If Military Service Guarantees Freedom Of Speech How Does Speaking Out Dishonor Military Service…

A com­pa­ny can decide who it wants to rep­re­sent it’s inter­est , as such Air Academy Federal Credit Unionis well with­in its right to drop some­one it believes does not rep­re­sent its interest.
However , it opens itself up to crit­i­cisms that its actions are hyp­o­crit­i­cal and self serv­ing if they are deemed to be so.
This is exact­ly the case where this com­pa­ny dropped a spokesper­son for exer­cis­ing his God giv­en right, which is guar­an­teed in the first amend­ment to the United States Constitution.
There is no con­flict between mil­i­tary ser­vice and free­dom of speech .
Brandon Marshall stand­ing in sol­i­dar­i­ty with Colin Kaepernick is now an issue for Air Academy Federal Credit Union. Obviously free­dom of speech is at war with mil­i­tary ser­vice as far as this cred­it union is concerned.
Maybe they will now hire Ryan Lochte as their new spokesperson.
Obviously free­dom of speech and free­dom of expres­sion stops with being black . It now appear mil­i­tary ser­vice is so sacro­sanct that it trumps and super­sede peo­ple’s right to be treat­ed with dig­ni­ty and to have their God giv­en right to life and lib­er­ty respect­ed as far as it relates to this cred­it Union.

Denver Broncos inside line­backer Brandon Marshall..
Where is the con­flict between mil­i­tary ser­vice and peo­ple demand­ing human dig­ni­ty and the right to life? What exact­ly is the connection?
Where is the Air Academy Federal Credit Union,dur­ing calls for jus­tice of those mur­dered by police offi­cers who swore an oath to pro­tect life ?
Silent !!!
In their lit­tle world noth­ing mat­ters out­side the lit­tle enclaves they carved for themselves .
Little enclaves with rules they designed . Rules which ignores injus­tice and even mur­der as long as it not mur­der of those with­in their cliques.
After the Korean and Vietnam wars African American ser­vice­men returned to a coun­try as seg­re­gat­ed as it was when they left . They were spat upon, lynched and murdered .
They had dogs unleashed on them, water-hoses and bil­ly-clubs was their new exis­tence . All for dar­ing to expect the coun­try for which they had shed their blood sac­ri­ficed and died for would afford them the dig­ni­ty rou­tine­ly expe­ri­enced by others
They were denied work their white coun­ter­parts rou­tine­ly got. There was no out­cry from the sanc­ti­mo­nious hyp­ocrites who wor­ship mil­i­tary ser­vice over human dig­ni­ty and the right of every human being to live with as human beings.
We may go as far back as the civ­il war, blacks fought and died for this land Africans occu­pied long before Europeans knew the earth was­n’t flat.
But why stop there , let’s go back to the Revolutionary war, and exam­ine the roles Blacks played in that conflict.
A Black man was the very first casu­al­ty of that war .
So whats the fix­a­tion with mil­i­tary ser­vice over and above the rights of cit­i­zens to speak freely?
What is the con­nec­tion between defend­ing one’s first amend­ment right which con­flicts with mil­i­tary service?
I would like to have that explained to me please.
Blacks have been fight­ing and dying before this land became a country?
What does it say about that much bal­ly­hooed line that sol­diers sac­ri­fice for our freedoms ?
Does that free­dom only extend to Caucasians to the exclu­sions of blacks who dare think they are included?
Here’s what it is, it is absur­di­ty and non­sen­si­cal hypocrisy designed to sti­fle dis­sent of police abuse.
It’s a straw man designed to snuff out protest against injus­tice com­pa­nies like Air Academy Federal Credit Union, are com­fort­able with.
Fortunately there are equal amounts of mil­i­tary vet­er­ans and active duty mem­bers who under­stand that their ser­vice, their sac­ri­fice is only val­i­dat­ed when every American cit­i­zen can stand and demon­strate against injustice.
If every sol­dier who donned a uni­form to fight for America returned to a coun­try in which cit­i­zens are pre­vent­ed from demon­strat­ing against their gov­ern­ment, then their sac­ri­fice would have been in vain.
Not when cit­i­zens do exact­ly what they say they fight to guarantee.…..That is val­i­da­tion for what they say they fought for.
Air Academy Federal Credit Union

Although we have enjoyed Brandon Marshall as our spokesper­son over the past five months, Air Academy Federal Credit Union (AAFCU) has end­ed our part­ner­ship. AAFCU is a mem­ber­ship-based orga­ni­za­tion who has proud­ly served the mil­i­tary com­mu­ni­ty for over 60 years. While we respect Brandon’s right of expres­sion, his actions are not a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of our orga­ni­za­tion and mem­ber­ship. We wish Brandon well on his future endeavors.

Glenn Strebe
Air Academy Federal Credit Union

Air Academy Federal Credit Union, which had been in a spon­sor­ship deal with Marshall for the last five months, announced Friday it was end­ing its rela­tion­ship with the Bronco. Marshall’s actions ― a protest against social injus­tice that fol­lowed San Fransisco 49ers quar­ter­back Colin Kaepernick’s deci­sion to kneel dur­ing the anthem ― were “not a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of our orga­ni­za­tion and mem­ber­ship,” the cred­it union’s CEO, Glenn Strebb, said in a statement.

The Broncos said they respect­ed Marshall’s deci­sion to protest, though added they encour­age mem­bers to stand dur­ing the anthem. After the game, a media rela­tions staff mem­ber advised Marshall not to look at his Twitter men­tions because “there’s gonna be a lot of hate,MMQB reported.

They said, ‘you might lose endorse­ments,’” Marshall told the pub­li­ca­tion. “I’m ready for that.”
