Whiteness’ Vilified By ‘the Left,’ Says SC Rep Voting Against Hate Crimes Bill

South Carolina Democrats shot back after a Republican House mem­ber post­ed online that he planned to vote against a hate crimes bill because he believes that white peo­ple have been “vil­i­fied by the left.”

S.C. Rep. Victor Dabney, a fresh­man law­mak­er from Kershaw County, post­ed about his plan to vote on Facebook Wednesday morn­ing, hours before the House met to con­sid­er a num­ber of bills includ­ing a hate crimes bill.

The bill, which passed the House Wednesday, would specif­i­cal­ly allow pros­e­cu­tors to seek addi­tion­al penal­ties for crimes com­mit­ted on the basis of hate because of a person’s actu­al or per­ceived race, col­or, reli­gion, sex, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der, nation­al ori­gin or phys­i­cal or men­tal dis­abil­i­ty. Under the bill, for vio­lent crimes like mur­der, assault, armed rob­bery or crim­i­nal sex­u­al mis­con­duct, the penal­ties could be increased by up to five years impris­on­ment and an addi­tion­al fine up to $10,000.

Currently, South Carolina does not have its own hate crimes law. If a crime is com­mit­ted on the basis of hate, state pros­e­cu­tors can only pros­e­cute the crime itself. However, fed­er­al offi­cials could choose to step in and charge the offend­er under the fed­er­al hate crimes law.

Lawmakers ulti­mate­ly vot­ed 79 – 29 to pass the bill, with Dabney vot­ing against it.

Hello Patriots. As you read this post, please remem­ber that I was elect­ed by you to stand up for you, not to bow down to…
In his post, Dabney said he would not “bow down to the ‘Left,’ ” and vote in favor of the bill.

I am 63 years old and have spent my entire life watch­ing our soci­ety give in to the lib­er­als, and it’s nev­er enough,” Dabney post­ed. “Our entire way of life has been vil­i­fied by the left; it’s our white­ness and our ‘straight­ness’ that keeps get­ting in the way.”

Dabney said he thinks white peo­ple are “con­stant­ly remind­ed that we are the prob­lem because of our skin color.”

We are the rea­son that blacks can’t seem to suc­ceed in our soci­ety,” Dabney wrote. “We are the rea­son that black crime rates are ten times that of oth­ers. We are the rea­son that the black fam­i­ly unit has been destroyed and most young black chil­dren don’t have a father fig­ure in the home. It’s all because of the light col­or of our skin, at least that is what I am told on a reg­u­lar basis.”

Dabney’s words sparked back­lash from Democrats across the state, with some call­ing his words racist.

S.C. Democratic Party Chairman called for Dabney to be removed from his com­mit­tee assign­ments at the State House.

This is the face and future of the Republican Party,” Robertson tweeted.

Sen. Mia McLeod, D‑Richland, said only those in places of priv­i­lege accuse oth­ers of “reverse racism.”

Rep. Dabney hasn’t been tar­get­ed (because) of his race,” McLeod tweet­ed. “My sons & I have. My con­stituents have. Tragically, Sen. Pinckney & 8 of his parish­ioners have,” she said, refer­ring to the nine African Americans who were killed at Charleston’s Mother Emanuel AME Church by a white suprema­cist gun­man. The vic­tims includ­ed a state senator.

Race-based hate is real,” McLeod added.

McLeod and Robertson’s tweets received dozens of retweets.

DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison, who ran for the U.S. Senate against Sen. Lindsey Graham, called out Dabney on Twitter in a tweet that received more than 500 retweets and near­ly 2,000 likes.

This is a Republican mem­ber of the SC leg­is­la­ture. Read his words & feel his hate,” Harrison tweet­ed. “It is these type of folks draft­ing laws about vot­ing & hate crimes.”

Dabney called the accu­sa­tions of racism “ridicu­lous.”

They don’t know me,” Dabney told The State in an interview.

Dabney said he made his post to point out that dis­cus­sions of race often come up on the House floor. He said that House Democrats bring up race “with­in min­utes,” when dis­cussing con­tro­ver­sial issues.

It comes up near­ly every day on the floor,” Dabney said. “It seems like that’s their go-to.”

It should be some­thing that you keep pri­vate and I keep pri­vate,” Dabney said.

Associated Press
