Black Entrepreneur Creates App To Help Film Police Brutality And Alert Family Members

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Meet James A. Samuel, Jr., founder, and CEO of a new app called ANJEL Tech, allows users to begin live stream­ing imme­di­ate­ly and trans­mit­ting footage to their fam­i­ly mem­bers when they are in any dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion. The app, devel­oped by a DC-based Black-owned com­pa­ny, appeals to the African American com­mu­ni­ty because of what has been hap­pen­ing across the nation regard­ing police bru­tal­i­ty. However, the app can also be used to alert loved ones of oth­er per­son­al safe­ty issues such as domes­tic abuse, elder­ly abuse, etc.

James has over 30 years of fed­er­al expe­ri­ence work­ing for the U.S. Department of Defense. He has worked as an engi­neer, an F‑15 fight­er pilot, and an Intelligence Analyst. He says that he came up with the idea to devel­op the app to help pre­vent and min­i­mize per­son­al and com­mu­ni­ty secu­ri­ty issues that often plague urban communities.
The ANJEL Tech app is cloud-based and geospa­tial­ly-enabled. James com­ments, “My team and I ulti­mate­ly cre­at­ed this app to help Black moms pro­tect and save their kids’ lives, and help more Black chil­dren live and grow into adult­hood and meet those expect­ed life mile­stones such as school grad­u­a­tion, mar­riage, family/​chil­dren, career, home­own­er­ship, etc.”

James says that the app was cre­at­ed in response to the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, and what makes the app so unique is that users can eas­i­ly live-stream what’s hap­pen­ing, imme­di­ate­ly noti­fy fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends of their loca­tion on a map (via text and email), and cre­ate a secure record of the inci­dent for future account­abil­i­ty pur­pos­es. All of this occurs in real-time via the app.

The ANJEL Tech app can be down­loaded now in the iOS App Store and soon avail­able in the Google Play store.

This sto­ry first appeared
