Romney Pivots:

Republican front-run­ner Mitt Romney built his entire pres­i­den­tial cam­paign on the boast he will restore the American econ­o­my. In his hur­ry to cement that nar­ra­tive it appeared Romney for­got two words (eco­nom­ic recov­ery) Romney’s cam­paign fer­vent­ly believes that the dam­age repub­li­cans have done to the econ­o­my start­ing with eight years of George Bush, to their absolute obstruc­tion to every­thing pres­i­dent Obama has done to fix the econ­o­my, is more than enough to see the pres­i­dent kicked out before his poli­cies can return enough jobs to ordi­nary Americans.

This strat­e­gy is a seri­ous bet against the very American peo­ple repub­li­cans claim they want to help. Before we talk about the econ­o­my I just want to speak a lit­tle bit about the Romney cam­paign. As I said in a recent blog it is instruc­tive that Romney chose not to run on his record as a lib­er­al Governor of Masseschutes. most American pres­i­dents were for­mer gov­er­nors, if Romney’s record as an exec­u­tive was good why then has he cho­sen not to run on that record, if he is indeed seri­ous about becom­ing pres­i­dent of the United States of America?

The truth is, under Governor Romney’s stew­ard­ship his state was near the bot­tom, 47th in job cre­ation. Romney’s health plan which has a man­date that forces peo­ple in Massachuset to buy health care or be fined , is the tem­plate for the much maligned Obama care which most Americans are yet to see or under­stand. Romney came to the con­clu­sion that he can­not run on that record and as such he would gam­ble on run­ning on his record as a busi­ness­man . The only prob­lem with that strat­e­gy is that the facts do not line up with his nar­ra­tive, as head of Bain Capital a ven­ture Capitalist com­pa­ny, Romneys objec­tive was not to cre­ate jobs, con­verse­ly what Bain did was take over com­pa­nies, gut­ted them , took the cap­i­tal out and filed for bankruptcy.

Despite these facts that Romney will not allow to get in the way of his nar­ra­tive Romney con­tin­ue to ham­mer away at the econ­o­my , lam­bast­ing the pres­i­dent as incom­pe­tent, over his head and mak­ing the case he will do a bet­ter job. Never mind that when the pres­i­dent took office the econ­o­my was shed­ding 750 thou­sand jobs each month and has now turned around and is now adding almost a quar­ter mil­lion jobs per month, even as the coun­try recov­ers from the worst reces­sion since the great depression.

Romney in response to the new jobs num­bers for January took some time to come out with a state­ment, and when he did he said the econ­o­my is rebound­ing but it would have been bet­ter if not for the poli­cies of the pres­i­dent, in fact Romney is find­ing it hard to artic­u­late the rea­son why any­one should vote for him for pres­i­dent. On the radio show of right-wing talk­er Laura Ingram, Romney was asked how can he say the econ­o­my is get­ting bet­ter, then turn around and say that we should change the pres­i­dent ? Romney asked Ingram if she had a bet­ter suggestion.

INGRAHAM : How do you answer the pres­i­den­t’s argu­ment that the econ­o­my is get­ting bet­ter in a gen­er­al elec­tion cam­paign if you your­self are say­ing that it’s get­ting better?

ROMNEY: Well of course it’s get­ting bet­ter. The econ­o­my always gets bet­ter after a reces­sion. But the ques­tion is, has it recov­ered by virtue as some­thing the pres­i­dent has done or has he delayed the recov­ery and made it more painful? The lat­ter is, of course, the truth.

INGRAHAM: Isn’t that a hard argu­ment to make? Is that a stark enough contrast?

ROMNEY: Well, have you got a bet­ter one, Laura? This hap­pens to be the truth.

The econ­o­my is get­ting bet­ter, of course, com­pared to where it has been. It would be absurd to say dif­fer­ent. (The econ­o­my grew by 2.8 per­cent in the last quarter.)

Mitt Romney left him­self no escape valve that would relieve some of the pres­sure in the event the econ­o­my con­tin­ue to add jobs, which will indi­cate to the vot­ing pub­lic that the poli­cies of this pres­i­dent are work­ing, or at worst aren’t as rad­i­cal as Romney and Gingrich would like to scare them into believ­ing. So what will Romney do if the econ­o­my con­tin­ues to add man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs, Israel does not attack Iran caus­ing the price of oil to sky­rock­et, or there are no ter­ror attacks on the coun­try? How does Romney piv­ots when he built an entire pres­i­den­tial cam­paign against the econ­o­my? They have stat­ed that Obama owns the econ­o­my, with no men­tion of the fact that the econ­o­my was almost sent into a depres­sion by George Bush’s tax cuts for the rich­est Americans who do not need them, unde­clared wars, and an unre­strained “do as you please green light” giv­en to big banks and finan­cial institutions.

Romney clear­ly can­not artic­u­late a path for­ward on for­eign pol­i­cy. The Iraq war is over, Osama Bin Laden is dead, troops in Afghanistan will soon be head­ing home, there is a stran­gle hold eco­nom­i­cal­ly on the Iranian econ­o­my over their nuclear pro­gramme, and despite their lies America’s image has been restored abroad to the extent that is pos­si­ble, because of this pres­i­dent. So it seem Romney whom it seem more and more will be his par­ty’s nom­i­nee will get des­per­ate and clear­ly will have to scare vot­ers about Obama , of course David Axelrod will be pre­pared to fight back despite cit­i­zens unit­ed big mon­ey let into the polit­i­cal dis­course by the Supreme Court.

In a stump speech after win­ning the neva­da cau­cus­es Romney told the peo­ple gath­ered [H]e’s been try­ing to take a bow for 8.3 per cent unem­ploy­ment. Not so fast, Mr. President. … We wel­come any good news on the jobs front, but it is thanks to the inno­va­tion of the American peo­ple in the pri­vate sec­tor, not to you.’ … Romney’s com­ments are a hint of how he would cam­paign … if … the unem­ploy­ment rate con­tin­ues to fall: with a two-fold attack that the offi­cial fig­ures do not reflect the true scope of job­less­ness and that any improve­ment is despite, not because of, the pres­i­dent.(Politico .com)

There is Romney’s strat­e­gy , blame the pres­i­dent for a bad econ­o­my, but deny he has any­thing to do with it when it improves. How effec­tive this strat­e­gy will be is yet to be seen. Romney and his min­ions must be des­per­ate or they real­ly take vot­ers for absolute fools. Romney can­not have his cake and eat it too , either the pres­i­dent owns the econ­o­my as they are quick to point out, good or bad, or he does­n’t and can­not be held respon­si­ble for it. As pres­i­dent Obama said Republicans can make a deci­sion to have a strong mil­i­tary, , a decrease in the nation­al debt, and bal­anced bud­gets , or they can con­tin­ue to give the wealth­i­est 1% tax-cuts they do not need , but the coun­try can­not afford both. On every issue repub­li­cans want to have it both ways.

It’s also inter­est­ing that when­ev­er they talk about unem­ploy­ment fig­ures repub­li­cans use a dif­fer­ent method­ol­o­gy, gen­er­al unem­ploy­ment num­bers are not used by repub­li­cans, they talk about peo­ple who have stopped look­ing for jobs and oth­ers who aren’t count­ed, for a pletho­ra of rea­sons. All of a sud­den peo­ple who do not want to work, peo­ple who decid­ed to stop work­ing are brought back into the frame­work, as they seek to fudge the num­bers in an effort to dis­tort the narrative.