
So say Deputy Commissioner of Police George Quallo in speak­ing to the Jamaican Media.
Quallo told the Media that the slight decrease in mur­ders last year was attrib­ut­able to the increase of police com­man­ders on the streets.
“From some time last year we have re-ener­gised the man­age­ment struc­ture, and once you re-ener­gise the man­age­ment struc­ture then it fil­ters right down to the last draw­ing man on the ground.”

Huh ?

 DCP Clifford Blake, Commissioner Carl Williams, DCP, George Quallo and other members of the energized high command..
DCP Clifford Blake, Commissioner Carl Williams, DCP, George Quallo and oth­er mem­bers of the ener­gized high command..

What does that even mean in the con­text of crime reduc­tion? I am going to assume that the Deputy Commissioner knows some­thing he is not speak­ing to but this state­ment does­n’t jive , at least in my estimation.
If you ener­gize the Management struc­ture, ( what the hell does that even mean) and mur­der begin to trend down­ward the thing to do is to keep re-ener­giz­ing the man­age­ment structure.
Okay I believe what the(DCP) is telling the Media is some­thing most in-tune cops past and present already knew and some­thing this medi­um have been speak­ing to since it’s inception.
That (1) the Police High Command is bloat­ed. And (2) It has been inef­fec­tive and non-productive .
There I guess I just fig­ured out what re-ener­gize means in that sense, I have to laugh with myself some­times when I try to make sense of the utter­ances of the Police high command.
In the inter­est of real dis­clo­sure I was not a con­formist young police offi­cer , I nev­er liked the peo­ple in com­mand . For the most part I thought most of them were in posi­tions of lead­er­ship based sole­ly on their length of service.
I thought most were ego-mani­a­cal incom­pe­tents. I still do hav­ing left over 24 years ago ..
So there !!!
Now things have changed no one can accuse the larg­er high com­mand of being dunces, how­ev­er the many edu­cat­ed offi­cers who now grace the upper ech­e­lon of the force arguably know pre­cious lit­tle about Law-Enforcement , mod­ern day polic­ing, and the ever-evolv­ing con­cept of polic­ing , not to men­tion tac­ti­cal and inves­tiga­tive policing.
So yes they are able to speak in a way peo­ple were not accus­tomed to hear cops speak but the lan­guage they speak though more gram­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rect , is tech­ni­cal­ly the same gib­ber­ish as before.
It’s essen­tial­ly the same bull-shit in a bet­ter packaging.
That is if you pre­fer lis­ten­ing to bull-shit in bet­ter English as opposed to Patios…

Police can­not guar­an­tee a south­ward trend in seri­ous crimes unless it has a strate­gic plan in place in place. This plan requires a series of things to hap­pen before that trend may be realized.
It is sim­ple non­sen­si­cal gib­ber­ish to sug­gest that because some kha­ki dressed peo­ple are forced to get up off their fat ass­es and be more vis­i­ble to the pub­lic mur­ders have trend­ed downward.
The very same Police high com­mand have told us that many of the mur­ders on the Island are relat­ed to the ongo­ing Lotto-scam which the very police allowed to devel­op into a can­cer which has now metas­ta­sized into some­thing they can­not control.
It would be incred­i­bly inter­est­ing to hear DCP Quallo explain just how these recent­ly ener­gized senior cops have impact­ed these killings.
I want­ed to quip that the only way they could impact those mur­der stats is if they are active­ly involved>(bad joke , I’m sorry).
The oth­er killings are (1) Domestic affairs which require edu­ca­tion those are social issues. Then(2) mur­ders com­mit­ted from Robberies etc.

Homicides com­mit­ted as a by-prod­uct or con­tin­u­a­tion of oth­er felonies like Burglaries, Robberies, Rapes, or even the drug trade are the homi­cides Police are best able to have an impact on. Strategies must be devel­oped around hav­ing a no-non­sense approach to drug-deal­ing , imple­ment­ing strate­gies to pre­vent Burglaries , and Robberies by cur­tail­ing the move­ment of known offenders.
This is where an ener­gized high com­mand could be use­ful by uti­liz­ing the resources it has at it’s dis­pos­al more effectively.
This means hav­ing police patrols sit­ting out­side known hot-spots. Photograph every­one who enter cer­tain know drug spots, it is some­times use­ful that peo­ple know they are being photographed.

Confiscate unreg­is­tered high speed motor­cy­cles. Effectively set up spot checks on the main thor­ough­fares , it is use­ful to have senior offi­cers in com­mand of spot-checks to elim­i­nate the pos­si­bil­i­ty of bribe-taking.
There is much the police can do despite the short­ages and lack of resources. What they should not do is blow hot air up the nation’s backside.
Of course the Government and the Opposition Party has sab­o­taged the police every step of the way . Don’t be fooled the occu­pant of Jamaica House hates the hell out of cops because offi­cers always stood in her ways so she could not have her way as mem­ber of par­lia­ment of a Garrison community.
Of course the Labor Party and it’s friends designed and insti­tut­ed (inde­com) which is to crime what fer­til­iz­er is to plants.
Does the Jamaican police need over­sight ? Hell yes they do , just not (inde­com) as configured,.
Poorly thought out with no con­sid­er­a­tion or input from law enforce­ment bad law which Bruce Golding gave to the Nation to put police in their place.

Crime in Jamaica can be con­tained even with the efforts of the Administration to ham­per law-enforce­ment. It can be reduced with police doing policing.
I under­stand that they have not passed new effec­tive laws to put seri­ous offend­ers in prison and keep them there.
I under­stand that the Criminal courts are more crim­i­nal than they are courts by their lib­er­al acts.
I under­stand the depart­ment does not have ade­quate resources to get the job done but you cops serv­ing now should see what we had over two decades ago.
A cohe­sive strat­e­gy with clear­ly defined goals and a path to achiev­ing them through sus­tained atten­tion to detail is how Jamaica’s mur­der num­bers will come down and stay down.
No amount of bang-gut kha­ki-clad-clowns on the streets will.
