asso­ciate jus­tices to the supreme court has done an out­stand­ing job in select­ing Sonia Sotomayer and Helena Kagan who were both con­firmed by the senate.



It is stun­ning ‚yet not sur­pris­ing to hear Ted Cruz and the oth­er Cuban Marco Rubio , two Republican can­di­dates for President imme­di­ate­ly demand that the next President(not Obama) appoint a suc­ces­sor to Antonin Scalia who recent­ly passed away.
For the record Antonin Scalia fought tooth and nail to dis­man­tle every sin­gle piece of leg­is­la­tion which would seek to reverse over four hun­dred years of racial injus­tice in America.
Lets be clear , despite the plat­i­tudes and the hand wring­ing you will hear from the lame stream media going for­ward, to include so called Democrats, Antonin Scalai rep­re­sent­ed exact­ly what is wrong with America.

President Obama in his role as the leader of the coun­try came out and paid trib­ute to Scalia as he was expect­ed to, (God bless him he is a bet­ter man than I am). The President said he would ful­fill his con­sti­tu­tion­al duties by appoint­ing a suc­ces­sor to Scalia in due course.
For the sake of clar­i­ty what I find dis­gust­ing about Ted Cruz and to a less­er extent the oth­er Hispanic Marco Rubio , is the length to which they will go to pre­tend they are more American than every­one else.
Ted Cruz runs on the notion that no oth­er can­di­date is as Con- ser­v­a­tive as he is , in fact sev­er­al of the oth­er can­di­dates have crit­i­cized him and label­ing him a liar.
Cruz’s own law pro­fes­sor from Harvard called him out for being a fair weath­er con­sti­tu­tion­al­ist. Everything is only as good as Ted Cruz say it is. No one is as con­ser­v­a­tive as Ted Cruz . The guy is an ego-mani­ac and a nar­cis­sist , that makes him dangerous.
Is it any won­der that this guy want to car­pet-bomb oth­er coun­tries into submission?

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is run­ning to be President of the United States of America, Barack Obama is the twice-elect­ed President of the United States of America. Neither Ted Cruz nor the rest of the right-wing noise machine gets to deter­mine whether the President appoint a suc­ces­sor to Scalia or not . That is the con­sti­tu­tion­al per­og­a­tive of the President of the United States and not a self cen­tered Republican Senator from Texas.
