Just this week Police in Westmoreland were left scram­bling look­ing for two men charged with mul­ti­ple homi­cides, brought before the court , and prompt­ly released on bail by the lib­er­al fools that pass for Judges in Jamaica. First off let me say to the police here and now “do not waste any ener­gy look­ing for these two killers , if they turn up and say they want to be re-incar­cer­at­ed lock them up, but don’t waste your time look­ing for them , their sup­port­ers on the bench will just turn them loose again.”

Nowhere else in the civ­i­lized world are sus­pects accused of mur­der released on bail , nowhere! Or maybe I am putting Jamaica where it does not belong, are we a civ­i­lized nation? What are the char­ac­ter­is­tics that pre­vents Jamaican Judges from com­pre­hend­ing that crim­i­nal mur­der­ers must be behind bars. Is there a con­spir­a­cy between cer­tain Judges and trails lawyers to return crim­i­nals to the streets?

The police in Westmoreland are seek­ing two mur­der sus­pects who have abscond­ed bail.

The men are 30-year-old Jermaine Roy Brown and 26-year-old Torneil Haughton. Both men are from Alma dis­trict in Grange Hill, Westmoreland. Brown is of dark com­plex­ion, stout build, sports a dread­locked hair style, has a round face and is about 175 cen­time­tres or five feet nine inch­es tall. Haughton is 168 cen­time­tres or five feet six inch­es tall, of medi­um build, dark com­plex­ion and is blind in one eye. Both men have been charged with the mur­ders of Rasheika Clair and Stacy-Ann Kelly, who were found dead on August 25, 2008. The girls were report­ed miss­ing on August 18 of that year. Their bod­ies were found in a cave at Camp Savannah Mountain in Grange Hill. Brown and Haughton were to appear in the Westmoreland Circuit Court on February 15, 2011. However, they did not report for court. The men are con­sid­ered armed and dan­ger­ous. The police are urg­ing both men to turn them­selves in to per­son­nel at the Savanna-la-Mar police or the near­est police sta­tion imme­di­ate­ly. Anyone know­ing the where­abouts of Jermaine Roy Brown or Torneil Haughton is being asked to con­tact the Savanna-la-Mar police, Crime Stop at 311, Kingfish at 811, Police 119 emer­gency num­ber or the near­est police sta­tion.Jamaica star

Where is the out­cry from the Nation when mur­der­ers are returned to the streets as soon as police lock them up? There are those who open their foul mouths to con­demn police on every­thing they do , but are blind to what is real­ly going on in our coun­try. instead what they have done is cre­ate anoth­er use­less Agency to snoop around behind police look­ing for mis­takes in actions offi­cers take large­ly in defense of their own lives , these tax wast­ing idiots are sim­i­lar to dogs smelling the ass of oth­er dogs. The coun­try is swim­ming in blood , crim­i­nals are embold­ened to do as they please and what do they do they cre­ate a set of losers that will get no sup­port from the police and should­n’t ‚let them go face the bul­lets if they want to be cops . I urge all police offi­cers on the streets ‚not to give any assis­tance , help, or sup­port to INDECOM, if they want facts let them find it for them­selves. fur­ther­more I urge all smart offi­cers to pro­tect your lives , that of your fam­i­lies and leave the rest to INDECOM, let see these morons do some work for the mon­ey they are get­ting , they want to be inves­ti­ga­tors , let them face the music.! Rather than strength­en the coun­try’s crime fight­ing capa­bil­i­ties by con­tin­u­ing to mod­ern­ize the force, pay­ing offi­cers a decent wage, remov­ing dead-wood cops , remov­ing cor­rupt cops they cre­ate a bunch of pre­tend cops, and cre­ate a pub­lic defend­er’ office. What the hell is a pub­lic defend­er? Isn’t that what the min­istry of jus­tice is sup­posed to do ? So all these morons come beat­ing their chests , new Sheriff in town , demo­niz­ing cops as a way to remain in good stand­ing with the over­sized crim­i­nal pop­u­la­tion. So what do we end up with , from Carolyn Gomes , to Earl Witter, to Delroy Chuck, to Terrence Williams, and the list goes on and on , every­one is against the police. Who wor­ries about the crim­i­nals I wonder?

Crime has been trend­ing steadi­ly upwards of late, there are those who are apt to blame the police, does any­one stop to think that the rea­son crime is at that astro­nom­i­cal lev­el and trend­ing north­wards is sole­ly because there is very min­i­mal like­li­hood that any­one will be held account­able when they com­mit crimes . Jamaica has long sur­ren­dered to crim­i­nals. Politicians , lawyers , judges, busi­ness-peo­ple all, have long con­clud­ed that crime is here to stay and they are bet­ter of leav­ing it alone , sup­port it, or join in. The coun­try is now a crim­i­nal par­adise, remov­ing Dudus will not end crime, the can­cer­ous lesion is malig­nant, and will con­tin­ue to eat away at the very fibre of the soci­ety, while the inhab­i­tants eat cur­ry goat and dagger,until it is each and every one’s turn to be slaugh­tered by the mind­less demons that roam the streets unencumbered.

mike beck­les.
