Images From The First Annual Kodicares Foundation Feeding The Needy

His life moti­vat­ed us all.
Rest In Peace, Kodi Beckles…

Thanks to Pastor Jesse Voyd Bottoms and Lady Bottoms for their gra­cious­ness, not only in allow­ing us to use the Beulah facil­i­ty, but for part­ner­ing with us. To the Beulah Family that gra­cious­ly and gen­er­ous­ly gave of their resources and time to make this event the resound­ing suc­cess it was.
To the many peo­ple near and far, many of whom we have nev­er met, yet you rose to the occa­sion and gave generously.
You are for­ev­er in our hearts.
The Kodicares Foundation hon­ors all of you; as we advance, we will con­tin­ue to ask for your help, not just for your resources, but for your time in help­ing us with your ideas about the direc­tions we should take to do the most good.
We thank you all…The Beckles Family.

Pastor and sis­ter B not exact­ly social­ly dis­tanced but indeed wear­ing their masks.
Jerrel hangs out with Pastor B while his Mom Latoya toils in the kitchen. Thank you, Latoya.
Thank you, Pastor B, for your grace and kindness.
How about the Ashe sis­ters, Deaconess Sandy Pickney, sis­ter Theresa, and team Finney, team Ware…
Of course, there is AJ & Jon, they are always clown­ing, but they make great cornbread.
Rev Shiela Butler is toil­ing away…
No amount of praise would be enough to begin to com­pen­sate for the work Deacon Myles Pickney and his Wife Deaconess Sandy Pickney gave to the effort. We are for­ev­er indebt­ed to you.
Minister Astar Buchanan, Queen B, and the Ashe ladies, sis­ter Theresa in the background …
The Ashe ladies and Cheryl (queen B)
one of the very light moments…
On a more corn­bread-mak­ing note, (haha­ha).
Some team mem­bers are tak­ing a minute to breathe…
Jon’s corn­bread was deli­cious; if col­lege does not work out, corn­bread mak­ing is a def­i­nite segue.
The ladies decid­ing how best to start serving…
Does seem like one guy work­ing and one guy direct­ing, hmm.
Sister Nicole sure agreed that Sister Ware’s cakes and cook­ies are the best…Sister Ware looks on in agreement…
Hey there Queen B…
It was remark­able what was accom­plished on this our first try…
It was a ver­i­ta­ble bee­hive of activ­i­ty as every­one worked assid­u­ous­ly to make it happen…
The mak­ing of Mac and cheese…
Nicky seems to be mak­ing sure the cheese is sliced just right…
The team focused on the task at hand…
His life moti­vat­ed us all.
Rest In Peace, Kodi Beckles…
A moment for broth­er­ly love…
The Lord’s boun­ty, we thank him for his grace…
Pastor talks to the young uns, Ministers Jonathan, McPhee, Astar Buchanan, sis­ters Deneca Johnson, and others…
The deliv­ery team
Yes, I was there as well, doing my lit­tle part…
So was Deacon Myles Pickney…
DIT Ware was awesome…
Lots of hands made work light…
It sure does…
Deneca was awesome…
Our dear sis­ter Tracey Owens must be tired after a long day…
Having a word with Pastor B…
Making a point…
Pastor B is check­ing on every­one; we are so lucky to have him…
Taking a break.

Thank you to every one of you who gave, finan­cial sup­port, time, mon­ey & time, your prayers, well wish­es, or all of the foregone.
We thank you from the bot­tom of our hearts.
Hopefully, next year we can do even bet­ter than we did this time.
God Bless you all.
