Trump Campaign Obama American Citizen :why Now.….


Jason Miller a spokesper­son for Donald Trump released to the media late Thursday night a press release stat­ing that Donald Trump believes that President Barack Obama was indeed born in the United States .

This rev­e­la­tion is at best curi­ous, the Birther move­ment was a mod­ern day equiv­a­lent of the slav­ery days “show me your papers ” which was ini­ti­at­ed by Donald J Trump.
It was the birther move­ment, cre­at­ed by the now Republican nom­i­nee which launched Trump’s polit­i­cal career .


Donald J Trump knows that this mat­ter is going to come up at the first debate com­ing up on September 26th. Hillary Clinton will not allow Trump to get away with it and Trump knows it.
This is a cyn­i­cal attempt to take the issue off the table before the debates.

Donald J Trump told the coun­try that he sent inves­ti­ga­tors to Hawaii to dig up evi­dence inti­mat­ing that the nation will be sur­prised at what they found.
Interestingly , Donald J Trump had noth­ing , it was a lie like all of the oth­er lies he told about his wealth, his Russian con­nec­tions, his fake com­pa­nies and his fake Trump University.
Even after the pres­i­dent released both his short and long form birth cer­tifi­cates Trump and his min­ions , includ­ing Orly Taitz con­tin­ued with the racist attempt at de-legit­imiz­ing the nation’s first black president.

On the same day that Donald J trump dis­par­aged a Flint Michigan female African American pas­tor who wel­comed him into her church as a “ner­vous mess”, the dis­re­spect­ful con-man wants to convince the nation and Black peo­ple across the globe that the con­temp­tu­ous slan­der cam­paign he waged against the pres­i­dent should now be set aside on his say so.

This lat­est devel­op­ment comes as sur­ro­gates includ­ing Giuliani has con­sis­tent­ly said Trump now believes the pres­i­dent was born in the United States.
There is just one miss­ing com­po­nent . We have not heard it out of the mouth of Donald Trump . What we have heard is the Trump cam­paign say­ing that he did a ser­vice to the President for get­ting the pres­i­dent to release his birth certificate.