So The Jcf Can Solve Crimes…



According to the Jamaican Police two men are in cus­tody for the December 21st shoot­ing of Dr. Raymoth Notice the for­mer Mayor of Spanish Town.
Notice was alleged­ly shot while wash­ing his car at his home near the town of Bog Walk in St. Catherine.
This page applaud the police in the arrest of the two men whose names have not been released, even as I ques­tion how they are able to bring cas­es like these involv­ing well con­nect­ed peo­ple to clo­sure this swift­ly and effi­cient­ly while the same is non-exis­tent for poor­er less influ­en­tial Jamaicans.
I am not privy to the cir­cum­stances with­in the Investigations which pre­cip­i­tat­ed the speedy arrest of the two indi­vid­u­als in cus­tody, nev­er­the­less as a mat­ter of con­science I implore the police to attach the same lev­el of impor­tance ‚alacrity and urgency to oth­er case involv­ing Jamaicans who do not have the ben­e­fit of high name recognition.
For it’s in the fair and equi­table dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice that all our peo­ple will feel that they too mat­ter, that they have a stake in our coun­try which invari­ably will make them part­ners in the fight against crime.


The Half-Way-Tree Police have report­ed charg­ing Garfield Walters, 22, and George Ballentine, 28, both of Bedward Gardens, with the killing of Albert Barnes.
According to Jamaican media Barnes was dri­ving a JUTC bus along Bedward Crescent, Kingston 7 on December 29 when explo­sions were heard. He was lat­er found with a gun­shot wound to the chest and was tak­en to hos­pi­tal where he died while being treated.
According to Police Walters sur­ren­dered to the Yallahs Police in St Thomas on Friday, January 01, while Ballentine was picked up by the police dur­ing an oper­a­tion in August Town, St Andrew on January 04. The police say a .380 semi-auto­mat­ic pis­tol and 24 rounds of ammu­ni­tion were tak­en from Ballentine.

The police are yet to say whether they are able to deter­mine if the weapon tak­en from Ballentine was the one used to kill mis­ter Barnes.
So the police do have the abil­i­ty to solve crime in Jamaica when there is pub­lic pres­sure to solve a par­tic­u­lar case. On that basis Jamaicans must demand that going for­ward the police attach the very same lev­els of impor­tance to each and every mur­der they are tasked with solving.
I ful­ly under­stand that not every mur­der will be solved, yet I am con­fi­dent that though woe­ful­ly under-staffed , under-equipped, and under-paid the police can bring more crim­i­nals to justice.
This of course will require greater moti­va­tion and appre­ci­a­tion from the polit­i­cal boss­es and greater under­stand­ing of polic­ing and lead­er­ship from the brass of the force.

Policing has changed in Jamaica some say for the bet­ter, thus far the crime num­bers tell a dif­fer­ent story.
A known mur­der­er caught with a gun in custody?
The fear of being hauled before the courts on mur­der charges has crip­pled the police’s abil­i­ty to effec­tive­ly remove mur­der­ers from the streets with the knowl­edge they will nev­er return .
Lets not kid our­selves these vis­cous killers will not be put away by the present crop of crim­i­nal cod­dling judges who sits on the Island’s benches.
For the lib­er­al élite on the Island that is progress.
In the end the lib­er­al social­ist courts will find a way to dis­cred­it the evi­dence against these two scum­bags and they will be returned to the streets to kill again and again.
By the way even before they are returned to the streets per­ma­nent­ly they will be let loose on bail.
It is safe to assume these two have killed before, maybe sev­er­al times pri­or to killing mis­ter Barnes.
The case will drag on and on and on until it is tossed from the dock­et that is the way killers are reward­ed in Jamaica.


In the mean­time the cop-killer (dup­py film) is no clos­er to being caught today than when he snuffed out the lives of two police offi­cers at Poor Man’s Corner in St. Thomas last December.
What this blog­ger has heard is large­ly talk from one mem­ber of the police hier­ar­chy whom I per­son­al­ly know could not catch a fly stuck to a glue pad.
Why are the fam­i­lies of slain offi­cers not sub­ject to the same cour­tesy of atten­tion giv­en to the Notice and Barnes family?
In oth­er coun­tries when a cop is killed police drop every­thing and attend to bring­ing that cop-killer to justice.
Why is the same lev­el of atten­tion not being brought to bear on find­ing and elim­i­nat­ing (dup­py film)?
Why is this cop killer’s body not on a slab at Maddens?
As police offi­cers when you bring these unapolo­getic killers in you are ser­vic­ing the needs of the soul-less social­ist élite.
Officers must decide whether they are going to con­tin­ue risk­ing their lives for them while pay­ing no atten­tion to the killers of their fall­en comrades.
