Evidence Surfacing Of More Dirty Cops Planting Evidence On Innocent Civilians…

It is hard to believe these things hap­pen, that these peo­ple who are paid by tax­pay­ers could under any cir­cum­stances do these things to the very peo­ple they are sworn to pro­tect and serve.
In this video you will see for your­selves, two mem­bers of the NYPD not only plant evi­dence on a total­ly inno­cent man but phys­i­cal­ly bru­tal­ized a man who was still recov­er­ing from a stab wound to his abdomen.

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After plant­i­ng mar­i­jua­na into the car they bru­tal­ized the injured man who had to be tak­en to the hos­pi­tal where to add insult to injury the man was hand­cuffed to a hos­pi­tal bed for five days.
Not know­ing that the video exist­ed the man plead guilt to the pos­ses­sion of mar­i­jua­na charge.
The video was obtained through a free­dom of infor­ma­tion request done by the [Intercept].
The trag­ic thing is that the NYPD knew that the two crim­i­nals plant­ed evi­dence and bru­tal­ized this poor man, yet the depart­ment did noth­ing and allowed a total­ly inno­cent man to plead guilty to a crime he nev­er com­mit­ted.
Both crim­i­nals are still on the NYPD.
