Baltimore Mayor: Gunshot Victims Occupying Needed Hospital Beds For Coronavirus Patients

Baltimore, MD — During this time of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, sense­less vio­lence has con­tin­ued to increase in Baltimore, Maryland. Mayor Jack Young is appeal­ing to the res­i­dents to stop the mass shoot­ings so local hos­pi­tal can be bet­ter used to treat those infect­ed with COVID-19 instead of the vic­tims of crime.

To date, the city of Baltimore has 8 con­firmed cas­es, but the city has also seen an increase in vio­lent crimes. Last Tuesday, sev­en peo­ple were shot in the Madison Park neigh­bor­hood and all were tak­en to local hospitals.

Young urged peo­ple to stop the vio­lence because “we can­not clog up our hos­pi­tals and their beds with peo­ple that are being shot sense­less­ly because we’re going to need those beds for peo­ple infect­ed with the coro­n­avirus. And it could be your moth­er, your grand­moth­er or one of your rel­a­tives. So take that into con­sid­er­a­tion,” Young told CBS News.

Commissioner Michael Harrison said the inci­dent that hap­pened on Tuesday is still being inves­ti­gat­ed. A city offi­cer report­ed­ly chased the alleged sus­pect in the shoot­ing as he was flee­ing the scene.

The offi­cer tried to shoot the sus­pect, but it has yet been known if the sus­pect was struck. The offi­cer, how­ev­er, sus­tained some minor injuries.

The police depart­ment said they are increas­ing their vis­i­bil­i­ty in the areas where the crime has increased.

For those of you who want to con­tin­ue to shoot and kill peo­ple of this city, we’re not going to tol­er­ate it,” Young said. “We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you.”
