Stupid Cops:

Police at theSpanish Town sta­tion were kept out of their post for more than an hour yes­ter­day after a hand­cuffed man armed with a piece of bro­ken glass threat­ened to hurt any­one who dared approach him. The inci­dent unfold­ed about 6 p.m., short­ly after he was hand­cuffed and tak­en to the sta­tion for breach­es of the Road Traffic Act. It is unclear what hap­pened next but police sources said the man got into a rage after been there for a while. He report­ed­ly smashed a glass in a sec­tion of the sta­tion in anger. Police per­son­nel stood by and looked on in amaze­ment as the man who armed him­self with a piece of bro­ken glass kept the offi­cers away with his threats. A weh yuh a go? Mi know sey yuh a bad police but right now my head no good,” he said, while wav­ing the bro­ken glass men­ac­ing­ly at a police­man while still hand­cuffed ‚coer­cion and plead­ing. One hour lat­er, after much coer­cion and plead­ing, the police final­ly gained entry to the sta­tion but not before arm­ing them­selves with riot shields. By that time, the police said the man had smashed sev­er­al glass doors and there was blood splat­tered all over the floor. The man, in the mean­time, had retreat­ed to a near­by room where he locked him­self inside. He was sub­se­quent­ly tak­en from the room, but even while in the police vehi­cle he remained defi­ant. “Mi nah move a wah unnu a deal wid, in yah,” he said, while lying in the vehi­cle. Many per­sons who con­verged start­ed to mock the police, “A so much a dem and dem can’t deal with the one man? Mi sure sey him no mad. It real­ly wicked pon dem still,” a woman said. The man was even­tu­al­ly tak­en to the Spanish Town Hospital where he was seen bleed­ing pro­fuse­ly. Investigations have been launched with a view of charg­ing him with the dam­age to the Government’s property.(

One won­ders just how stu­pid these cops are? I am speech­less at the total inep­ti­tude of these peo­ple who pass them­selves off as cops, no won­der they get no respect. This is absolute­ly egre­gious, I mean there are no words to describe how stu­pid these cops are. A pris­on­er cuffed with hands in front can grab a weapon and kill as many peo­ple as the rounds in the weapon allows, even with hands cuffed behind some­one hell-bent on doing harm can inflict seri­ous harm if they man­age to get their hands on a weapon.

It fol­lows there­fore that all pris­on­ers must be hand­cuffed and mon­i­tored close­ly untill he or she is placed into the safe­ty of a cell. The Jamaica Constabulary Force through its mem­bers con­tin­ue to arrest peo­ple with­out hand cuff­ing them , pris­on­er and cop walk­ing side by side hands swing­ing, on the rare occa­sion they do cuff an arrestee, they cuff their hands in front . All of this can be avoid­ed if cops act pro­fes­sion­al­ly by cuff­ing all arrest­ed per­sons with their hands behind them, all Police Departments fol­low these sim­ple safe­ty pro­ce­dures, only in Jamaica does unpro­fes­sion­al cops refuse to fol­low sim­ple safe­ty guide­lines .Will this police depart­ment ever learn anything?


