Republicans Are Angry But Not For The Reasons They Tell You.……


President Obama
President Obama

Trump says he is angry at the way his coun­try is going , ANGRY, ANGRY, ANGRY.
What is he angry about ? The econ­o­my is doing greater than it did for the two Bush terms.
Mitt Romney promised if he won in 2012 he would deliv­er 6% unemployment.
Guess what unem­ploy­ment is at 5%.!
They said they would deliv­er $3 per gal­lon gas .
Guess what gas is under $3 per gallon.
Oh by the way when the facts stared the liars in their dis­gust­ing faces they claim many peo­ple sim­ply stopped look­ing for jobs.
That idio­cy the Lame stream media is all too delight­ed to run with .
Well guess what those peo­ple who stopped look­ing for work have stopped eat­ing and they have also stopped living .
What liars?


The Auto indus­try has nev­er been stronger. More than 15 mil­lion Americans who did­n’t, now have health insur­ance as a result of the Affordable Care Act.
The mar­kets are doing excep­tion­al­ly well, oth­er than the recent down­swing because of the drop in crude prices.
Obama end­ed two wars and under his watch Osama Bin Laden .….…. well you know.
On these pages I have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly cat­a­loged the tri­umphs and achieve­ments of President Barack Hussein Obama so I won’t attempt to list them all in this Article. Simply put this pres­i­dent is one of America’s finest and most respect­ed around the world.
No amount of hate­ful rhetoric can change that!!!
And oh by the way, he accom­plished it all against the most intran­si­gent obstruc­tion­ism from those opposed to his presidency.
Former Vice President Al Gore gave the nation George Bush as a result of his sil­ly refusal to embrace Bill Clinton’s accomplishments.
Of course Clinton’s pres­i­den­cy was dogged by the Monica Lewinsky débâ­cle but most­ly about a Ken Starr white-water inves­ti­ga­tions which wast­ed in excess of 30 mil­lion dol­lars with tax-pay­ers left with noth­ing to show for it.
Democrats would be well advised to embrace President Obama’s record of accom­plish­ments rather than appear to be run­ning away from them because Republican talk­ing points indi­cate we should not trust our lying eyes.

There is no malaise as the lying Republicans want you to believe. There is no malaise as the incom­pe­tent lame stream media wants you to


The fact is America’s stand­ing has nev­er been high­er in the world. America has restored work­ing rela­tion­ships with Cuba after over 50 years of a failed pol­i­cy of Blockade of the Cuban econ­o­my, it’s now up to the Republican Congress to lift the embargo.
Don’t hold your breath for those arro­gant war­mon­gers to do the right thing.
The Iran nuclear issue has been nego­ti­at­ed, despite the lying Republicans and Israel’s Netanyahu’s best efforts to scut­tle the deal and push the plan­et to a third world war.
Today Iran has began the process of dis­man­tling parts of it’s nuclear pro­gram and ship­ping out parts of the infrastructure.

So they are angry but what they are angry about is that Obama has kept the world from a war with Iran which potentially


would have snow-balled into a total con­fla­gra­tion engulf­ing the entire planet.
They are angry that for pos­ter­i­ty Obama will be cred­it­ed with sav­ing the economy.
They are angry that for pos­ter­i­ty Obama will be cred­it­ed with sav­ing the Auto Industry.
They are angry that for pos­ter­i­ty Obama will be cred­it­ed with giv­ing Universal Health care to mil­lions of Americans ‚some­thing many oth­er Presidents have tried and failed at.
They are angry at rela­tions with Iran .
They are angry at rela­tions with Cuba.
They are angry Obama does not buy Netanyahu’s inces­sant warmongering.
They are angry that their rich pup­pet-mas­ters like Boeing and Northrop Grumman which churn out weapons of war can­not make tril­lions based on man­u­fac­tured ille­gal wars.
They are angry that Black-water can­not receive hun­dreds of bil­lions so they can get kick-backs while the tax­pay­ers foot the bill.


Yea there is anger out there in Republic-top­ia , and for good rea­son because for the 7 years Barack Obama has been President they have not been able to make war or wreak destruc­tion on the rest of the world under false pretenses.
They have not man­aged to kill thou­sands of men ‚women and chil­dren in wars of choice.
So ignore what you hear from the idi­ot­ic buf­foon who looks like an oven roast­ed duck, the over­weight dis­re­spect­ful self-aggran­diz­ing moron from across the Hudson riv­er or even from the two Hispanics who suf­fer from iden­ti­ty crises.
Nothing will change what our first Black President has accom­plished and for that we are proud.
Let them be ANGRY.…..

Do you see a poten­tial President here?
I don’t !!!

One thought on “Republicans Are Angry But Not For The Reasons They Tell You.……

  1. Love this Mike . Sometimes when an oppo­si­tion lacks Intelligent respons­es to an incum­bent accom­plish­ment they grasp for straws with lit­tle or no poten­cy , thus are the actions of the Republicans .

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