Chicago’s Black Mayor Shamelessly Lies And Uses Office To Cover Up CPD Crimes…

The strug­gle of peo­ple of col­or in America with police vio­lence is well known, well doc­u­ment­ed. In this medi­um, we have con­sis­tent­ly gone back to the gen­e­sis of this prob­lem which has its roots in slav­ery, the deval­u­a­tion of black lives per the 35 of a human being decree. This process con­tin­ued to the black man has no rights that a white man is oblig­at­ed to respect, through the black codes which crim­i­nal­ized peo­ple for mere­ly exist­ing in their black skin, redlin­ing in hous­ing, and now to the prison indus­tri­al com­plex, which is a sys­tem of prof­it that exists based on the num­ber of bod­ies that are in jail cells.
Black bodies.

It is a sys­tem that was designed to sep­a­rate the races, with the police as the new over­seers, a step up from the plan­ta­tion over­seers and slave catchers.
America can­not change polic­ing prac­tices with­out first denounc­ing & dis­man­tling those prin­ci­ples on which the very idea of polic­ing was first imagined.
Ironically, as the prob­lem wors­ens and the threat of mass protests and dis­rup­tions becomes an even more glar­ing pos­si­bil­i­ty like we wit­nessed in 2020 after the killing of George Floyd in Milleopolis, those who sup­port the police state and derive the ben­e­fits from it have dou­bled down with new laws intend­ed to shore up the police state.



The police are vio­lent and large­ly racist enforcers; that fact goes with­out say­ing. Even at its best, polic­ing does not live up to its stat­ed creed, ‘to pro­tect and serve. Even in major­i­ty-white neigh­bor­hoods in so-called lib­er­al states like New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and oth­ers, polic­ing is about prof­it. So the cit­i­zens are heav­i­ly taxed and their mon­ey allo­cat­ed to police depart­ments to pay more and more cops, pay for more and more equip­ment, and expen­sive SUVs, so cops can hide out in bush­es to ter­ror­ize motorists dri­ving five (5) miles over the post­ed speed limits.
Never mind that the speed lim­its are gen­er­al­ly so low that it is impos­si­ble to dri­ve at that rate of speed with­out cre­at­ing grid­lock. But that is exact­ly the point, force work­ing peo­ple to dri­ve over the post­ed speed lim­it and then tick­et them to feed the ever-hun­gry system.
This is what activists with brains in their heads mean when they say defund the police. By cre­at­ing the incen­tive for police to con­tin­ue to ter­ror­ize peo­ple using pho­ny ordi­nances and pre­tex­es to jus­ti­fy stops that infringe on their rights, you amp up the pos­si­bil­i­ty for frus­tra­tion and con­fronta­tion, the likes we are wit­ness­ing today.



The police are the face of Government pol­i­cy; get­ting mad at the police is coun­ter­pro­duc­tive, as I con­tin­ue to point out. Politicians make the laws and ordi­nances. Mayors and Governors are exec­u­tives in cities, munic­i­pal­i­ties, and States. How the police behave is a mir­ror into the thoughts of those elect­ed lead­ers. The very same elect­ed lead­ers come out and offer up plat­i­tudes and con­cern when their mili­tias kill your loved ones. Why did I use the term ‘mili­tia’? Well, police depart­ments are essen­tial­ly inde­pen­dent mili­tias that oper­ate to ensure the stat­ed goals of states and local gov­ern­ments. In some forms, like the elect­ed Sheriffs, they oper­ate as a law unto them­selves with­out any real over­sight or con­trol. They oper­ate as enti­ties that sell a cer­tain brand of ser­vice to the states and municipalities.


One of the things we con­tin­ue to do is speak to the impor­tance of elect­ing Democratic can­di­dates; it does not mean that Democrats are the sil­ver bul­let; it sim­ply means that they are the only ones we can lobby.
We also encour­age African-Americans who are Democrats to be edu­cat­ed on the issues and to run for office. After all, the prob­lems that we face will only be solved by us and our engagement.
We con­tin­ue to make a case for African-American lead­er­ship with­in the Democratic par­ty, under­stand­ing full well that we can­not sup­port Black Republicans in any form as we have seen from Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, US Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, Kentucky’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron, Texas GOP head Allen West, et al., negroes who have sold their souls to be pat­ted on the back by their white masters.
The reward for those sell­outs, [black skin folks], usu­al­ly comes in the form of a white wife or husband.
Even though the rewards of Black lead­er­ship out­weigh the risks, we can­not ignore Democrat African-Americans like Lori Lightfoot, Mayor of the city of Chicago who has com­pro­mised dig­ni­ty and self-respect and should have no expec­ta­tion that she is deserv­ing of or will receive any respect from now on. 



Lori Lightfoot

On March 29th of this year, Chicago police mur­dered 13 ‑year-old Adam Toledo, Mayor Lightfoot (a black woman, or so we believe), saw the body­cam video of the shoot­ing, then lied to the city of Chicago. Lori Lightfoot said she had pre­vi­ous­ly seen the video. She referred to the mur­der of young Adam Toledo as “excru­ci­at­ing” but would not talk about what she saw because she said it could com­pro­mise ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tions by COPA and the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office. She pre­vi­ous­ly vowed to find the peo­ple respon­si­ble for “putting a gun into the hands” of Toledo, shift­ing the blame away from the offi­cer who shot him.
We also con­tin­ue to edu­cate on how pros­e­cu­tors who are sup­posed to look out for the peo­ple’s inter­est shift to pro­tect­ing police when they kill and abuse cit­i­zens of color.
During the encounter in which Adam Toledo was killed,21-year-old Ruben Roman was arrest­ed; dur­ing Roman’s bond hear­ing, pros­e­cu­tors alleged that Toledo had a gun in his hand when police shot him. We now know that that state­ment was a lie.
At a news con­fer­ence on Thursday ahead of the video’s release, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the details of the boy’s death released in court were cor­rect, essen­tial­ly lying again even though she had seen the video.
What makes this even more galling is that Mayor Lightfoot is not an ordi­nary untrained per­son who can­not make the rel­e­vant dis­tinc­tions of what is legal­ly per­mis­si­ble from what isn’t. She is a trained lawyer by profession.
Right after the Mayor again lied to the peo­ple of Chicago and the entire nation, the state’s attor­neys office know­ing that the video evi­dence would uncov­er the lie sought to cov­er its own ass by issu­ing a state­ment say­ing that its own detail about Toledo hav­ing a gun when he was shot was inac­cu­rate.“ An attor­ney who works in this office failed to ful­ly inform him­self before speak­ing in court,” Sarah Sinovic, a spokesper­son for Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, told WGN on Thursday.
That report came only hours before they were forced to release the video Lori Lightfoot fought against releasing.
Even after Lori Lightfoot saw that the kid had no gun and had his hand in the air when the cop, Eric Stillman put a bul­let in his chest, she not only lied to the peo­ple of the city who elect­ed her, she fought to keep it pri­vate, again lying that it would com­pro­mise the investigations.

After the infor­ma­tion was released on Thursday, Mayor Lightfoot made the fol­low­ing state­ment, “I have seen those videos, and they are par­tic­u­lar­ly dif­fi­cult to watch ― espe­cial­ly at the end’. Lightfoot also called for peo­ple to with­hold judg­ment until COPA fin­ish­es its inves­ti­ga­tion. “Simply put, we failed Adam.”
No Mayor, you and your death squad failed not only Adam Toledo, but you also con­tin­ue to fail the entire city that placed its trust in you.
You are a disgrace!!!
This is not the first time that Lori Lightfoot has used her office to try to block the crimes of CPD from com­ing to light.

Lightfoot has lost con­sid­er­able trust from the pub­lic dur­ing her time so far as may­or, espe­cial­ly when local sta­tion WBBM-TV released body-cam footage of heav­i­ly armed offi­cers raid­ing the wrong home, break­ing the door down and hand­cuff­ing a naked woman in dis­tress. The inci­dent with Anjanette Young hap­pened in February 2019 ― just months before Lightfoot took office ― how­ev­er, Chicago police under Lightfoot tried to block Young from obtain­ing video of her own trau­ma, and the city’s lawyers attempt­ed to block WBBM-TV from air­ing the footage.

The may­or also came under fire after media out­lets report­ed that Lightfoot spent $281.5 mil­lion in fed­er­al COVID-19 relief mon­ey on cov­er­ing over­time pay for police offi­cers instead of on need­ed hous­ing relief, busi­ness sup­port and vac­cine out­reach for Chicagoans most affect­ed by the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic. Lightfoot faced harsh scruti­ny from both activists and alder­men who accused her of pri­or­i­tiz­ing the police depart­ment over work­ing families.(Huffpost reports).





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
