Justice For Some Vengeance Against Others.……


JUSTICEThe qual­i­ty of being just; right­eous­ness, equi­table­ness, or moral-right­ness: Dictionary​.com.

VENGEANCEpun­ish­ment inflict­ed in retal­i­a­tion for an injury or offense :Merriam-Webster.

Whether its the con­niv­ing cal­cu­la­tive release of infor­ma­tion on the week­end by Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Dononan Jr, that there would be no crim­i­nal charges against the cop who used an out­lawed choke-hold to mur­der Eric Garner .
Or whether it’s Cleveland Prosecutor Tim McGinty fol­low­ing the same tact announc­ing in the calm of the Yuletide sea­son that there would be no charges against the cop who sum­mar­i­ly gunned down 12 year-old Tamir Rice the duplic­i­ty is the same.

When is it ever legal or law­ful to gun down a 12 year-old child and no one is held account­able, and in par­tic­u­lar one who is trained to pro­tect life ?
Or are they?
There are a cou­ple of things which went wrong that can­not be denied or brushed aside by McGinty.
(1) Why did the dis­patch­er not tell patrol (offi­cers going to the scene) that the caller to the 911 cen­ter had inti­mat­ed that the gun may have been a fake?
(2) Why did the two cops not pull up at a safe dis­tance and order Rice to drop the weapon?
(3) Why did the offi­cers lie that they ordered Rice to drop the weapon when clear­ly they did not?
(4) Wasn’t it clear after they shot the child they knew it was bad so they lied to cov­er up what they did?
(5) Why did they not ren­der first aid to the dying 12-year-old even as a pass­ing FBI Agent stopped by and attempt­ed to resus­ci­tate the mor­tal­ly wound­ed child?
(6) Should the fam­i­ly of Tamir Rice just go away and shut up even though Timothy Loehmann who killed their son was deemed unfit by anoth­er police depart­ment and the Cleveland brass knew about it?

Timothy Loehmann was specif­i­cal­ly fault­ed for break­ing down emo­tion­al­ly while han­dling a live gun. During a train­ing episode at a fir­ing range, Loehmann was report­ed to be “dis­tract­ed and weepy” and incom­mu­nica­tive. “His hand­gun per­for­mance was dis­mal,” deputy chief Jim Polak of the Independence, Ohio, police depart­ment wrote in an inter­nal memo. The memo con­cludes with a rec­om­men­da­tion that Loehmann be “released from the employ­ment of the City of Independence”. Less than a week lat­er, on 3 December 2012, Loehmann resigned. According to the Gaurdian​.com Cleveland offi­cer who fatal­ly shot Tamir Rice judged unfit for duty in 2012.

Not speak­ing to Bill Cosby’s inno­cence or guilt in the litany of sex­u­al alle­ga­tions against him, I still won­der just how author­i­ties can dredge up infor­ma­tion to sub­stan­ti­ate crim­i­nal charges against the embat­tled come­di­an even though in all of the cas­es save one the statute of lim­i­ta­tions have expired.
Might I add also that even in the sin­gle case in which Cosby is charged crim­i­nal­ly the statute is slat­ed to expire in a month.
What is the rush at all cost to charge Cosby with a crime?
Speaking at a press con­fer­ence after the charges Prosecutors said it was their duty to file charges. Umph I won­der why it;s nev­er their duty to bring charges when Black peo­ple are mur­dered but it’s always their duty to move moun­tains when the sus­pect is black?

article-cosby-1230How iron­ic that a 2004 case of aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al assault can be made out against a black man but even when we see mur­der with our own eyes we are told we should not believe what we see?
Two sep­a­rate jus­tice sys­tems and they are unashamed , it is dis­gust­ing , it is insult­ing, it is nauseating.

Whether or not Bill Cosby is guilty of the alle­ga­tions against him is irrel­e­vant in this con­text, it is the absolute dou­ble stan­dards and the das­tard­ly inequity in a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem which prides itself on the notion of fairness .
It is and has always been a farce and a fraud.

2 thoughts on “Justice For Some Vengeance Against Others.……

  1. You hit it out of the park! This is vengeance, Malice, and deep-seed­ed hatred towards “Bill Cosby! ” This is the real­i­ty of the white man’s justice…

    Here’s a man made the most dis­parag­ing, dem­a­gogue, and vil­i­fied black peo­ple and san­i­tized the white peo­ple’s actions for the suf­fer­ing and abject pover­ty that black peo­ple are liv­ing in America. 

    The cir­cle of friends, who was pro­tect­ing Bill Cosby, have aban­doned him and throws him to the wolves (the lib­er­als) to destroy him and his legacy! 

    Although, there’s no cor­rob­o­rat­ed evi­dence, the pros­e­cu­tor charge him for an inci­dent that hap­pens close to twelve years ago. The main rea­son, is because the man his black. 

    What is hap­pen­ing to Bill Cosby is tan­ta­mount, evi­den­tiary, and a reminder of lynch­ing of the black man by the Southists in America; if a black man looks at a white woman under wear that was grounds to lynched the black man and it is the same thing with this case. 

    So, this is a reminder that there are two sets of jus­tice in America. One for whites and the oth­er is [in]justice for the blacks. This is the real­i­ty of being black in America. You are guilty until proven innocent! 

    Race is very impor­tant to every­thing that hap­pened in the jus­tice sys­tem in America. 

    The dou­ble stan­dard, when it comes onto race in America con­tin­ue and don’t think that the sys­temic sys­tem of racism is not going anywhere. 

    We have seen for our­selves, that the police keep mur­der­ing black peo­ple with no abate­ment or account­abil­i­ty from the state or local pros­e­cu­tor see it fit to file charges against Cosby because the stat­ue of lim­i­ta­tions is about to expire. How convenient! 

    To date not one pros­e­cu­tor file charges against the law enforce­ment offi­cers when they are over­whelm­ing amount of evi­dence to sup­port the claims of mur­der of a young blacks or Hispanics even when the evi­dence is there. 

    White suprema­cy at work in this case!

  2. It’s done shame­less­ly, dis­gust­ing­ly, and nau­se­at­ing­ly and with­out fear of being chal­lenged, they sim­ply do not care.

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