Until The Prime Minister Fires Terrence Williams He Is Responsible For Every Innocent Life Lost To Marauding Criminals ..


The single most topical issue dominating the news in Jamaica is crime. It has become such a grave concern that it now dominates all the news cycles and the media stories literally.
The single most oft-used term this writer has used to describe the fuel to the Island’s crime situation is the decision-makers’ pretentious nature.

Today we learned that a new tac­ti­cal police unit would be head­ing to Montego Bay to work toward elim­i­nat­ing the main per­pe­tra­tors of vio­lence in the crime-rav­aged city, accord­ing to the police.
Not exact­ly sure why this infor­ma­tion would be giv­en to crim­i­nals, how­ev­er accord­ing to the police hier­ar­chy, this team is dif­fer­ent from the oth­er for­ma­tions that are on the ground work­ing with the mil­i­tary to restore law and order to the city.
The police high com­mand announced, “This team has not hit the road since the 2010 oper­a­tion in west Kingston, and it has been giv­en the duty to tar­get the ‘big fishes”.
If my mem­o­ry serves me well, I believe the last time these police offi­cers were called on to risk life and limb for our coun­try, Portia Simpson Miller brought David Simmons from Barbados to dem­a­gogue, dis­re­spect, demean and seek to incrim­i­nate them.


Most impor­tant­ly, when the Nation finds itself engulfed in a pick­le, it turns to the police and mil­i­tary to bail it out from the clutch­es of the maraud­ing gang­sters while the Elitist deci­sion-mak­ers and oth­er shit for brains, sit in their gat­ed com­mu­ni­ties and pon­tif­i­cate about alleged breach­es of human rights.
Just yes­ter­day, there was a con­sta­ble in the news who clear­ly seemed to be hav­ing men­tal issues. According to the media, the offi­cer attempt­ed to jump from a build­ing in the town of Mandeville.

Vendolyn Cameron-Powell
Vendolyn Cameron-Powell

Shockingly, yet not sur­pris­ing­ly, the com­mand­ing offi­cer for the parish, Superintendent Vendolyn Cameron-Powell, in response to the inci­dent, respond­ed that the obvi­ous­ly dis­traught con­sta­ble is “known to cre­ate excite­ment when he becomes dissatisfied.”
It’s tough to grasp that any super­vi­sor in this day and age would be this crass, uncar­ing, or unlearned. However, it does not sur­prise me one bit; this is why I have had noth­ing but utter dis­dain for this police depart­men­t’s hierarchy.
However, that was not all; she went to cement fur­ther her own dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion and lack of fit­ness for the job she holds.
Quote: “He is not suit­able to car­ry out the duties and respon­si­bil­i­ties of the Jamaica Constabulary Force. “He is not a fit can­di­date for (this) kind of job.”

Once again, the Jamaican state is in a ter­ri­ble state.
Once again, the Jamaican state has mem­bers of the mil­i­tary and the police force, putting their lives on the line in defense of the nation while oth­ers are in their beds at night.
Once again, the Police and the sol­diers go in and give all for their coun­try. They do not ask for much, and they are giv­en nothing.
Neither the Prime Minister nor the Leader of the Opposition nor any of the talk­ing heads in either of the polit­i­cal par­ties have moved to give the police the cov­er and the guar­an­tees they need to go in and do the job they are asked to do.

Just Yesterday, I spoke direct­ly to the Jamaican Prime Minister in this very medi­um. I implored him to be great, like Hugh Lawson Shearer the great Labor Party Prime Minister who stepped up to the plate when duty called. He did so to ensure that our nation was guar­an­teed the secu­ri­ty it need­ed and our coun­try was bet­ter for it.
The great­est imped­i­ment to crime-fight­ing in Jamaica is not the crim­i­nals who pull the trig­ger; it is the peo­ple who ben­e­fit from crime. Criminal Lawyers, and those who ben­e­fit from the pletho­ra of fringe groups who are sup­pos­ed­ly in the busi­ness of look­ing out for human rights abus­es.

Terrence Williams (right) commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (centre) IDECOM's assistant commissioner and Dave Lewis, INDECOM's director of complaints central region at a Gleaner Editors' Forum last Friday. (Source: jamaicagleaner.com)
Terrence Williams (right), com­mis­sion­er of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), Hamish Campbell, (cen­ter), IDECOM’s assis­tant com­mis­sion­er, and Dave Lewis, INDECOM’s direc­tor of com­plaints cen­tral region.

National secu­ri­ty is the num­ber one pri­or­i­ty of any Government. Only in secure envi­ron­ments are the oth­er func­tions of gov­ern­ment best realized.
Once again, anoth­er Jamaican Administration is lean­ing heav­i­ly on the nation’s secu­ri­ty forces for its own survival.
Yet the Administration has not offered a sin­gle guar­an­tee to these brave, unselfish men and women who risk their lives. They get no guar­an­tees that they won’t be per­se­cut­ed and hound­ed to the point of los­ing their san­i­ty because of a tax­pay­er-fund­ed agency.

Remarkable, the com­mis­sion­er of Police, Dr. Carl Williams, is now awak­en­ing from his slum­ber and rec­og­niz­ing what I have said since the begin­ning of the INDECOM law. Speaking to Jamaican Media, the timid Williams echoed what he heard from his own offi­cers that they were unwill­ing to engage because of Terrence Williams’s persecution.

I went out to St James on the week­end, and the police offi­cers told me that they have an excel­lent rela­tion­ship with the local INDECOM offi­cers, but the prob­lem is what is direct­ed from INDECOM headquarters.”
“We are not daunt­ed, because this is a call­ing and not just a job. We have tak­en an oath to make sure the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of the peo­ple of Jamaica, and we go out to work every day to do just that, INDECOM or no INDECOM,”
Williams stat­ed.

This medi­um takes great pride in call­ing out com­mis­sion­er Williams and is proud that he is seem­ing­ly begin­ning to get some guts.
Officers on the ground have repeat­ed­ly com­plained to this writer. They have con­firmed to Jamaican media their fear of doing their jobs only to be per­se­cut­ed for years, los­ing their careers, and end­ing up in finan­cial ruin…

If that police­man is sus­pend­ed, he gets no pay; if he’s inter­dict­ed, a por­tion of his salary is cut,” police­men tell the media.

Simply put, Terrence Williams must be fired for crime to be addressed as it should be. He is an ego-mani­a­cal nar­cis­sist who is being allowed to sin­gle-hand­ed­ly enhance the deaths of hun­dreds of Jamaicans to sat­is­fy his ego while cre­at­ing a name for him­self, at the expense of tax­pay­ers — this along with a hor­rif­ic crim­i­nal empow­er­ment law.
No sin­gle per­son should be allowed this lev­el of pow­er in a democ­ra­cy. No per­son should head any agency which is answer­able to no one.
This obser­va­tion is not unique to this writer; oth­er Jamaicans have spo­ken out about this, includ­ing Damion Crawford, Peter Bunting and others.
This fias­co has to come to an end.
Thus far in the parish of Saint James, over two hun­dred peo­ple have lost their lives. The Prime Minister, the Honorable Andrew Holness can­not pre­tend that he has­n’t heard. He can­not pre­tend he does not see the numbers.
Consequently, for every per­son who is killed because the secu­ri­ty forces are too scared for their legal secu­ri­ty to go after the killers, the Prime Minister must take respon­si­bil­i­ty for their spilled blood.
Unless there are enough guar­an­tees giv­en to police and sol­diers going into that war zone by this gov­ern­ment, that they will not become vic­tims of ego-mani­a­cal and nar­cis­sis­tic witch hunts.
Guarantees that they will not be scape­goats and maligned after they have silenced the guns of the Island’s urban mer­ce­nar­ies as they were after 2010.
Then my advice to each mem­ber of the secu­ri­ty forces is “shoul­der arms.”

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