Kamala ; “America Not Racist Country”, Wait What?

I nev­er cared about Liz Chaney, the rock-sol­id right-wing daugh­ter of grumpy old fart Dick Chaney Bush 43rd vice pres­i­dent. I mean, nei­ther was I a fan of the father; I thought that there was nev­er a bet­ter case to be made for a man who was more deserv­ing of the name, ‘Dick.’
Ok, that was prob­a­bly a cheap shot, but there is some­thing to be said about the grav­i­tas of a guy who was hired to do a vice-pres­i­den­tial can­di­date search and end­ed up choos­ing himself.
If you are not fol­low­ing my drift, in the cam­paign lead­ing up to the 2000 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions, the Bush cam­paign hired [Dick] Chaney to find a suit­able can­di­date to run on the tick­et with old Georgie boy.
Chaney searched and found himself.
We all knew how that turned out as old Dick was instru­men­tal in egging on his boss to enter the sov­er­eign nation of Iraq under pretenses.

Liz Chaney is no hero for stand­ing up to the Republican lie that the Democrats stole the 2020 elections.
Liz Chaney deserves no acco­lade for not going with the Trump delu­sions; I believe some­where in what she is doing is a cal­cu­lus that her posi­tion will turn out to ben­e­fit her.
Liz Chaney per­pet­u­ates the lie that the Democratic ini­tia­tive which pro­tects peo­ple from the pan­dem­ic restores the econ­o­my, reforms the police, and fix­ing America’s infra­struc­ture, is socialism.
Give me a damn break. I thought those were the things the gov­ern­ment was sup­posed to do?
She has done noth­ing that Senator Mitt Romney has­n’t done; she has­n’t done any­thing that Illinois rep­re­sen­ta­tive Adam Kinsigner has­n’t done. She has­n’t done any­thing that Justin Amash has­n’t done.
Liz Chaney is the num­ber three per­son in the Republican House lead­er­ship cau­cus, which is in and of itself tes­ta­ment that Liz Chaney deserves no plaudits.


Oh, what a dif­fer­ence a few months make. Newly elect­ed Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris was asked whether she thought the United States is a racist country.
In typ­i­cal lib­er­al wishy-washy fash­ion, Harris retreat­ed from her for­mer posi­tion that America is indeed a racist coun­try, say­ing the fol­low­ing; “America is not a “racist coun­try,” but the nation must “speak the truth” about its his­to­ry with racism.”
Wait, what the f**k? What the hell does that even mean?
Harris was respond­ing to Black-skin folk US Senator uncle Tim/​Tom Scott of South Carolina who claimed that America is not a racist coun­try, even as he spoke about his fears, hav­ing being pulled over mul­ti­ple times by police for no oth­er rea­son than that he was a black man.


The com­mon thread that seems to guide both Tim Scott and Kamala Harris’s posi­tion, even from dif­fer­ent ends of the spec­trum, is that both of them man­aged to find a way to get to the top, which means that American racism has ended.
No mat­ter how hard you try to hold a bunch of ful­ly blown bal­loons under­wa­ter, a few will escape to the top; it is just the nat­ur­al order of things.
The hypocrisy of both Scott & Harris speaks to the greater issue of some black American mem­o­ry lapse as soon as they reach the top, until, of course, they are pushed back down the lad­der they try to claim their black card.
In a blog post last week, I addressed Tim Scott’s coon­ery; I will not rehash those comments.
But most who pay atten­tion to polit­i­cal cam­paigns will remem­ber Kamala Harris’s attack on Joe Biden when she famous­ly told him dur­ing one of the pres­i­den­tial debates that she was one of the lit­tle girls who ben­e­fit­ted from bussing, some­thing she said Biden opposed.
How can a rea­son­able per­son, much less a black per­son, claim that America is not a racist coun­try when racism is built into every stra­tum of society?
America’s racism was the tem­plate for Hitler’s treat­ment of the prac­ti­tion­ers of Judaism in Germany.
America’s racism was the tem­plate for South Africa’s apartheid sys­tem; It is the tem­plate for the apartheid sys­tem prac­ticed in the State of Israel today against the Palestinian people.
In every fiber of the American body-politic, racism is intri­cate­ly woven in with the implic­it desire of mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for peo­ple of col­or to have upward mobility.
The idea that because a few have made it America’s racist past is .….…a thing of the past is what guid­ed the US Supreme courts 2013 deci­sion in Shelby County Alabama Vs. Holder when the court gut­ted sec­tion 4 (b) of the 1965 vot­ing rights act.
The court’s log­ic was that the racist prac­tices of the past are in the past, and there­fore there was no fur­ther use for sec­tion 4(b).
Of course, as soon as the court hand­ed down that deci­sion, states run by Republicans embarked on vot­er sup­pres­sion laws only before seen dur­ing the peri­od after reconstruction.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
