Raphael Cruz, Marco Rubio, Enrique Tarrio, Et Al ‚Trump’s Cuban Waterboys…

I total­ly under­stand the sense of bewil­der­ment you feel when con­sid­er­ing the two Cuban-Americans in the United States Senate. How could any ratio­nal per­son feel any­thing but dis­dain and rev­o­lu­tion at them for being such slav­ish sup­pli­cants to the cause of white supremacy?
I have ten­ta­tive­ly broached the sub­ject a few times on these pages; how­ev­er, it bears a deep­er dive to bear out what actu­al­ly dri­ves the two Cubans.
Some pun­dits argue that most of Latin America’s peo­ple are prac­tic­ing Catholics, which explains why Hispanics grav­i­tate to the heretics in the Fascist Republican par­ty, which they claim is a polit­i­cal par­ty of Christian Conservatives.
There is some truth to that argu­ment, but how does one explain the oth­er half or so who come from the region that prac­tices their reli­gion but will have noth­ing to do with the Republican par­ty because of its racist and dis­crim­i­na­to­ry policies?
In try­ing to under­stand Raphael Cruz & Marco Rubio’s actions, it is impor­tant to under­stand how racism shaped behav­iors in the Americas, includ­ing on the Island of Cuba, before the Castro Revolution.
It is also impor­tant to under­stand the broad­er con­text of how enslaved African peo­ple were treat­ed in the region and the lengths some have gone to be dis­as­so­ci­at­ed from the specter of the reviled black skin.

Trump’s water­boy

The unimag­in­able bru­tal­i­ty and bar­barism that African-Americans suf­fered for hun­dreds of years did not come from the hands of [Christians] as they want you to believe. (a)They came from the hands of peo­ple who called them­selves Christian Crusaders.
So the idea of America’s birth from pil­grims who came to the new world try­ing to prac­tice their Religion is a fly­ing unicorn.
The truth is that the peo­ple who came here were pris­on­ers who faced exe­cu­tion in Europe. They had the choice of leav­ing for the Colonies or dying; the oth­er choice was life impris­on­ment in the dun­geons they called pris­ons. They chose the colonies. Australia, America, New Zealand was born.
The prac­tice of ship­ping mur­der­ers, rapists, and oth­er dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals to America only came to an end after the civ­il war end­ed. Have you ever asked your­selves how Religious peo­ple could be that bar­bar­ic and evil?

Raphael Cruz, the oth­er waterboy

Cubans of Spanish ances­try dis­crim­i­nat­ed against their African coun­ter­parts, even though they them­selves were large­ly out­casts who were brought there to work the sug­ar plan­ta­tions., The tox­ic can­cer of racism exist­ed in Cuba from the start and through­out the Spanish American war.
Fidel Castro’s rev­o­lu­tion became the great equal­iz­er, even though the Castro’s came from Spanish ancestry.
The hatred Cubans in America feel for Castro, and his rev­o­lu­tion, runs far deep­er than just the pover­ty brought on by the American blockade.
It is a deep hatred and a long­ing for the satel­lite apartheid state they oper­at­ed under cor­rupt White and Spanish men lead­ing to Batista’s fall. The Spanish trash in Cuba always treat­ed Blacks like sec­ond class citizens.
I won­der why Raphael Cruz went to lengths to change his name from Raphael to Ted, Hum? It is also not out of the ordi­nary that dark-skinned Cubans that have emerged from out of Cuba speak Spanish and des­per­ate­ly iden­ti­fy with the Latin side of their iden­ti­ty instead of their true African identity.
If you are not con­vinced about these facts, trav­el through Miami’s inter­na­tion­al air­port, or have some deal­ings with the Miami Police Department or any oth­er gov­ern­ment agency in that city that is over­run with them.
Cubans see them­selves as whites, trac­ing their blood­line to Spain, of course, the inter­min­gling and inter­mar­riage may have some­thing to say about that Eurocentricity they crave to iden­ti­fy with.
The lan­guage was forced on the African slaves, the skin they can­not shed, but the caste sys­tem that still exists on the Island, to a less­er extent today, they all pre­tend to be European, rather than African.

Enrique Tarrio Faces Three Years in Jail Over Weapon Charges Outlined in Court Files
The face of a domes­tic ter­ror­ist Enrique Tarrio.

About one-fourth of Cubans are mulat­toes (of mixed European and African lin­eage), and some two-thirds are descen­dants of white Europeans, main­ly from Spain. Whites have been the dom­i­nant eth­nic group for cen­turies, monop­o­liz­ing the direc­tion of the econ­o­my and access to edu­ca­tion and oth­er gov­ern­ment ser­vices. Although mulat­toes have become increas­ing­ly promi­nent since the mid-20th cen­tu­ry, some mulat­toes and blacks (of African her­itage) still face racial dis­crim­i­na­tion. (Brittanica).
During the admin­is­tra­tion of our first African-American President, the lit­tle mon­grel Cuban Senator from Cuba, Marco Rubio, told Fox that the pres­i­dent has no class. “We have a pres­i­dent now that does self­ie-stick videos, that invites YouTube stars there, peo­ple that eat cere­al out of a bath­tub.” President Obama once made a video for [Buzzfeed] where he tried to use a self­ie-stick that attach­es to a cell­phone to take pic­tures and invit­ed YouTube stars to inter­view him. One of those, GloZell Green, once made a video that went viral of her eat­ing cere­al in a bathtub.
Since that com­ment, the lit­tle Cuban grem­lin has become a slav­ish water­boy for the worst crim­i­nal ever to occu­py the white house.
Not only has he not crit­i­cized the low life, Donald Trump, for his count­less crimes and indis­cre­tions, but he has also become apol­o­gists for him, ren­der­ing the label mon­grel too good to describe Rubio.

Raphael Cruz and Marco Rubio are prod­ucts of their his­to­ry, their past & their present. They are con­tin­u­al­ly run­ning from who, they real­ly are, try­ing to be seen as some­thing else.
Anything but who they real­ly are!
So it is no sur­prise to me to learn that anoth­er Cuban, Enrique Tarrio, a Cuban black try­ing to be some­one else, was an FBI infor­mant, now await­ing tri­al for his crimes.
In December 2020, (black enterprise)reported that Black Lives Matter signs out­side of sev­er­al his­toric Black church­es in Washington D.C. were burned and destroyed dur­ing a pro-Trump ral­ly. When Tarrio appeared on a “Warboys” pod­cast inter­view that month, he took respon­si­bil­i­ty and stat­ed he was “the per­son that went ahead and put the lighter to it and engulfed it in flames. “I’m damn proud I did,” he said.
The lit­tle mutt went on to pon­tif­i­cate on the Parler web­site that “against the wish­es of his attor­ney, I am here today to admit that I am the per­son respon­si­ble for the burn­ing of this sign.”
He also dared police offi­cers to arrest him, writ­ing: “Come get me if you feel like what I did was wrong. We’ll let the pub­lic decide.”
Running from who they are, try­ing to be accept­ed, I get it but chang­ing your name and com­mit­ting crimes is hard­ly the way to go about gain­ing acceptance.
Just ask Raphael Cruz; his col­leagues in the Senate hates his guts; worse yet, even his chil­dren can­not stand him.
Guys, please get a grip of your­selves, gain some self-respect.




.Mike writes for thinkers.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
