When A Known Gangster Can Return From Prison Abroad To Continue As Usual It Means The Government Is Incompetent .…..

No, crime is not going to be corralled overnight ! No one is that naïve‘, but the body count is what we have to go by . If the body count is anything to go by clearly we have a problem.

Part of what Opposition Parties do while in Opposition is for­mu­late and means-test poli­cies. Those pol­i­cy posi­tions are then trans­formed into plat­form posi­tions and placed before elec­tors who vote on them.
The old say­ing “elec­tions have con­se­quences” then comes into play, the con­se­quence being that the par­ty elect­ed now have a man­date to enact those pol­i­cy posi­tions into law.

There is a kind of com­mon per­cep­tion that Jamaicans want to live in the crime infest­ed envi­ron­ment in which they are forced to exist.
I dis­agreed when I served as a police offi­cer and I dis­agree today decades after my brief for­ay into law-enforcement.
I have spo­ken on pre­vi­ous occa­sions to the good natured fun lov­ing nature of the Jamaican people.
I have also spo­ken to the many young Jamaican men whom I have met inside and out­side the coun­try and the way they gen­er­al­ly behave far and away from the brutish mon­ster-like killer men­tal­i­ty which slaugh­ter the innocent.

I con­tin­ue to believe that crime in Jamaica thrives on the sim­ple fact that no one has decid­ed, “this stops now”!
The biggest prob­lem for our coun­try is that those young men and women who engage in crim­i­nal con­duct do so with the dis­tinct knowl­edge that they have up to a 93% chance of nev­er ever get­ting caught.
The degen­er­ate bru­tal nature of the crimes they com­mit stems from the fact that they know there are numer­ous agen­cies wit­ting­ly and unwit­ting­ly mil­i­tat­ing on their behalf.
The unfor­tu­nate thing about this par­tic­u­lar group is that some are actu­al­ly tax­pay­er fund­ed, whol­ly or in part.

The jus­tice sys­tem which is sup­posed to stand up for the inter­est of the aggriev­ed is expo­nen­tial­ly more inter­est­ed in pro­tect­ing the inter­est of criminals.
I under­stand these are broad and gen­er­al terms,but I say these truths to give a broad view as to why Jamaicans are bar­ri­cad­ed in their homes not sure if their doors are going to be kicked in result­ing in them going out in a hail of bullets.

The Jamaican crime sit­u­a­tion has been on an upward tra­jec­to­ry since Hugh Lawson Shearer stepped aside as Prime Minister. Since then there has been a step by step climb up the lad­der, each rung rep­re­sent­ing a greater degree of acqui­es­cence not nec­es­sar­i­ly by the Jamaican peo­ple but by a pletho­ra of a spe­cial Interest groups. These groups occu­py spaces in the hal­lowed halls of acad­e­mia through the Pulpits of the many Churches , through some board rooms of the busi­ness sec­tor all the way to the street cor­ners of the ardent gar­risons in Arnett Gardens, Tivoli Gardens and others.

Delroy Chuck
Delroy Chuck

Regular Jamaicans have sim­ply come to this place of accep­tance because they feel they have no choice. When a high court judge tells a griev­ing fam­i­ly unable to get jus­tice for their mur­dered loved one ‚that they can­not speak out because it will endan­ger the rights of the very killer who took the life of their loved one there is a problem.
When a Minister of jus­tice advo­cates for dis­card­ing cas­es stuck in the sys­tem for over five years (includ­ing mur­der cas­es) with­out first fix­ing the root cause of what’s caus­ing the bot­tle­neck the peo­ple are forced to resign them­selves to the notion that they can­not do better,.

There is a rea­son that mur­der is against com­mon law and not a statute.
Murder is not a crime which needs lit­i­gat­ing, from the begin­ning of human exis­tence every­one knew that the unlaw­ful tak­ing of anoth­er human life was unac­cept­able , it was wrong.
There is a rea­son there is no statute of lim­i­ta­tions involved with this crime. This means that there is no cut off date for some­one to be pros­e­cut­ed for the unlaw­ful killing of anoth­er. It is because of the pro­found and far reach­ing nature of the seri­ous­ness of mur­der why soci­eties place no lim­its on how long it will take how far they will go to pros­e­cute murderers.
That is of course with the excep­tion of Jamaica, if Delroy Chuck gets his way.

This makes it impos­si­ble to rec­on­cile that inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized eter­nal pro­to­col , with the views of Delroy Chuck. Shockingly Delroy Church the Island’s Justice Minister is the per­son advo­cat­ing for the dis­missal of cas­es, includ­ing mur­der cas­es which have been stuck in the sys­tem for over five years.

How does a pub­lic ser­vant, who is sup­posed to rep­re­sent the good guys adopt pol­i­cy posi­tions which are anti­thet­i­cal to the very peo­ple whose inter­est he claim to represent?
The sim­ple answer is that he can’t .
The great­est imped­i­ment to the nation’s progress is the igno­rance of the people.That igno­rance has allowed a total­ly incom­pe­tent and moral­ly bank­rupt polit­i­cal par­ty to lit­er­al­ly run the Island into the ground, leav­ing it tee­ter­ing on the brink of collapse.
If the present Administration is seri­ous about crime it will hire more judges who are not crim­i­nal defense lawyers. Hire more pros­e­cu­tors. Improve the inves­tiga­tive capa­bil­i­ties of the Police depart­ment. Seek help beef­ing up the inves­tiga­tive capa­bil­i­ties from overseas.
Repeal the INDECOM Act , and replace it with a fair­er more ratio­nal law. Unshackle the Police and allow them to go after the killers.
Make it know that there is a zero tol­er­ance pol­i­cy toward crime. Make it known that crim­i­nals will find no refuge any­where in the country.
Provide the secu­ri­ty forces the resources they need to get the job done.

On the release of Klansman Don Tesha Miller from an American prison I asked what steps were the secu­ri­ty forces tak­ing to ensure that his return will not be a return to the days when he ruled the Klansman Gang?
Needless to say Tesha Miller is alleged­ly once again a major con­trib­u­tor to the mur­der statistics.
Like Donovan Bulbie Miller and oth­ers before and after were allowed to com­mit crimes and pay no price ‚Tesha Miller has returned to the crim­i­nal par­adise that Jamaica has become, and is now report­ed­ly back at mur­der and mayhem.
The high­ly placed who call for throw­ing out mur­der cas­es should be made patent­ly aware that these kinds of poli­cies will not be tol­er­at­ed. Doing the same thing and expect­ing a dif­fer­ent result may be the per­son­i­fi­ca­tion of insan­i­ty . Simply put it means you are stupid.
There comes a time when the Prime Minister must come to the real­iza­tion that his pri­ma­ry duty is to secure the nation.
That time is now.….