JCF Must Do A Through Investigation To Determine How This Officer Was Killed And By Whom..

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The killing of a police Constable Kirkland Plummer last Saturday night in the parish of Clarendon has left more ques­tions than answers; in the mean­time, the grue­some killing has gen­er­at­ed much gum-flap­ping in the reg­u­lar cir­cles that gen­er­al­ly pro­duces more heat than light, and leaves us with no clear­er pic­ture of what occurred or why they occur.
Obviously, the Police Department is still not clear as to the [why], even though they may have already estab­lished the what, where, when, and how, and have report­ed that there are five sus­pects in custody.
Unfortunately, though com­mend­able, hav­ing five sus­pects in cus­tody means lit­tle if inves­ti­ga­tors can­not find cred­i­ble evi­dence out­side eye­wit­ness account­ing, when the Jamaican court sys­tem’s pos­ture is considered.

(Constable Kirkland Plummer)

Calls to sources have not shed much light on why Constable Plummer was at a par­ty that was for all intents and pur­pos­es sup­posed to be in con­tra­ven­tion of the Disaster Risk Management Act. Neither were we able to estab­lish whether he was mere­ly respond­ing on his own to the sounds of loud explo­sions at the event as the police reported.
At this time, and with­out the ben­e­fit of more detailed infor­ma­tion forth­com­ing from the police, we are left to mere­ly spec­u­late about the sequence of events that led this young offi­cer to lose his life.
As I pre­pared to speak to this killing, I ran across the Jamaica Observer Editorial page’s com­ments on Constable Kirkland Plummer’s killing and was dis­gust­ed at their head­line; [We can’t remain silent in the face of sav­agery].
For decades now, these pub­li­ca­tions have been will­ing and glee­ful par­tic­i­pants and cheer­lead­ers in the break­down of our rule of law and the poi­son­ing of our pop­u­lar culture.

So please spare me the croc­o­dile tears. After decades of plow­ing, fer­til­iz­ing, water­ing, and tend­ing to the seeds you have sown, don’t feign shock at the fruits you are har­vest­ing? The media has been vir­u­lent anti-police agi­ta­tors in all its forms; it has shaped and fos­tered a cul­ture that glo­ri­fies gang­ster­ism with no respect for the rule of law, or those who enforce the laws.
For its part, the JCF has con­sis­tent­ly failed to live up to its oath of office, essen­tial­ly giv­ing its ene­mies ammu­ni­tion with which to defeat it.
Like every­one else, [this observ­er] watch­es and waits, to hear a full and com­pre­hen­sive account­ing from the Police pro­fes­sion­al­ly, as to the cir­cum­stances that caused a young offi­cer to get sav­age­ly cut down in such a das­tard­ly manner.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.