Trump Shows True Colors By Lashing Out At Pastor Who Invited Him To Flint Church.…


We we all knew Donald trump was­n’t real­ly try­ing to court Black vot­ers . As I said in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle “a Leopard does not change it’s spot”.
A scor­pi­on will still sting a Frog giv­ing it a ride across the riv­er sim­ply because that’s what scor­pi­ons do, they sting.


I hate to say “I told you so” to the seg­ment of Black Clergy which allowed itself to be used as human props for the immoral cam­paign of char­la­tan , con-man Donald Trump’s pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions, actu­al­ly I don’t hate to at all , I told you so .

Merely a day after Pastor, the Rev. Faith Green Timmons of  Bethel United Methodist Church opened her church to Donald Trump to speak to the church’s work in water dis­tri­b­u­tion in the Flint area Trump went off script and began to attack rival Hillary Clinton.
Pastor Timmons walked over to Trump and told him,“ ‘Mr. Trump, I invit­ed you here to thank us for what we’ve done in Flint,’ Timmons said. ‘Not to give a polit­i­cal speech.”.

He he, he , Trump backed down . “ ‘Ok, ok that’s good I’m going to go back onto Flint“which he did respectfully.
However in vin­tage style, Donald Trump the pet­ty, inse­cure, lit­tle man could not allow that bit of scold­ing go with­out hit­ting back.
In vin­tage inco­her­ent Trump fash­ion Thursday, he referred to pas­tor Timmons as quote “a ner­vous mess.”

During an inter­view with “Fox and Friends” Thursday, Trump said that he was treat­ed well while in Flint, but that Timmons seemed ner­vous — “like a ner­vous mess” — when intro­duc­ing him. He lat­er added that “every­one plays their games, it does­n’t both­er me.”
I absolute­ly agree, no one knows more about game-play­ing than the imposter, Donald J Trump >
The only peo­ple who seem obliv­i­ous to his con-game are non-col­lege edu­cate whites and cer­tain seg­ment of the black cler­gy.
Couldn’t agree more with Donnie boy.