“I started a joke that started the whole world crying, but I didn’t see that the joke was on me”
I started to cry which started the whole world laughing, but I didn’t see that the joke was on me.… (Brothers Gibb 0/c Bee/gees)
In that haunting voice, Robin Gibb belted out that cryptic lyric which ultimately said “the joke was on me”.
For years the American media romanticized packaged and sold Donald Trump’s bigoted ignorance as Reality Television. Donald Trump is a wealthy heir to his fathers fortune. No-he may not be as rich as he would like others to believe, but Trump has had his own successes which cannot be denied.
In America and across the globe money equals power and Donald Trump has purchased the ability to say and do whatever the hell he wants.
When Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and others blasted onto the scene with vile rhetoric after it became evident Barack Obama would likely win the Democratic Nomination in 2008, no one said it was wrong or it should stop.
Everyone was laughing then; no harm, no foul, America had always abused it’s black population. Why should it care about this uppity n****r now?
No one in the Republican Party nor the corporate media saw anything wrong with the putrid bile which Trump, the semi-literate Sarah Palin and others were spewing.
In fact most of the white liberals in the Democrat party were silent as well.
After all why should they speak out?
Just who did Obama think he was?
Remember Bill Clinton the supposed first Black President comments ?[sic] “This is the biggest fairy tale I have ever seen”.
Ha ha ha lets all have a good laugh about that fairy tale ? Only thing was , the joke was on Bill and Hillary Clinton in ’08 ‚.
Despite repeated attempts to fix the fallout from those comments, many felt Clinton’s comments were aimed at belittling Obama’s candidacy. Black voters in South Carolina was having none of it.
“We’ll show you whose candidacy is a fairy tale”, they seemed to say with their votes. In droves Black voters rolled up to the polls in unprecedented numbers, for all intents and purposes Hillary Clinton’s candidacy was toast from there on in.
The Racists whites weren’t laughing anymore.
But back to Trump…It’s now the 2016 campaign the media gleefully gave Trump’s racist narrative top billing. Even though Trump openly ridiculed and berated reporters at his mass rallies, news networks carried Trump’s rallies from start to finish then spent days afterwards magnifying his substance-free talking points ad nauseam.
The rallies which started out with the dog whistle “make America great again” became more and more like Hitler’s youth rallies as Trumps campaign began to attract bottom feeders like David Duke (the former grand dragon of the Klux Klux Klan) and major white supremacists groups.
No one who noticed was fooled by Trump’s “make America great again” bullshit logo.
We knew it was a thinly veiled “make America white again” veneer. As more and more people got assaulted and abused by Trump bigoted rhetoric the underclass of the American not- so-underbelly started swarming out like legions of locusts to attend Trump’s rallies.
Then they realized people weren’t fooled by the nonsense of make America great again, so off with the veneer of lies,” make America white again” is now officially out in the open.

The Rallies are now full-blown white supremacist events. While this is happening the corporate media continue to engage in implausible deniability claiming that rally attendees are white working class people, instead of labeling them what they truly are, uneducated , ignorant bigots.
As Trumps rhetoric became more and more bellicose, more and more ordinary people started to push back at the hate coming from Trump. So more and more protesters started showing up to push back against the hateful and divisive rhetoric.
Muslims were tossed, Black lives matter protesters were tossed, women and anyone who dared to speak out against Trump’s Racist , Xenophobic , Islamaphobic rants are now public enemy number one.
Trump demand that protesters be tossed out in the cold without their coats. He encouraged his supporters to attack protesters while assuring them he would pay the legal costs should it be necessary. This emboldened more and more bottom feeders to crawl out of the sewers. All of a sudden the crowds seemed to have more and more plaid shirts and wide brimmed hats than other campaigns.
The Hitler salute has also been evident at Trumps Rallies. The hate filled whites who attend his rallies need to vent their frustrations and vent they do.
Despite being so-called native born huge numbers of them are unable to lift themselves from the throes of poverty despite being American citizens with the benefit of white privilege.
This for them is reason enough to hate everyone else not like them. Basically anyone not ignorant, poverty-stricken, belligerent, resentful, science-deniers, non-white or filled with hatred.

This makes Mexicans Muslims, and everyone else including the traditional target of their unmitigated venom , blacks all liable to feel their wrath.
For these bottom feeders Trump is merely a means to an end. They don’t care that Trump is a serial divorcee who takes advantage of Americas tax laws and abuses immigrant labor while talking about workers rights.
They are not concerned that the disrespectful philanderer Donald Trump abhors them just as much as he hates those he berates. To them Trump is a mega phone through which they get to vent their hatred and Trump recognizes that all too well. Recognizing this Trump said he could fire a gun down 5th avenue and he would not lose a single vote.
Yes Trump is right about that , they do not care that he is a New York City Liberal who donated heavily to liberal candidates and supported liberal causes and positions.
To these ignoramuses any Trump will do , he speaks their language of hate and that “trumps” all else.

The Planter class did a masterful job of convincing white criminals who came over from Europe as bondsmen that if they played by the rules and separated themselves from enslaved Africans soon they would become part of the planter class.
They realized the expediency of convincing impoverished whites to militate against their own self interest was critical if they were to maintain control of the situation.
White separatism was born.
The savagery and venomous barbarity unleashed on Black African people who were subjected to slavery and Jim crow was not carried out by Christians who fled religious persecution.
They were the filth of Europe’s sewers. Murderers and Rapists, the most vile despicable life-forms operating on the premise that through brutality and barbarity they could curry favor to improve their individual lots.

Today their descendants are no different, many are impoverished uneducated who blame everyone else for their failures. Their unfounded hatred is based on nothing substantive that can be addressed. They are who they are, they were bred to hate and be hateful. They were bred to believe that their sorry lives were the way they are because others have succeed.
On that basis they also hate white educated ‚liberated, liberal intellectuals who do not subscribe to the hatred and bigotry which defines them.
The media can call them blue collar working class whites all it wants the world knows them for what they are, under-performing bigots who blame others for their inadequacies.
And the whole world laughs “cause the joke is on them”.
Funny yet scary
University of Oregon: Natural Born Citizen
Those of you who worry about Democrats versus Republicans — relax, we have a bigger problem.
In a University of Oregon classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States. It was pretty simple, the candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age.
However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair it was of the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president. The class was taking it in and letting her rant, and not many jaws hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, “What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C‑section?”
These are the same 18-year-olds that are now voting in our elections. They breed and they walk among us.
Lord, we need more help than we thought we did!