Parents Should Do More To Control Children Cameron Tells Council

Police offi­cers are called on to set­tle dis­putes, save lives, be coun­selors, deliv­er babies, act as secu­ri­ty guards, secur­ing many who should be left to their own evil devices and do a pletho­ra of oth­er tasks.
Officers are expect­ed to be all things to all people.
And just in case you for­got, they are expect­ed to run toward the bul­lets when every­one else is run­ning away.

In today’s soci­eties, they are also required to be babysit­ters, it is instruc­tive to note that even when they do the babysit­ting and gath­er up the unwant­ed, unpro­tect­ed chil­dren and place them in the only place they have to place them, there are those who crit­i­cize them for plac­ing them in jail cells.
The idea that cops should always be on the look­out for stray­ing unpro­tect­ed chil­dren is one thing, the idea that they should not be placed in jails is another.
This issue is now off the table as there are now so-called places of safe­ty which cater to those needs.

It is against the back­ground of par­ents reneg­ing on their core respon­si­bil­i­ties to be good stew­ards of the chil­dren they bring into the world that these prob­lems still linger.
There is a seri­ous cri­sis as it relates to the way chil­dren are being cared for, which will only be fixed by seri­ous leg­is­la­tion which attach­es ade­quate puni­tive com­po­nents for par­ents who leave minor chil­dren alone to fend for themselves.
The police can­not be expect­ed to babysit peo­ple’s chil­dren and take care of the oth­er func­tions they are asked to attend to.
This crime wave the coun­try is present­ly engulfed in will only be exac­er­bat­ed if these minor chil­dren are left to their own devices.

Superintendent Wayne Cameron

Against that back­ground Superintendent of police in charge of the Parish of Manchester, Wayne Cameron told a meet­ing of the Manchester Council
We do make the effort to get our stu­dents off the road, but I just want to say to you that parental respon­si­bil­i­ties must not real­ly rest with the police. Parents real­ly need to take a hold of their chil­dren and if they are to get home by a cer­tain time then that is real­ly the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the moth­er and father.”
Superintendent Cameron was respond­ing to a mem­ber of the parish coun­cil who want­ed an update on the cur­few orders in place for chil­dren to be off the street by a des­ig­nat­ed time.

The idea that cur­fews and con­tin­ued pres­sure on the police to fix every prob­lem are unre­al­is­tic on the front end.
As crime con­tin­ues to esca­late it is imper­a­tive that those in pow­er rec­og­nize that the chil­dren who roam the streets unpro­tect­ed today are the killers of tomorrow.
There is much talk with­in the pub­lic spaces about social inter­ven­tion as it relates to deal­ing with crime.
There is an old Jamaican proverb which says “you can­not bend a grown tree,“If social inter­ven­tion is to be added to the range of tools aimed at cor­rect­ing the nation’s down­ward tra­jec­to­ry now is the time to do it.

Social inter­ven­tion is uptown jar­gon which rolls of the lying decep­tive tongues of those with­in the elit­ist class who gov­ern and shape pol­i­cy. It is-is a dis­tant con­cept which absolves them from the hard work of actu­al governance.
Taking care of the youth through the process­es which ensure that those who bring chil­dren into the world take care of them, makes social inter­ven­tion a prac­ti­cal con­cept rather than an intel­lec­tu­al argument.

Many of the nation’s lead­ers at low­er lev­els of the food chain should in actu­al­i­ty be at the apex of the pyramid.