White Working Class They Are Not :They Are Ignorant Bigots.…


I start­ed a joke that start­ed the whole world cry­ing, but I did­n’t see that the joke was on me”
I start­ed to cry which start­ed the whole world laugh­ing, but I did­n’t see that the joke was on me.… (Brothers Gibb 0/​c Bee/​gees)
In that haunt­ing voice, Robin Gibb belt­ed out that cryp­tic lyric which ulti­mate­ly said “the joke was on me”.

For years the American media roman­ti­cized pack­aged and sold Donald Trump’s big­ot­ed igno­rance as Reality Television. Donald Trump is a wealthy heir to his fathers for­tune. No-he may not be as rich as he would like oth­ers to believe, but Trump has had his own suc­cess­es which can­not be denied.
In America and across the globe mon­ey equals pow­er and Donald Trump has pur­chased the abil­i­ty to say and do what­ev­er the hell he wants.


When Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and oth­ers blast­ed onto the scene with vile rhetoric after it became evi­dent Barack Obama would like­ly win the Democratic Nomination in 2008, no one said it was wrong or it should stop.
Everyone was laugh­ing then; no harm, no foul, America had always abused it’s black pop­u­la­tion. Why should it care about this uppi­ty n****r now?
No one in the Republican Party nor the cor­po­rate media saw any­thing wrong with the putrid bile which Trump, the semi-lit­er­ate Sarah Palin and oth­ers were spewing.
In fact most of the white lib­er­als in the Democrat par­ty were silent as well.
After all why should they speak out?
Just who did Obama think he was?
Remember Bill Clinton the sup­posed first Black President com­ments ?[sic] “This is the biggest fairy tale I have ever seen”.
Ha ha ha lets all have a good laugh about that fairy tale ? Only thing was , the joke was on Bill and Hillary Clinton in ’08 ‚.


Despite repeat­ed attempts to fix the fall­out from those com­ments, many felt Clinton’s com­ments were aimed at belit­tling Obama’s can­di­da­cy. Black vot­ers in South Carolina was hav­ing none of it.
“We’ll show you whose can­di­da­cy is a fairy tale”, they seemed to say with their votes. In droves Black vot­ers rolled up to the polls in unprece­dent­ed num­bers, for all intents and pur­pos­es Hillary Clinton’s can­di­da­cy was toast from there on in.
The Racists whites weren’t laugh­ing anymore.


But back to Trump…It’s now the 2016 cam­paign the media glee­ful­ly gave Trump’s racist nar­ra­tive top billing. Even though Trump open­ly ridiculed and berat­ed reporters at his mass ral­lies, news net­works car­ried Trump’s ral­lies from start to fin­ish then spent days after­wards mag­ni­fy­ing his sub­stance-free talk­ing points ad nau­se­am.
The ral­lies which start­ed out with the dog whis­tle “make America great again” became more and more like Hitler’s youth ral­lies as Trumps cam­paign began to attract bot­tom feed­ers like David Duke (the for­mer grand drag­on of the Klux Klux Klan) and major white suprema­cists groups.
No one who noticed was fooled by Trump’s “make America great again” bull­shit logo.
We knew it was a thin­ly veiled “make America white again” veneer. As more and more peo­ple got assault­ed and abused by Trump big­ot­ed rhetoric the under­class of the American not- so-under­bel­ly start­ed swarm­ing out like legions of locusts to attend Trump’s rallies.
Then they real­ized peo­ple weren’t fooled by the non­sense of make America great again, so off with the veneer of lies,” make America white again” is now offi­cial­ly out in the open.


The Rallies are now full-blown white suprema­cist events. While this is hap­pen­ing the cor­po­rate media con­tin­ue to engage in implau­si­ble deni­a­bil­i­ty claim­ing that ral­ly atten­dees are white work­ing class peo­ple, instead of label­ing them what they tru­ly are, une­d­u­cat­ed , igno­rant bigots.
As Trumps rhetoric became more and more bel­li­cose, more and more ordi­nary peo­ple start­ed to push back at the hate com­ing from Trump. So more and more pro­test­ers start­ed show­ing up to push back against the hate­ful and divi­sive rhetoric.
Muslims were tossed, Black lives mat­ter pro­test­ers were tossed, women and any­one who dared to speak out against Trump’s Racist , Xenophobic , Islamaphobic rants are now pub­lic ene­my num­ber one.

Trump demand that pro­test­ers be tossed out in the cold with­out their coats. He encour­aged his sup­port­ers to attack pro­test­ers while assur­ing them he would pay the legal costs should it be nec­es­sary. This embold­ened more and more bot­tom feed­ers to crawl out of the sew­ers. All of a sud­den the crowds seemed to have more and more plaid shirts and wide brimmed hats than oth­er campaigns.
The Hitler salute has also been evi­dent at Trumps Rallies. The hate filled whites who attend his ral­lies need to vent their frus­tra­tions and vent they do.

Despite being so-called native born huge num­bers of them are unable to lift them­selves from the throes of pover­ty despite being American cit­i­zens with the ben­e­fit of white privilege.
This for them is rea­son enough to hate every­one else not like them. Basically any­one not igno­rant, pover­ty-strick­en, bel­liger­ent, resent­ful, sci­ence-deniers, non-white or filled with hatred.

Protesters say ‘Stop Islamophobia’ at Donald Trump Rally
Protesters say ‘Stop Islamophobia’ at Donald Trump Rally

This makes Mexicans Muslims, and every­one else includ­ing the tra­di­tion­al tar­get of their unmit­i­gat­ed ven­om , blacks all liable to feel their wrath.
For these bot­tom feed­ers Trump is mere­ly a means to an end. They don’t care that Trump is a ser­i­al divorcee who takes advan­tage of Americas tax laws and abus­es immi­grant labor while talk­ing about work­ers rights.
They are not con­cerned that the dis­re­spect­ful phi­lan­der­er Donald Trump abhors them just as much as he hates those he berates. To them Trump is a mega phone through which they get to vent their hatred and Trump rec­og­nizes that all too well. Recognizing this Trump said he could fire a gun down 5th avenue and he would not lose a sin­gle vote.
Yes Trump is right about that , they do not care that he is a New York City Liberal who donat­ed heav­i­ly to lib­er­al can­di­dates and sup­port­ed lib­er­al caus­es and positions.
To these igno­ra­mus­es any Trump will do , he speaks their lan­guage of hate and that “trumps” all else.

I wonder what this Heroine thinks about the likes of Ben Carson?
I won­der what this Heroine thinks about the likes of Ben Carson?

The Planter class did a mas­ter­ful job of con­vinc­ing white crim­i­nals who came over from Europe as bonds­men that if they played by the rules and sep­a­rat­ed them­selves from enslaved Africans soon they would become part of the planter class.
They real­ized the expe­di­en­cy of con­vinc­ing impov­er­ished whites to mil­i­tate against their own self inter­est was crit­i­cal if they were to main­tain con­trol of the situation.
White sep­a­ratism was born.
The sav­agery and ven­omous bar­bar­i­ty unleashed on Black African peo­ple who were sub­ject­ed to slav­ery and Jim crow was not car­ried out by Christians who fled reli­gious persecution.
They were the filth of Europe’s sew­ers. Murderers and Rapists, the most vile despi­ca­ble life-forms oper­at­ing on the premise that through bru­tal­i­ty and bar­bar­i­ty they could cur­ry favor to improve their indi­vid­ual lots.

We will never forget and neither will they be allowed to either....
We will nev­er for­get and nei­ther will they be allowed to either.…

Today their descen­dants are no dif­fer­ent, many are impov­er­ished une­d­u­cat­ed who blame every­one else for their fail­ures. Their unfound­ed hatred is based on noth­ing sub­stan­tive that can be addressed. They are who they are, they were bred to hate and be hate­ful. They were bred to believe that their sor­ry lives were the way they are because oth­ers have succeed.
On that basis they also hate white edu­cat­ed ‚lib­er­at­ed, lib­er­al intel­lec­tu­als who do not sub­scribe to the hatred and big­otry which defines them.
The media can call them blue col­lar work­ing class whites all it wants the world knows them for what they are, under-per­form­ing big­ots who blame oth­ers for their inadequacies.
And the whole world laughs “cause the joke is on them”.

One thought on “White Working Class They Are Not :They Are Ignorant Bigots.…

  1. Funny yet scary

    University of Oregon: Natural Born Citizen

    Those of you who wor­ry about Democrats ver­sus Republicans — relax, we have a big­ger problem.

    In a University of Oregon class­room, they were dis­cussing the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to be President of the United States. It was pret­ty sim­ple, the can­di­date must be a nat­ur­al born cit­i­zen of at least 35 years of age. 

    However, one girl in the class imme­di­ate­ly start­ed in on how unfair it was of the require­ment to be a nat­ur­al born cit­i­zen. In short, her opin­ion was that this require­ment pre­vent­ed many capa­ble indi­vid­u­als from becom­ing pres­i­dent. The class was tak­ing it in and let­ting her rant, and not many jaws hit the floor when she wrapped up her argu­ment by stat­ing, “What makes a nat­ur­al born cit­i­zen any more qual­i­fied to lead this coun­try than one born by C‑section?”

    These are the same 18-year-olds that are now vot­ing in our elec­tions. They breed and they walk among us. 

    Lord, we need more help than we thought we did!

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