Tip Of The Day.…

As we con­tin­ue to observe mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force dis­play lax atti­tudes in the way they approach and appre­hend sus­pects at the per­il of their own lives , we con­tin­ue to offer advise to mem­bers who inter­act with the pub­lic most frequently.
That usu­al­ly falls on the junior officers.

Everything about this reeks “wrong

We also try to edu­cate and inform the pub­lic on it’s rights and respon­si­bil­i­ties when deal­ing with police officers.
Since it appears there is a cri­sis of lead­er­ship both at the junior and senior man­age­ment lev­els of the JCF, we will con­tin­ue to offer these tips with a view to help­ing offi­cers under­stand that in order for them to pro­tect oth­ers they must first learn to pro­tect themselves.
Additionally it is impor­tant as well, that we con­tin­ue to advise and edu­cate the pub­lic to it’s respon­si­bil­i­ties in this arrange­ment between itself and law enforcement.

This type of traf­fic stop is almost car­toon-like in it’s out­dat­ed and dan­ger­ous approach.

Conduct pro­fes­sion­al, safe traf­fic stops.

  1. Remember your train­ing. No traf­fic stop is rou­tine. When con­duct­ing a stop, con­sid­er when and where to ini­ti­ate the stop and the best loca­tion for the dri­ver to stop.
  2. Notify the dis­patch­er. Make sure that the dis­patch­er knows your loca­tion and the stopped vehicle’s license, make and mod­el before mak­ing con­tact with the driver.
  3. Create a safe­ty lane for your­self. Be sure to off­set your vehi­cle behind the stopped vehi­cle to cre­ate a safe­ty lane. Turn tires out and con­sid­er a pas­sen­ger side approach to con­tact the driver.
  4. Communication is crit­i­cal. Remember that the first words spo­ken by an offi­cer may very well deter­mine the tone of the encounter and even the even­tu­al out­come. Similarly, the last words are also very impor­tant and may be the basis of a last­ing impres­sion of the offi­cer and agency.
  5. Stops at night or low light con­di­tions: Use your take­down lights, and/​or spot light to light the inte­ri­or of the stopped vehi­cle. Placing the spot light direct­ly into the rear view mir­ror of the stopped vehi­cle can help cov­er your approach.
  6. Pay atten­tion to the ver­bal and phys­i­cal cues from the dri­ver. Excessive rep­e­ti­tion of requests or instruc­tions by the dri­ver can be an indi­ca­tion of a prob­lem, as is tak­ing a long time to find doc­u­ments such as driver’s license, reg­is­tra­tion or insur­ance card.
  7. Control the stop. You con­trol that vehi­cle and its pas­sen­gers for the dura­tion of the stop. If you feel it is nec­es­sary, request assis​tance​.Talk to you later..