Sexism-maybe Even Racism But Not From Chris Gayle.…

Television reporter Mel McLaughlin and cricketer Chris Gayle...
Television reporter Mel McLaughlin and crick­eter Chris Gayle…

I’m lit­er­al­ly annoyed at writ­ing about this but I am doing so any­way because I would have missed a cru­cial oppor­tu­ni­ty to speak the truth in the face of mon­u­men­tal hypocrisy .
Chris Gayle’s corny com­ments to Mel McLaughlin:
“I want­ed to come and have an inter­view with you as well, that’s the rea­son why I’m here, Just to see your eyes for the first time. It’s nice, So hope­ful­ly we can win this game and we can have a drink after. Don’t blush, baby.”
Corny, ill-timed, inap­pro­pri­ate in those cir­cum­stances ? Yes.
Disrespectful ♦ Crass ♦ To the absurd, Sexually preda­to­ry? No.
Australian Television Reporter Mel McLaughlin said “I’ve not spo­ken to (Gayle) per­son­al­ly, I know he issued an apol­o­gy, I accept that and I just want to move on.”
But the Media is obsessed with this non-sto­ry and refus­es to let it die. Even in Jamaica it has become dried kin­dling for the fires of fem­i­nism while on the broad­er inter­na­tion­al scale it can only be seen for what it is.
Race driven.

The con­tin­ued pil­ing-on Chris Gayle con­tin­ues and will prob­a­bly con­tin­ue for the fore­see­able future with var­i­ous and sundry hav­ing all kinds of opin­ions and mak­ing all kinds of accu­sa­tions against the for­mer West Indies crick­et captain.
Characterizations includes ♦Disrespectful ♦ Crass ♦ To the absurd, Sexually predatory.
Now and for all intents and pur­pos­es new alleged vic­tims will be crawl­ing out of the wood-work to make their own alle­ga­tions against Mister Gayle, already one such alle­ga­tion has been made to which Chris Gayle seem to be proac­tive in fight­ing back by going to court against those who pub­lished the allegations.
Can any­one say Bill Cosby?

Was it dis­re­spect though?

Having seen the encounter sev­er­al times over , I cringe at the fact that Chris made that ter­ri­ble ‘faux paux’ , how­ev­er his admi­ra­tion for some­one of the oppo­site sex was quite nat­ur­al , there was noth­ing dis­re­spect­ful about that .
What is a prob­lem is that the time and place of his choos­ing to make a pass at her was incred­i­bly poor. Simply put, Chris allowed Testosterone to cloud his judge­ment , some­thing many great and pow­er­ful men has suc­cumbed to through­out history.
But does it make these men mon­sters deserv­ing of the con­tin­ued exco­ri­a­tion and demo­niz­ing which has become the norm against het­ero­sex­u­al male these days?
Not to dimin­ish the fact that Chris’ attempt at flir­ta­tion was hor­ri­ble and poor­ly timed but does any­one believe we would be talk­ing about this had a female said the same thing to Mel McLaughlin?
In fact if Mel was a man and Chris said the same thing to him the Media would be abuzz with praise that a homo­sex­u­al can now open­ly dis­play his affec­tion for anoth­er of the same sex. Let’s not kid ourselves.
Yes it was hard to watch and I’m sure Chris wish­es he could take it back but the con­stant and inces­sant crit­i­cisms of this man stinks of racism and sexism.
The notion that a sin­gle ill-advised com­ment to some­one of the oppo­site sex is tan­ta­mount to sex­ism , sex­u­al harass­ment or is sex­u­al­ly preda­to­ry is bullshit.
Chris Gayle may be stuck in the past as it relates to accept­able soci­etal norms. He will have to bring him­self up to par rather quick­ly if he wants to con­tin­ue on the International scene. Already it is prov­ing real­ly cost­ly for him financially.
The tele­vised apol­o­gy he gave was proof-pos­i­tive that Chris cer­tain­ly has a far way to go in under­stand­ing the nuances of the new world in which we live.
That apol­o­gy cer­tain­ly did more harm than good in a sit­u­a­tion in which a word­ed apol­o­gy sent to the lame-stream media would have been more effective.
Georgie Parker’
Georgie Parker’
Set the flam­ing Feminists aside there has always been and will be for a long time to come, a stark aver­sion by some to a big Black man mak­ing a pass at or hav­ing a rela­tion­ship with a sup­pos­ed­ly del­i­cate white woman.
Maybe most pro­found are the state­ments of Hockey play­er Georgie Parker
“Let’s just take it as it was: a bit of a laugh from a known jok­er , I like to be told I’m pret­ty some­times too. That’s all he was say­ing.” Parker also sug­gest­ed if she act­ed in the same way towards a male inter­view­er, “I’m fair­ly sure no one would blink an eye lid”.
My point exact­ly Georgie Parker , my point exactly!!!