Does This Look Like A President To You



That this man has been allowed to be a representative of a major political party for the Presidency of the United States is beyond shocking , not just to many Americans but to people across the Globe who look on in utter horror. That such a hateful narcissist, misogynistic, Racist could emerge as the standard bearer of the Republican Party should however come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.

The Media Made This F**king Monster: How Phony Objectivity Helped Create Donald Trump

When the total­i­ty of Donald Trump’s char­ac­ter is summed up, by his own words and actions, it becomes clear­er each day that Hillary Clinton’s deplorable char­ac­ter­i­za­tion describes Trump quite appropriately,.
Who would argue that big­ot­ed Racists , and Misogynists are deplorable?

Who would argue against the fact that Donald Trump for President has been and always was a huge laugh­ing mat­ter for peo­ple all across the world.
Elements with­in the British Parliament wants Trump banned from enter­ing their country.
Imagine that with­in the con­text that England is America’s clos­est ally.

Republicans Cannot Now Deny The Monster They Created..

Benjamin Netanyahu Israel’s Prime Minister asked Trump not to vis­it that Country, albeit it was at a crit­i­cal time, when his pres­ence may have inflamed pas­sions and cre­at­ed violence.
Consider how­ev­er that a poten­tial American pres­i­den­t’s pres­ence could been seen to be that poten­tial­ly com­bustible has to account for something.
Israel may very well be America’s sec­ond clos­est ally.


Consider that the peo­ple of America’s clos­est neigh­bor on it’s south­ern bor­der total­ly hates Donald Trump . Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto invit­ed Trump to his coun­try and was imme­di­ate­ly shocked by the vis­cer­al and angry response he received from the Mexican people.
Enrique Peña Nieto did not have the char­ac­ter to resign,. Nevertheless finance Minister Luis Videgaray, who alleged­ly arranged the vis­it stepped down as a result of the uproar Trump’s vis­it elicited.

Blacks Have Everything To Lose Under A Trump Presidency As Does Most Everyone Else.….

let’s look at Donald Trump’s racist 1989 cam­paign against the so-called Central Park five . Trump spent over a hun­dred thou­sand dol­lars on full page Ads in the city’s news­pa­pers call­ing for the death penal­ty of the lit­tle boys who were wrong­ly arrest­ed, and coerced into an unlaw­ful and ille­gal con­fes­sion with­out the ben­e­fit of lawyers or their par­ents present.
The old­est boy at the time was a devel­op­men­tal­ly chal­lenged 16 year old. The oth­er four were 15 and 14 years respectively.
Even after the boys had been con­vict­ed and served out their full sen­tences and were found to have been wrong­ly con­vict­ed he showed absolute­ly no com­pas­sion for his racist cam­paign against them .
It should also be not­ed that Trump called for the death penalty/​lynching of the boys even though the cen­tral Park vic­tim had not died . To this day Donald Trump refus­es to admit he was wrong.


With respect to con­tin­ued police killings of unarmed Black men across America, Donald Trump called for tougher polic­ing tac­tics, includ­ing the use of the uncon­sti­tu­tion­al stop and frisk policy.
He labels Black People hope­less. Labels Mexicans Rapists and mur­der­ers. He wants to ban all Muslims from enter­ing America, sole­ly on the basis of their Muslim faith.
He berates and ridicules a gold-star fam­i­ly who sac­ri­ficed their only son who lost his life serv­ing in the nation’s armed forces./
He sur­rounds him­self with peo­ple like Rudolph Giuliani, and Newt Gingrich., Between him­self Giuliani and Gingrich they have nine mar­riages. That says some­thing about their so-called Christian val­ues or more appro­pri­ate­ly their lack thereof.

Other major sup­port­ers of Trump includes New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie a major bul­ly who is alleged to have know and maybe con­spired to pun­ish a Fort Lee New Jersey Democratic Mayor who did not endorse him for re-elec­tion, by clos­ing lanes lead­ing into the George Washington Bridge.
The lane clo­sures cre­at­ed major con­ges­tion at the bridge and result­ed in much traf­fic prob­lems for Fort Lee.
One for­mer Christie loy­al­ist cur­rent­ly under indict­ment has tes­ti­fied that Christie absolute­ly knew about the lane closures .
Steve Bannon Alt Right func­tionary and for­mer­ly of the far right web­site Breitbart now co-con­trol Trump’s campaign.
Former FOX head hon­cho Roger Ailes who alleged­ly sex­u­al­ly harassed mul­ti­ple female employ­ees of the mis­in­for­ma­tion net­work , cost­ing the com­pa­ny tens of mil­lions, now also report­ed­ly advis­es Trump.
At what point does vot­ers start ask­ing them­selves whether this is the pres­i­dent they want.

Trump knows he has a sol­id block of core sup­port­ers who do not care about any­thing he ever says or does. He allud­ed to that say­ing “I could shoot some­one in the mid­dle of 5th avenue and I would­n’t lose a sin­gle supporter” .
These are the deplorables who absolute­ly hates every­one who does not look like them or believe what they believe. These are they who blame every­one but them­selves for their lack of upward mobility.
Ultimately every ratio­nal vot­er has to deter­mine whether this vile crea­ture is a poten­tial America President.