The fol­low­ing is an inter­view giv­en by Carolyn Gomes to a local tele­vi­sion station.

Dr. Carolyn Gomes OJ (born March 30, 1958 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a Jamaican human rights activist. Dr. Gomes is also the co-founder and cur­rent Executive Director of Jamaicans for Justice.[1][2] On December 10, 2008, Dr. Gomes received the pres­ti­gious United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.[3] On October 19 of the next year, she was hon­ored with the Order of Jamaica, in recog­ni­tion of her advo­ca­cy for human rights. Notice that Gomes has received one of the high­est hon­or that can be bestowed on any Jamaican.

http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​T​H​P​K​7​Y​8​k​Rn4 See Gomes and JFJ at the Inter American Commission of Human Rights hear­ing in Washington DC.

Interviewer ; You said you made a pre­sen­ta­tion to the inter-American com­mis­sion on human rights the report looked at human rights issues in Jamaica since the state of emer­gency last year, now on the set with us to tell us more about that report is Jamaicans for Justice Dr. Carolyn Gomes exec­u­tive direc­tor of Jamaicans for jus­tice, good morn­ing again, wel­come once again to smile Jamaica, 

Gomes: Good morn­ing nice to be here with you>

Interviewer: So you did what exact­ly when you said you made a presentation.?

Gomes: We looked at the data we had in our files over the course of last year and we put it all togeth­er and we made a report, we asked for an oppur­tu­ni­ty to present it in per­son ‚because we could have sent it in and said here’s our report, but we ahem got an oppor­tu­ni­ty to present it in per­son at the inter-American com­mis­sion in Washington there was a pan­el of three com­mis­sion­ers plus the deputy exec­u­tive sec­re­tary and then the Government had an oppur­tu­ni­ty to respond and was rep­re­sent­ed by ambas­sador Marks and a mem­ber of the Consular staff.

Interviewer: And your report sug­gest­ed what? that you did­n’t like what was going on did you give a per­son­al opinion?

Gomes : We said we very upset by the rise in what was already an unten­able num­ber of fatal shoot­ings by the Police, which in fact went up by over 20% last year based on their own fig­ures, year on year, and that does not include the deaths of those killed in Tivoli, or those who the fig­ures acknowl­edged were killed by sol­diers out­side of Tivoli, when you put all of those togeth­er, we were at a rate of almost 400, and in con­text more than one in five peo­ple who died vio­lent­ly, died at the hands of the police.

Let’ just back up right here because I can­not rely on the Interviewer to ask ques­tions backed up by real facts and fig­ures of this per­son who took Jamaica’s name abroad, so let me present some facts.

Jamaica has one of the high­est mur­der rate in the world ‚we com­pete with coun­tries like Mexico and Colombia.

Jamaica’s crim­i­nals are some of the most vio­lent crim­i­nals on plan­et earth,they love to kill police officers.

During the time that this so-called report was pre­sent­ed the coun­try was expe­ri­enc­ing one of the most tur­bu­lent peri­ods in its his­to­ry, police sta­tions were torched , offi­cers mur­dered, to include eight offi­cers shot in one ambush on moun­tain view avenue , two offi­cers died that night at the hands of ter­ror­ists includ­ing the pop­u­lar sergeant Wayne Henriques.

Members of the mil­i­tary were killed.

Members of the ISCF were killed.

Untold num­bers of peo­ple were slaugh­tered by urban ter­ror­ists loy­al to alleged drug and gun run­ner Christopher( dudus )Coke.

The report made no men­tion of any of these facts.

Let’s read some more.

Interviewer: Does it nec­es­sar­i­ly mean an abuse of human rights when when.….

Gomes: Police kill? No absolute­ly not!and that is one of the things we have con­tend­ed from the very begin­ning Simon that the police are in fact on e of the only groups in the coun­try that are allowed to legal­ly kill some­body in defense of them­selves or oth­er peo­ple.…… the point becomes what are the legal­i­ty of a shoot­ing one of the things we have said from the very begin­ning is that the sys­tem put in place aren’t able to cred­i­bly clear police­men of act­ing absolute­ly with­in the law,and right­eous­ly, they call it a right­eous shooting.…

Interviewer inter­rupt­ing; so does that mean the process or the pro­cess­ing of each inci­dent is not suf­fi­cient and suit­able to give you a prop­er deter­mi­na­tion as as …

Gomes jump­ing in: the whole thing from the begin­ning com­ing right up to the end. the begin­ning is the preser­va­tion of the crime scene,or the shoot­ing scene if you pre­fer, don’t move the bul­lets so that you can make a deter­mi­na­tion, don’t move the spent shells, don’t move the dead per­son, take pho­tographs etc etc.

Let me just jump in here , what a load of crock.Every time a killing occur it falls on some­one to inves­ti­gate that killing, irre­spec­tive of who does the shoot­ing there are peo­ple called Police that are required to do the inves­ti­ga­tions, if Gomes does not believe that Jamaican police are capa­ble of polic­ing Jamaica, then she should come out and say so , clear­ly she some­how feel that a coun­try that is over 90% black is inca­pable of polic­ing itself , is Carolyn Gomes push­ing for for­eign inter­ven­tion in our coun­try , from the lies with­in this report,?

Where does Carolyn Gomes get her crime scene inves­tiga­tive skills from? last time I checked she was a pedi­a­tri­cian, I am unaware that being a baby doc­tor qual­i­fies one on crime scene man­age­ment , but then again this is Jamaica where every­one knows how to do every­one else’s job but can­not do theirs, , let’s go on.

Gomes: then there’s the bal­lis­tics and you know we must be the stu­pid­est coun­try in the world because we have the high­est rate of gun crime and we have inad­e­quate bal­lis­tic test­ing facilities..

I am going to jump in here because I am get­ting real­ly mad right now, did I hear right,? did she call my coun­try stupid?

Now this is real­ly telling, she has no respect for the peo­ple she pur­ports to be con­cerned about, this is about Carolyn Gomes and her ego, and what­ev­er moti­va­tion she has for the anti police cru­sade she is on, but trust me she will be exposed. I have always believed that if an inves­ti­ga­tor real­ly wants the truth , just let the sus­pect talk „ let the sus­pect tell their ver­sion of events , then when he or she is fin­ished ask them to repeat what they had just relat­ed to you, the lies will be exposed.

So we know Gomes thinks our coun­try is stupid, .!

Was this the rea­son she opt­ed for a face to face meet­ing with her for­eign han­dlers with­in the inter-American com­mis­sion in Washington? or did the object of the face to face have a more sin­is­ter motive, say financial ?

Who funds Jamaicans for jus­tice? where does the mon­ey gets spent? does the Lobby group pay tax­es on the monies it takes in from over­seas, that influ­ences, and shape pol­i­cy with­in Jamaica ? who does over­sight of the Groups finances? the group hires high-priced lawyers , what rate are they paid,? what ser­vice do they pro­vide for the monies paid to them? Is there an inde­pen­dent audit of the groups books to deter­mine fideli­ty? , Is the lob­by group in com­pli­ance with all aspects of Jamaican laws par­tic­u­lar­ly as it relates to accept­ing funds from out­side the coun­try? .how much does Gomes and staff gets paid if any, sep­a­rate from the lawyers?

Now did she say we have the high­est rate of gun crime? yes she did say that , and again she is wrong , even when she tries to be objec­tive, we do not yet have the high­est per capi­ta rate of gun killings and I hope we do not attain that dubi­ous distinction.

Interestingly enough she made no men­tion of that in the report she took to her handlers.

She then moves on with the ram­bling unsub­stan­ti­at­ed attack , this time aimed at the office of the DPP.

Gomes:Then there’s that and all the way through to the chal­lenges of the office of the direc­tor of the pub­lic pros­e­cu­tion, it’s more than a year to get a rul­ing out of that office, she her­self acknowl­edges that she has a back­log of 700 cas­es of police fatal shoot­ings, and from there we get to court , we have cas­es that takes twelve years to pass through the coro­ner’s court, twelve years…

At this point one of the two men that made up the pan­el inter­view­ing Gomes ‚who kept chuck­ling , , mark you he had no notes nor any kind of doc­u­ments to coun­ter­act the bile she was spew­ing , chimed in to Gomes claims.

Interviewer; Which is absolute rubbish!

Gomes: At the end of it and the when the coro­ner’s jury says that the police man must be charged for mur­der you back in court , supreme court, wait­ing on a trial.

Here are some impor­tant infor­ma­tion that Gomes should have her lawyers check. Jamaican law allows the DPP to file crim­i­nal charges against a police offi­cer to quell pub­lic out cry.Gomes may be unaware of this but the crim­i­nal Dons are well aware of it,hence the ever-present demon­stra­tion and pha­lanx of paid mourn­ers after every fatal shoot­ing by mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces.This accom­plish­es three things for the crim­i­nal under­world, (1) It gets front­line cops out-of-the-way, (2)demoralize oth­ers, and (3) cre­ates more oppor­tu­ni­ties for their crim­i­nal empires.

For those who won­der why so many cas­es of police shoot­ings dies before they leave the DPP’s office ‚and some gets dis­posed of for want of pros­e­cu­tion , the rea­son plain and sim­ple is that there was no evi­dence of wrong doing in the first place, .Gomes her­self allud­ed to that fact, right here in this inter­view, check your laws.

Interviewer:In your report you said it means that one in five homi­cides , and I use that word delib­er­ate­ly, com­mit­ted in Jamaica in 2010 was com­mit­ted by the secu­ri­ty forces.

Gomes: Correct. correct,homicide does­n’t say whether it was a right­eous , I mean jus­ti­fi­able homi­cide or not, it say that it was a fatal shoot­ing one in five shoot­ings were com­mit­ted by the secu­ri­ty forces.

At this point both ques­tion­ers chimed in .

But that’s inflam­ma­to­ry language.!

Gomes : Only to the lay per­son! It has tech­ni­cal mean­ing that does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean mur­der, it does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean manslaugh­ter either , you have vehic­u­lar homi­cide, which can be you know.…..

Vehicular homi­cide? what or how does vehic­u­lar homi­cide fac­tor into this con­ver­sa­tion , in what con­text is it applic­a­ble, I thought the inter­view was about the lies she took to Washington , which by the way the Golding Administration called her out on , to which she had no response. Serve Golding and his friends right they are the ones who con­tin­ue to cheap­en National hon­ors on every char­la­tan that comes around , ignor­ing Jamaicans who sac­ri­fice for country.

Interviewer; but again it con­jure up ‚.. isn’t that a sug­ges­tion that they were doing this deliberately’?

Gomes : no it’s not !!!!! We are not say­ing that police are doing it though there is some ques­tion marks about what occurred in Tivoli and some of the shoot­ings that come to us.

Interviewer :Even the num­bers you don’t agree with , I think they said 73 you are say­ing   …

Gomes: We don’t have any evi­dence of more than 73, but in, we don’t ‚that 73 does­n’t take into account 3 peo­ple who have dis­ap­peared since being seen in the com­pa­ny of the secu­ri­ty forces , they can’t be seen since can’t be found so if you add that it’s 76. and the peo­ple dis­pute the 73, and so that is the rea­son we stand with Earl Witter for a com­mis­sion of enquiry, because there are a num­ber of things that needs to be clar­i­fied for Jamaica includ­ing how many peo­ple died.

What? the same lay per­sons that are from the stu­pid country?…but arent these the peo­ple you care about , and on whose behalf you are wag­ing this cru­sade, are you say­ing they are too stu­pid to under­stand the dif­fer­ence between a jus­ti­fi­able killing and a case of exces­sive police force?I will bet my life every­one knows the dif­fer­ence but Carolyn Gomes does not have too much con­fi­dence in the intel­lec­tu­al capa­bil­i­ties of the Jamaican peo­ple, the not-lay per­sons in Washington I am sure under­stands the dif­fer­ence, how insulting!

At this stage I was through with this non­sense I watched the rest of the inter­view which offered no more sub­stance or sense than the fore­gone , it was a love fest of sorts between her and the two males con­duct­ing what passed for an interview,basically a pletho­ra of issues, with Gomes gen­er­at­ing a lot of heat and absolute­ly no light.

Pictured top left is Jamaicans for jus­tice Carolyn Gomes receiv­ing a National hon­or for her work defend­ing criminals.

Top right is Sergeant Wayne Henriques who was slaugh­tered along with anoth­er offi­cer on moun­tain view avenue ‚.Six oth­er offi­cers were shot in that Ambush that night. Wayne who was on leave, was cel­e­brat­ing his 17th wed­ding Anniversary and was called away to ser­vice . He left his beau­ti­ful wife and fam­i­ly, they would nev­er see him alive again. Gunned down by Jamaica’s urban terrorists. 

Those who lob­by on their behalf receive National Honors.

Wayne’s fam­i­ly mem­bers (center)gather to mourn their loss.These are the good guys, those who play by the rules,obey the laws and sac­ri­ficed their loved one in defense of our Nation. (pho­tos cour­tesy of nation­al forum)

Where is their National honor. 

mike beck­les:

have your say: 
