House Republicans Finally Pass An Obamacare Repeal And Replacement


According to our friends over at Huffpost.

After years of promis­es and months of delays, House Republicans passed their ver­sion of an Obamacare repeal and replace­ment Thursday, muscling the far-right leg­is­la­tion through their cham­ber by fever­ish­ly pres­sur­ing mod­er­ates in the clos­ing days.

Republicans passed the bill 217 – 213, with 20 Republicans vot­ing “no” and not a sin­gle Democrat vot­ing in support.

But what seems like a vic­to­ry for House Republicans may ulti­mate­ly be their down­fall.

Democrats were of two minds about Republicans advanc­ing the bill, which would gut some of Obamacare’s most pop­u­lar pro­vi­sions (includ­ing pro­tec­tions for peo­ple with pre-exist­ing con­di­tions as well as the Medicaid expansion).

On one hand, Democrats des­per­ate­ly want­ed to pro­tect President Barack Obama’s sig­na­ture law. On the oth­er hand, Democrats believe ― per­haps cor­rect­ly ― that this extreme­ly con­ser­v­a­tive bill can’t pass the Senate, and that House Republicans may have just hung a pro­found­ly unpop­u­lar leg­is­la­tion around the necks of some of their most vul­ner­a­ble members.

As Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D‑Calif.) told Republicans dur­ing her floor speech before the vote, Democrats plan to tat­too every pro­vi­sion of this bill to the fore­heads of Republicans. “You will glow in the dark,” Pelosi said.

While Republicans were cheer­ing as they crossed a pass­ing thresh­old, Democrats began singing to their coun­ter­parts a pop­u­lar anthem, “Na-na-na-NA, na-na-NA, hey, hey, hey! Goodbye!

A num­ber of vul­ner­a­ble Republicans also held off on vot­ing for the bill until it was clear lead­er­ship need­ed their vote. Of par­tic­u­lar note, Carlos Curbelo (R‑Fla.), Darrell Issa (R‑Calif.), and Peter Roskam (R‑Ill.) all wait­ed to see if their votes would be need­ed before they sup­port­ed the bill. Ultimately, lead­er­ship need­ed all of them.

When Democrats passed the health care law in 2010, many mem­bers knew it was com­ing at the expense of their seats. They did it, how­ev­er, because it was pol­i­cy they deeply believed in, pro­tect­ing mil­lions of sick and poor Americans while grow­ing the num­ber of insured in the coun­try to record highs.

Republicans marched off this poten­tial polit­i­cal cliff know­ing their bill would unin­sure mil­lions, under­mine pro­tec­tions for the sick and poor, and prob­a­bly face lit­tle chance of becom­ing law ― and they did it with­out a revised score from the Congressional Budget Office.

But at least it’s off their plate.

That was the think­ing among many mem­bers who just want­ed to advance the process to the Senate and ful­fill a promise that every Republican ran on: To repeal and replace Obamacare.

As long as we get anoth­er vote on the con­fer­ence report, which we will, then there’s all kinds of ways to block [it] in the future if it doesn’t work out.Rep. Daniel Webster (R‑Fla.)

A num­ber of the last remain­ing hold­outs on the GOP health care leg­is­la­tion said in the clos­ing days that they just want­ed to move on. One vul­ner­a­ble Republican, Rep. Martha McSally of Arizona, told mem­bers in a closed door meet­ing on Thursday that they just had to “get this fuck­ing thing done,” accord­ing to mem­bers and aides present.

Rep. Daniel Webster (R‑Fla.), one of the last Republicans to flip from no to yes, changed his posi­tion after he got assur­ances from President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Speaker Paul Ryan (R‑Wis.) that they would address Webster’s con­cern about Florida hav­ing to pick up a claw­back in fed­er­al fund­ing for seniors in nurs­ing homes, even though that fix isn’t in the leg­is­la­tion and lead­ers haven’t agreed on what they’ll do.

We got sev­er­al on line,” Webster said Thursday. “We’re work­ing on those, we’re going to get some scores and so forth before we actu­al­ly com­mit, and I’m will­ing to do that.”

Pressed that he was, in essence, vot­ing to pass the leg­is­la­tion before he knows what will ulti­mate­ly be in it, Webster said he was just advanc­ing the process.

There’s plen­ty of votes between now and the end. This is for this vote,” he said.

As long as we get to a process,” Webster added. “As long as we have a con­fer­ence, as long as the Senate has to vote, as long as we get anoth­er vote on the con­fer­ence report, which we will, then there’s all kinds of ways to block [it] in the future if it doesn’t work out.”

Republicans are also vot­ing on this lat­est leg­is­la­tion with­out a CBO score, a fact Republicans either shrugged off or denied, claim­ing that an ear­li­er score was sufficient.

We already had the Congressional Budget score when we did the main bill,” Rep. David McKinley (R‑W.V.) told reporters Thursday morn­ing. “These are amend­ments that only per­fect­ed, [and] do not add costs.”

McKinley added that the CBO score could “only get bet­ter” with the lat­est amend­ments, but when pressed how he knew that, McKinley ignored the question.

The amend­ments that McKinley believes will improve the leg­is­la­tion were crit­i­cal to get­ting the bill over the fin­ish line. The first amend­ment, which brought rough­ly 20 Freedom Caucus mem­bers who were vot­ing no to yes, would allow states to opt out of the Obamacare pro­vi­sions ensur­ing that peo­ple with pre-exist­ing con­di­tions are charged the same amount as healthy peo­ple, as well as the pro­vi­sions man­dat­ing that insur­ers cov­er 10 Essential Health Benefits ― things like lab ser­vices, mater­ni­ty care, and emer­gency room visits.

That amend­ment, worked out between mod­er­ate leader Rep. Tom MacArthur (R‑N.J.) and Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R‑N.C.), was key to reviv­ing health care talks, after the first ver­sion of the bill was pulled from the floor at the end of March.

That MacArthur and Meadows’ amend­ment will be dif­fi­cult for the CBO to score, as they’ll have to pre­dict whether states opt out of those Affordable Care Act pro­vi­sions and set up a high-risk pool for sick peo­ple. (One of the con­di­tions of a state waiv­ing those reg­u­la­tions is that it estab­lish­es a high-risk pool.)

Republicans argue the high-risk pools are a suf­fi­cient pro­tec­tion for those peo­ple with pre-exist­ing con­di­tions, though, his­tor­i­cal­ly, those pools have been under­fund­ed and peo­ple in them have paid much high­er pre­mi­ums and deductibles. The Center for American Progress esti­mat­ed ear­li­er this week that the Republican health care bill under­funds the high-risk pools by $200 bil­lion over 10 years.

In a small bow to mod­er­ates, GOP lead­ers agreed to accept an amend­ment that would add $8 bil­lion over five years for states that waive those Obamacare reg­u­la­tions to help peo­ple fac­ing high­er pre­mi­ums. Upton, who was a “no” vote on the bill ear­li­er in the week, said lead­er­ship told him $5 bil­lion would cov­er the costs of those high­er pre­mi­ums and he got $8 bil­lion, though Upton doesn’t know where those fig­ures came from and the Center for American Progress esti­mates it would only cov­er the costs of about 80,000 peo­ple ― a tiny por­tion of the peo­ple who could be affect­ed by the change.

Either way, that amend­ment brought Upton and fel­low Energy and Commerce mem­ber Rep. Billy Long (R‑Mo.) back to a “yes” vote, and it was lat­er treat­ed as a key rea­son­ing for Reps. David Young (R‑Iowa,) Jeff Denham (R‑Calif.), and David Valadao (R‑Calif.) ― three poten­tial­ly vul­ner­a­ble Republicans who had been hold­ing out ― to flip to a “yes” vote.

Those three mem­bers were key to lead­er­ship mov­ing ahead, but there were dozens more Republicans who said they were unde­cid­ed about the leg­is­la­tion that lead­er­ship had to win over.

While this bill’s pas­sage will be treat­ed as a vic­to­ry for Paul Ryan and Donald Trump ― and, at least in the short-term, it is ― Republicans have chief deputy whip Rep. Patrick McHenry (R‑N.C.) to thank for shoring up sup­port among many doubt­ful mem­bers. McHenry worked the floor fran­ti­cal­ly in the week lead­ing up to the vote, con­vinc­ing fence-sit­ting Republicans to help lead­er­ship out by vot­ing “yes.”

Of course, Meadows and MacArthur were also instru­men­tal in reviv­ing the bill, and Trump’s force of char­ac­ter may have helped per­suade some mem­bers not to cross him. But on the president’s first real leg­isla­tive bat­tle, he showed that he can lose and he can “win” ― if you believe Republicans pass­ing any bill at any cost con­sti­tutes a win ― as long as he most­ly stays out of the spe­cif­ic negotiations.