It’s Full Time Someone Tell Terrence Williams “shut Yu Mouth” ‚or Better Yet, Shut It For Him..

You almost feel like here we go again.Terrence Williams the Commissioner of (INDECOM) pointed out that his Agency is worried about the number of police fatal shootings for the months of January and February.

Terrence William com­mis­sion­er of (inde­com)

Terrence Williams told the Media gath­ered at a Press con­fer­ence at his Dumfries Road Office that he was wor­ried about the num­ber of peo­ple killed so far this year by police.
Williams released sta­tis­tics which indi­cat­ed that 19 peo­ple were shot and killed by the police in January, while anoth­er 12 were shot and killed in February.
Assistant (inde­com) Commissioner Hamish Campbell said January’s fatal­i­ties rep­re­sent­ed a 55 per cent increase over last year, which saw only sev­en fatal shoot­ings by the police. Another 11 peo­ple, Campbell said, were also shot and injured dur­ing the first two months of the year.

There was no men­tion about the height­ened lev­els of abduc­tions, rapes, and mur­der of lit­tle girls and young women , and every­one else ‚as well as the gen­er­al sense of law­less­ness sweep­ing the Island
There was no men­tion of the Police offi­cers killed in the line of duty at the hands of the cal­lous killers who kill at will.
There was no men­tion of the senior police sergeant who was killed in the Portmore area just days ago.
There was no men­tion of the propen­si­ty of Jamaicans to shoot at police offi­cers, and there was cer­tain­ly no men­tion of the sophis­ti­cat­ed weapon­ry these punks have in their possessions.
What Terrence Williams and his trea­so­nous anti Jamaica cabal are con­cerned about are dead criminals.

Terrence Williams has been giv­en immense inves­tiga­tive pow­ers under the ill con­ceived (INDECOM) Act.
Those pow­ers include, but are not con­fined to, the pow­er to arrest police offices, mem­bers of the mil­i­tary and cor­rec­tions depart­ments in the event there is evi­dence of wrong­do­ing on their part.
Despite those Powers much of what Terrence Williams have been able to accom­plish has been Media whor­ing and grandiose self promotion.
Not much else, by it’s own reporting(indecom) has been forced to admit that the vast major­i­ty of com­plaints it has inves­ti­gat­ed involv­ing the police , the police have been f
ound to have act­ed pro­fes­sion­al­ly and lawfully.

Portia Simpson Miller

It is a trag­ic state of affairs when tax pay­ers funds are used to finance witch hunts of secu­ri­ty personnel.
Even more trag­ic is the fact that high­er inci­dences of police shoot­ing crim­i­nals is sold as evi­dence of police wrong doing rather than a need for alarm at the near civ­il war sta­tus of the country.
That is the twist­ed log­ic Terrence Williams, Hamish Campbell the British slave mas­ter, and (inde­com), has engaged in since it’s inception.


It has become clear then that we have to see (inde­com) ‚Terrence Williams, and Hamish Campbell for what they tru­ly are.Agents against the Jamaican peo­ple.
Inevitably Jamaica will have to ask itself whether (inde­com) serves it’s inter­est or that of Williams’ for­eign han­dlers who have an inter­est in Jamaica’s con­tin­ued beg­gar status.
Certainly this can­not be out­side the scope of the com­pre­hen­sion of the Island’s leadership.

Jamaica is kept in a state of per­pet­u­al pover­ty which cre­ates depen­den­cy. Out of that pover­ty and depen­den­cy crime ger­mi­nate and metastasize.
Like an epi­dem­ic crime takes on new life as a virus does giv­en the right con­di­tions. If an anti­dote is not employed in a time­ly and deci­sive man­ner, giv­en those same cir­cum­stances that epi­dem­ic quick­ly evolve into a full blown pandemic.

Such has the virus of crime in Jamaica been allowed to thrive . In fact the polit­i­cal class which dou­bles as the crim­i­nal class has used their perch­es of pow­er to usurp the rule of law, cre­at­ing the con­di­tions which exist today .

As Michael Manley and Edward Seaga and their cabal of crim­i­nals did in the 1970’, our coun­try was turned into a ver­i­ta­ble war zone through the process of balka­niza­tion and the pro­lif­er­a­tion of guns.

Percival James Patterson for­mer PM presided over
years of cor­rup­tion and failed leadership..

Percival James Patterson and Portia Simpson Miller also prof­it­ed from the same kind of pol­i­tics . Through encour­age­ment, nur­tur­ing and enhance­ment of Garrison Dons and the dec­i­ma­tion of the Police department.
As a result it was an easy coup de gras for Bruce Golding to unleash his brand of destruc­tion on the country.
No not his defense of Christopher Coke . I“m talk­ing about his gift of (inde­com) to the coun­try, and now nur­tured by Andrew Holness.

At a time when a Member of Parliament is being threat­ened for dar­ing to speak out on pol­i­cy . At a time when Women and chil­dren are being bru­tal­ly raped and mur­dered . At a time when there is no com­punc­tion about killing police offi­cers , not to men­tion the near take over of the Jamaican state by crim­i­nals in 2010, we have lead­ers who are more inter­est­ed in hold­ing state pow­er than doing whats right.

I know it’s a stretch to appeal to the abil­i­ty of much of our peo­ple to do sim­ple reasoning…But I have to try.


Lets con­sid­er that Britain col­o­nized our land , enslaved our peo­ple for over four hun­dred years, through which they slaugh­tered untold millions.
Then Consider that at it’s ear­li­est con­ve­nience (1962), broke and irrel­e­vant , it’s for­mer empire a thing of the past ‚Britain cut Jamaica loose with noth­ing with which to help our­selves. (We stu­pid­ly refer to this peri­od as the time we gained independence).
Fast for­ward to Present day, and it’s Trojan Horse Prison deal which would have seen hun­dreds of crim­i­nals dumped on Jamaica, many of whom have nev­er been to Jamaica
Considering all of the oth­er tri­fling things England has done in recent times with the dis­tinct objec­tive of hurt­ing Jamaica and Jamaicans, why would any­one believe they have our inter­est at heart”

Edward Seaga..


If Britain was seri­ous about help­ing local law enforce­ment and the rule of law in Jamaica, would­n’t that coun­try help train our detec­tives in Forensics and oth­er areas?
Has it occurred to any­one , least of all the shit for brains so called lead­ers on the Island that there is some­thing fishy about their will­ing­ness to help with tying the hands of our police vis-a-vis (inde­com) , while they do not give a shit about how many inno­cents gets killed each year.


In the entire 20 bor­oughs of London com­bined, there are less mur­ders com­mit­ted each year than are com­mit­ted in a sin­gle month in St James Jamaica.
Despite these low homi­cide num­bers, England wants to dump it’s trou­bled Prisoners on our country.
Just this week one mem­ber of the British Parliament exco­ri­at­ed Jamaica for refus­ing to accept People who com­mit­ted crimes in England back into our country..
So they don’t want any crime in their coun­try but they are quite will­ing to help fund (inde­com) and send per­son­nel al la Hamish Campbell to help.
You dum­b­ass shit for brains politi­cians .…You believe this is good because your ass­es are where your heads ought to be.


There is no need to rehash the sta­tis­tics which shows just how sig­nif­i­cant­ly crime impov­er­ish­es nations.
It’s absolute­ly no won­der that there are no nations which are plagued with unchecked vio­lent crimes that are pros­per­ous nations.
Zero !!!
So with Jamaica aver­ag­ing approx­i­mate­ly 1600 homi­cides annu­al­ly and the chances of get­ting one’s head blown off sim­ply by being in the coun­try (one in around 30,000 ) is there any won­der that the Mighty British Colonial mas­ters would want the dumb sub­jects to con­tin­ue wal­low­ing in poverty?

Bruce Golding

They under­stand that pover­ty breeds crime/​crime breeds pover­ty, who would they lend mon­ey to if we were final­ly able to get our act togeth­er, huh ..?
I can­not hear you, you smart ass politi­cians and oth­er dumb as fuck trolls who can­not see fur­ther than your stu­pid noses.
You see Bruce Golding was hap­py to get their help and advise with (inde­com), sure why not? Tying the hands of the police is good for business!

He just got a lit­tle too big for his britch­es when he said there would be no Gays in his cab­i­net to a British Reporter.
They showed him real quick whose cab­i­net it real­ly was. Ha ha ha, Poor Portia still believes she won that elec­tion after they kicked Golding out.
No crit­i­cal think­ing.. And the rest of you thought Golding’s demise was about his refusal to hon­or the extra­di­tion request.
Which came first, the hen or the egg..?
That anti Gay com­ment was the end for him only he did­n’t know it. The Extradition request was mere­ly the con­duit for his departure.
Refuse and you go down in the eyes of the world. Acquiesce and you have the West Kingston pow­er base yanked from under you.
Check mate !
We all know how that sto­ry ended.

Andrew Holness

It’s gonna be all up to the peo­ple to throw (inde­com) out, but if Transparency International’s assess­ment of our coun­try is to be believed there is not much chance of that happening.
More that 80% cor­rupt, not much chance that the 20% will be able to prevail.
That’s it in a nutshell.