Stolen Jeep?

Yesterday I told you the truth about (JEEP) the crash pro­gramme acronym the Government of Jamaica rode to pow­er on December 29th of 2011.

Today we learn there is a prob­lem with the design of JEEP, in that the Labor Party now say the blue print for the pro­gramme was theirs.

According to Samuda, the Ministry of Finance had ini­ti­at­ed a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), fol­low­ing upon which a mem­o­ran­dum of under­stand­ing was signed on December 5 last year by the Ministry of Transport and Works, National Works Agency (NWA) and the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) to imple­ment a com­pre­hen­sive road main­te­nance pro­gramme on the north­ern coastal high­way from Negril to Port Antonio.“Participating in the sign­ing were the then min­is­ter of trans­port and works, Shahine Robinson; the act­ing head of NSWMA, Colonel Allan Douglas; and Earl Patterson, [act­ing] CEO of the NWA,” Samuda said..jamaicaob​serv​er​.com.

It this sto­ry is true and from all indi­ca­tions it is, then the Jamaican peo­ple just got duped. I am not sure what the impact this pro­gramme will have on the coun­try’s unem­ploy­ment, what I do know is that the longer this pro­gramme lasts the worse off the coun­try will be. There are indi­ca­tions the Government wants this hand­out pro­gramme to run for two years , it is imper­a­tive that the gov­ern­ment lay out with speci­fici­ty what the cost will be before one gul­ly is bushed or one drain cleaned. It is impor­tant that the peo­ple are aware of how much in the hole they will be for this with noth­ing tan­gi­ble to show for it.

The clean­ing of drains,or the removal of growth from gul­lies should be either addressed with resources in the sol­id waste bud­get, or should be done with a set-asides, which deals specif­i­cal­ly with those func­tions. Those func­tions are impor­tant for secu­ri­ty rea­sons, as well as pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­ment. However as impor­tant as they are those func­tions can­not be paid for with bor­rowed money.

How will this Government square what is a trans­par­ent act of pork bar­rel give-away with lend­ing insti­tu­tions which will stri­dent­ly demand cuts in the pub­lic sec­tor in order that the coun­try may qual­i­fy for loans? I warned that this par­ty was not a changed par­ty, I warned they had no new ideas, what they were obsessed with was attain­ing pow­er. If this is the best this par­ty has to offer the coun­try then Jamaica is in for a seri­ous time going for­ward. The tragedy in all of this many as can be seen from the blog posts feel that this is a net pos­i­tive for the coun­try, of course most of our peo­ple are inher­ent­ly inca­pable of mak­ing informed deci­sions with­out the dis­tor­tion of polit­i­cal taint.

Countries that want to be sol­vent must oper­ate like well run busi­ness­es and homes, most busi­ness­es and fam­i­lies are not allowed to car­ry deficits. If the electricity,water cable, or phone is not paid for it gets turned off. The same rules should apply to gov­ern­ment, I am not advo­cat­ing turn­ing out the lights , but gov­ern­ments should live with­in their means. If one con­tin­ue to throw mon­ey into projects which yield no returns on those invest­ments it’s just a mat­ter of time before he runs out of mon­ey. This is as sim­plis­tic as it gets, do not throw bor­rowed mon­ey away doing what ought to have been done with nor­mal resources from reg­u­lar taxation.

The PNP clear­ly had no plan to run on with the excep­tion of the Emergency Employment Programme. The ques­tion is ‚if as the Labor par­ty stat­ed it was their plan all along and that the fund­ing for it would have come from the (IDB) bor­rowed mon­ey , but not mon­ey siphoned from Infrastructural devel­ope­ment, why did the for­mer Government not acti­vate the plan? Whether this fias­co was dreamed up by the JLP,or the PNP is imma­te­r­i­al it does not mat­ter. Whether it was dreamed up to get votes,ease the unem­ploy­ment prob­lem, or as we have seen thus far, pay­ment to be doled out by politi­cians to par­ty hacks, it will be one more nail in the cof­fin of our coun­try that will sell us down the destruc­tive path of servi­tude to the resur­gent Chinese.